Home win for transformation of AFC Darwen

Published Wednesday 27 January 2021 at 10:09

Planning permission has been granted for a brand new facility to be built at the ground of AFC Darwen.

The work is one of four projects ear-marked to benefit from £750,000 of ‘quick-win’ Darwen Town Deal funding secured by the board from Government.

The multi-function facility will offer space for teaching, conferences and a sports bar and is part of wider plans to create a state-of-the-art new sports village.

Wayne Wild, Chair of the Town Deal Board, said:

It’s such a good feeling to see the ball rolling on these projects.

As part of the Darwen Town Deal we are looking to create a fantastic new sports village with this funding for AFC Darwen, the Junction4 Skatepark, an elite cricket academy at Darwen Vale and more.

These facilities will be some of the best around – in the country even – and will be equipped to host national and international events – bringing in visitors to help support the town’s economy and create much-needed jobs.

It’s also a chance to inspire the town’s youngsters – encouraging them to develop their passion and love of sports in these first-class facilities, facilities that will benefit the whole community.

The planning permission for the new facility as AFC Darwen has now been rubber stamped by Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council.

No objections were received.

The planning application sets out how the work will be undertaken in a three-phased approach to allow for the ground’s continued use.

It could also pave the way for future improvements to the rest of the site – which could include a brand new stand for spectators.

The move comes after more than £500,000 of private investment and a successful bid for an FA/Buildbase grant was used to upgrade the grass pitch to a state of the art 3G pitch and changing room facilities there.

Wayne added:

AFC Darwen really is an important part of the fabric of the town – it’s proudly one of the oldest football clubs in the world.

This Town Deal funding can help make a real difference by upgrading the facilities to make them fit for a successful, modern club.

It will also improve the community offer – creating a facility that could host fitness classes, conferences, functions and more.

I’ve no doubt, that this is a chance to make a real difference.

The club was early pioneers in the use of professional footballers in the 1879 FA Cup – which recently featured in the Netflix series, The English Game.

The planning application also sets out how money generated from the new and improved facilities would help fund the teams based there to allow them to develop and progress.

Currently, more than 20 different teams use the facilities including the men’s team, ladies team, juniors and a team of deaf players.

The green light for the planning permission also comes just days after the Council’s Planning Committee agreed to pass plans for restoration work at Darwen Tower – which will also benefit from Town Deal funding.

Councillor Phil Riley, the Council’s Executive Member for Regeneration, said:

This funding gives us the chance to invest in projects that we know are really important to the residents of Darwen and to the town’s future.

In these difficult times, they provide a really glimmer of hope – some really good news to be celebrated.

I’d like to congratulate everyone involved and I look forward to seeing the progress with the new sports village – creating facilities that residents can be really proud of.

A planning application submitted to allow the development of the Junction4 Skatepark to create a ‘world class’ sporting facility are expected to be decided when the Planning Committee next meets on February 18th.