Local event kicks off breastfeeding celebration week

Published Thursday 12 June 2014 at 12:02

Livesey Children’s and All Age Centre in Blackburn will host a special event on Monday June 16 as part of Lancashire’s ‘Celebrating Breastfeeding Week’.

The event, from 12-3pm, will kick start the week-long celebration of breast feeding in East Lancashire, which runs to June 22. Visitors to Livesey can enjoy a promotional discounted healthy lunch, complimentary cake, giveaways and both indoor and outdoor activities. All are welcome including pregnant mums.

With events all across East Lancashire, the week will be used to encourage mums-to-be to think about the first feed and to give breastfeeding a go.

Councillor Mohammed Khan, Executive Member for Health and Adult Social Care, said:

“There’s a lot of support out there for mothers in Blackburn with Darwen to help them through the breastfeeding process and the event on the 16th should give those who come down a good flavour of what’s available.”

For more information on the event or for information and support on feeding contact: Donna Butler or Sue Henry on (01254) 732673.