Published Wednesday 16 June 2021 at 12:54
It’s Men’s Health Week and the BwD Wellbeing team are sharing information on a variety of topics this week.
Whether it’s for yourself or the men in all our lives – fathers, brothers, partners, sons, friends and colleagues – you’ll find something to help you support men’s health and fitness.
Meet Richard
I would recommend other men to speak up if they are stressed, as the support is out there
BwD’s leisure, health and wellbeing partnerships manager, Richard, has experienced stress before, and as a competitive person he sees overcoming it as a challenge. Richard is able to recognise when istress is affecting his mood and energy levels, or is impacting on his health and wellbeing overall.
Richard says: “I have a high tolerance, or resilience, which has been helping me through some challenging changes in my position recently.
“My work life balance helps to manage stress levels, plus the flexibility of being able to spend time with my family and have that break from work during the day.
“I’m very organised and use lists, writing lots of notes to track my work load. But stress isn’t just about work. Personal matters can be in the mix too.
“I feel comfortable to talk about stress openly with my manager. And I’m careful to try not to project any stress to other members of my team. I would recommend other men to speak up if they are stressed, as the support is out there. It’s not a sign of weakness and will not be perceived in a negative way. This is only way to let others help make changes that will help you.”
If you want to talk to someone about stress contact the Wellbeing HUB Mental Wellbeing | Teamtalk (blackburn.gov.uk)
More support is available online Men’s Health Week – Men’s Health Forum (menshealthforum.org.uk)