Local health and care leaders urge residents to help save lives

Published Monday 6 April 2020 at 12:45

Senior leaders of the Blackburn with Darwen Local Integrated Care Partnership have urged residents to continue to do their bit to help fight the coronavirus by always following government advice.

Darwen GP Dr Mohammed Umer, Chair of the Local Primary Care Federation, and Councillor Mohammed Khan, Leader of the Council, also praised the development of the Blackburn with Darwen Help Hub in a joint statement on behalf of the partnership.

The Partnership,  made up of GP practices, local NHS organisations, the Council and community and voluntary organisations and sees the organisations working more closely to deliver develop health and care services that are delivered in people’s communities and designed around their needs.

The statement reads:

“This is unprecedented public health crisis and sadly, it is likely to get worse before it gets better.

But, as leaders in the Blackburn with Darwen health and care system, please be reassured the Council, the NHS, GPs and community and voluntary sector are working together in the fight against COVID-19.

This crisis will have a massive impact on our way of life but if everyone works together and supports each other, we will be able come through this.

The partnership has come together to form the Blackburn with Darwen Help hub, a central hub to support residents through the Coronavirus.

Our primary care neighbourhoods and integrated neighbourhood teams are playing key roles in the hub. It will provide a range of support to people in need of assistance.

It shows what partnership working can deliver.

We also urge people to all do their bit.

Everyone has a role in combating this disease.

Everyone can do their bit to help.

We can do our bit by always:

  • following government advice
  • By staying at home
  • Only going out if it’s absolutely necessary such as getting essential supplies
  • When going out, being very careful to keep 2m away from other people


You can save lives by following the these simple rules. You can protect others and yourself. You can protect our NHS and social care frontline staff by adhering to these steps.

By not following them, you are putting people’s lives at risk.”

Dr Mohammed Umer, Chair of the Local Primary Care Federation and Clinical Director, Blackburn with Darwen Primary Care Networks.

Councillor Mohammed Khan, Leader of Blackburn with Darwen Council