A Great Get Together at Creative Support on Wellington Street.
Published Tuesday 20 June 2017 at 12:20
People from all over the borough came together last week to mark The Great Get Together.
Held in memory of MP Jo Cox, the national event was aimed at bringing people together to celebrate everything that we all have in common and to bring communities closer together.
Jo Cox, was killed on 16 June last year and her family wanted the event to draw attention to the majority of people who reject divisive politics and who simply want to celebrate everything that unites us.
Events that took place in Blackburn and Darwen included a Social Inclusion Football match at Blackburn Rovers Indoor Centre held on Friday and a Community Picnic at Witton Park organised by Blacksnape Residents’ Group on Sunday.
Leader of the Council, Councillor Mohammed Khan, attended an art initiative at Creative Support on Wellington Street, Blackburn.
The event saw service users and street neighbours come together to decorate a giant canvas with messages and symbols of hope and togetherness.
Councillor Mohammed Khan, said:
“The Great Get Together is a wonderful idea and a fitting way to remember the inspirational MP Jo Cox who believed people have far more in common than they have things that divide them. ”
“Especially following the appalling events of recent weeks we need now more than ever to realise that together we are stronger and to send the message that we will not those who want to turn us against each other succeed.”