Published Tuesday 29 November 2016 at 15:48
A local care worker is celebrating after being named home care worker of the year at a prestigious awards ceremony.
The Great British Care Awards are a series of nine regional awards celebrating excellence across the care sector. Their purpose is to promote best practice in both home care and care homes sectors as well as pay tribute to those individuals who have demonstrated outstanding excellence within their field of work.
Having won Blackburn’s Choice Care’s inaugural care awards earlier in 2016, Minhajjuddin Patel, or Minni as he is known by his colleagues, was shortlisted for the regional awards dinner held in Manchester on November 11, accompanied by his wife Tayyeba, Manager Tracie Scholes and colleague Stacey Barker.
Speaking at the event Minni said:
I was very pleased to find out that I have won the award and to be able to represent the North West of England at the National Awards. I am very thankful to the registered manager of Choice Care, Tracie Scholes and Andrew Key for nominating me. I wouldn’t have achieved this award without their support and guidance.”
Manager, Andrew Key said:
I can’t begin to tell you how proud we all are of Minni winning the award and I know that as news filters through to his colleagues and service users they will be equally, if not more, proud of him and what we have all been able to achieve. I hope that people are inspired to step into a new career in care with Choice Care where carers are truly valued.”
Filed under : Carer award | Choice Care