Micropub ready to be your new local?

Published Wednesday 23 November 2016 at 16:43

Blackburn’s new micropub, which opens this weekend, is set to celebrate the best of local fare.

The Drummer’s Arms on King William Street, which throws open its doors on Saturday  (November 26), is the latest enterprise from husband and wife team, James and Katy Quayle from Darwen.

The pair currently run Q-ale, a business hiring pop-up bars to events and festivals, and help fit out micropubs, an increasingly popular phenomenon of small one room pubs that focus on real ales and shun electronic entertainment.

It was while running a bar at a town centre event that James, who previously ran a homebrew shop in Darwen, spotted his new premises on King William Street.

“I said to myself that would make a great micropub and nearly 12 months later here we are.

“With some larger pubs and bars you go in they all have the same generic beers on offer but with a micropub you have more choice and we’re more flexible about what we can sell.”

Beer fans will be able to enjoy local offerings from Darwen breweries, Three B’s Brewery and Hopstar, alongside an ever-changing variety of guest ales from around the country, as well as boutique gins and whiskies.

Also on sale will be pies made by Lancashire butchers Dales, fairtrade coffee and speciality teas. Even music will have a local element, with the jukebox stocked with CDs from local unsigned bands.

Sunday afternoons will see local musicians invited to take part in an open mic session and live music is planned for another night in the week.

Katy says, “We plan to offer the best experience in Blackburn. The Drummer’s Arms will be a cosy, friendly space, giving a new twist to the the traditional pub feel.

“We’re really looking forward to welcoming discerning customers to enjoy quality service and excellent products, and we have some great events planned for the future.”