Published Thursday 20 May 2021 at 14:01
The Council, representatives of Blackburn and District Model Aircraft Club and officers from the British Model Flying Association (BMFA) have met to discuss the new National regulations for operating unmanned aircrafts, including model aircraft.
The Club have produced a comprehensive risk assessment to take account of the new regulations and have also voluntarily introduced the following measures to ensure safe operating practice:
- No models over 7.5Kg will be flown.
- No gas turbine powered models will be flown.
- Rotorcraft will be incorporated into the main field activity so all aircrafts take off and land on the same field.
- The maximum numbers of aircraft airborne at any time is limited to 6
- Additional spotters will be used to alert flyers to any hazards.
Councillor Damian Talbot, Executive Member for Health and Wellbeing, said:
I am pleased that the Council and the Flying club have been able to meet and reach an agreement on a range of additional safe operating procedures to enable the club to continue flying at Pleasington.
Whilst we have to take into account the safety of all park users, we also have to bear in mind the club have flown aircrafts at the site for over 80 years with an impeccable safety record. The club have also implemented a range of new safety measures including a maximum number of six aircraft flying at any one time and a limit on the weight and type of aircraft which can fly at the site.
We hope that the Club and residents feel that this is a reasonable compromise to ensure the continuation of safe flying operations from the site.
Blackburn and District Model Aircraft Club Chairman Chris Boardman said:
We are grateful that the Council agreed to meet with us and the British Model Flying Association to agree a way forward to allow the club to continue flying at Pleasington.
Model aeroplane flying is a recognised sport and this is the only site we have for this activity in the borough. Flying is a hobby that brings residents of all ages together for a common interest so we are really pleased that we are able to continue flying safely from this site.
Andy Symons, BMFA flying site adviser and David Phipps, BMFA CEO, said the new limitations put in place have provided a “sensible compromise”.
He added:
We are glad that the outcome of the meeting with the Council and the club has allowed model aircraft enthusiasts to continue flying from Pleasington adapting to the new regulations.