Making it easier to get Covid jabs for 5-11 year olds this summer

Published Wednesday 13 July 2022 at 13:54

More Covid vaccination appointment slots are available to parents and carers in Blackburn with Darwen for their children over the school summer holidays.

Previously parents could only make appointments on Saturday and Sundays, and after school.

But as of Monday 11 July, appointments are available at the Blackburn Cathedral mass vaccination site at all times the site is open.

Walk-ins without an appointment are welcome too.

Coun Julie Gunn, Executive Member for Children & Education, commented:

We’re encouraging parents to make the most of the opportunity to take their children to be vaccinated at any time that suits them when the site is open over summer.

With Covid rates on the rise again, it’s important that we all do everything we can to protect ourselves and our loved ones. The vaccine is still our greatest defence against the virus, and prevents us becoming very unwell if we do catch Covid.

While we’re only just enjoying some summer weather, we’re looking ahead to autumn and winter – and we’re uncertain what they will bring in terms of another Covid wave.

It is particularly important for Year 6 pupils moving up to high school in September to be vaccinated to give them the greatest protection and avoid them having to take time off if they get poorly with Covid.

Blackburn Cathedral mass vaccination site is open:

  • Mon to Sat 9:30am – 5:15pm
  • Sun 10:30am – 3:15pm

Jane Scattergood, lead clinician for Lancashire and South Cumbria COVID-19 Vaccination Programme, said:

Vaccines remain our best defence against COVID-19 and will reduce the risk of children becoming seriously ill if they do contract this virus.

We know COVID-19 cases are rising in the community so I strongly encourage parents of children aged five to 11 to read the NHS information available and book a vaccine to make sure your family and loved ones are protected.

The vaccine is safe and effective for children in this age group and appointments have been made longer so families can speak with clinicians to make an informed decision while making it stress-free for children.

The Blackburn Cathedral mass vaccination site offers vaccinations to everyone over the age of 5 years.

The vaccine doses available to children and young people is:

  • Ages five to 15 – first and second dose
  • Ages 16 and over – first, second and booster dose

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