Published Monday 16 November 2020 at 14:42
A landlord has been ordered to pay more than £500 in court fines and charges for failing to remove rubbish from outside a rental property.
Philip Ashton, 58, of The Drive, Brockhall Village, was prosecuted following complaints about issues with rubbish outside a property he rents out in Infirmary Street.
He was one of six people brought before the courts by Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council over waste issues between February and October 2020.
The court heard that the defendants had ignored repeated calls from the Council to clean up the mess and offers of support.
Collectively, they were ordered to pay more than £3,000 in court fines and charges.
Councillor Jim Smith, Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council’s Executive Member for Environment said:
We don’t take action like this lightly, but I hope cases like this act as a real warning to anyone who thinks its okay to let rubbish pile up on their properties.
Even landlords who don’t live in the area will be named, shamed and hit with hefty fines for leaving a mess in our borough.
It is a blight on the environment and it is not fair on the residents who live nearby.
The council’s Environmental Waste Crime Team has been working hard throughout the pandemic to make sure that the borough is kept free from waste offences such as these.
Councillor Smith added:
Residents should not have to tolerate their neighbour’s mess – which is why I encourage anyone to get in touch if you are having issues where you live. You can do this anonymously on the Council website.
I also encourage any residents who have problems with waste mounting up on their properties to please ask for support.
There are many ways our teams can help – without the costs of going to court.
If you live in Blackburn with Darwen, you can book to visit your local Household Waste Recycling Centre to dispose of any extra waste for free.
Visit: www.blackburn.gov.uk/waste
If you need to dispose of larger items, the Council also offers a low-cost bulky waste collection service starting from just £7.50.
Residents can report issues of waste being left outside a property on the Council website.
Full prosecution details:
For failing to comply with a section 4 notice of the PDPA 1949. (Waste in the rear yard which may provide harbourage for rats and or mice).
Mr Philip Ashton, 58, The Drive, Brockhall Village, Old Langho – in relation to property in Infirmary Street, Blackburn.
Fined £220.00 with £320.00 costs and a £32.00 victim surcharge. Total: £572.00
Proved guilty in absence.
For failing to comply with a Section 80 Notice of the EPA (accumulation of waste in rear yard):
Miss Kayleigh Anne Jolley, 29, Warwick Court, Blackburn. Fined £440.00 with £320.00 costs and a £32.00 victim surcharge. Total: £792.00
Proved guilty in absence.
Mr Ryan Talbot, 33, Whitehaven Close, Blackburn. Fined £440.00 with £320.00 costs and a £44.00 victim surcharge. Total: £804.00
Proved guilty in absence.
Mr Wayne Mason, 43, Accrington Road, Blackburn. Fined £440.00 with £320.00 costs and a £44.00 victim surcharge. Total: £804.00
Proved guilty in absence.
Mr Alexander O’Neill, 30, Seven Trees Avenue, Blackburn. Fined £220.00 with £160.00 costs and a £34.00 victim surcharge. Total: £414.00
Proved guilty in absence.
Miss Crystal Savery, 30, Seven Trees Avenue, Blackburn. Fined £220.00 with £160.00 costs and a £34.00 victim surcharge. Total: £414.00
Proved guilty in absence.