Hive to become a new Community Interest Company

Published Monday 21 September 2015 at 9:19

The borough’s Hive business leaders network is inviting companies from across Blackburn with Darwen to join them at their next event on Thursday, October 8 with Creative Director and fashion designer Patrick Grant.

The event will coincide with the launch of BwD Hive C.I.C – a new not-for-profit Community Interest Company designed to further the objectives of the original Hive business leaders’ network, and ensure that all businesses within the borough, large and small, have the opportunity to play their part.

Hive was first launched in 2012 with the aim of turning Blackburn with Darwen into a world-class business area. Since then, 250 local organisations from micro to multinational have pledged their support.

Khalid Saifullah, Director of Blackburn manufacturing firm Star Tissue and Chair of the Hive network, said:

“We’ve had recognition of Hive’s role in improving the local business environment following our commendation at the 2014 Enterprising Britain Awards; we’ve hosted leading figures from within industry and we’ve celebrated the very best of business via the inaugural Hive Business Awards held at Blackburn Cathedral earlier this year. Working together, the Hive CIC now provides the platform for a sustainable business model and we hope that as many businesses as possible are able to join us at the launch to be inspired and find out more”.

With the help of Hive, business is buzzing in the borough. New investors are in town too with Hive announcing Patrick Grant from BBC televisions’ The Great British Sewing Bee as their main speaker at the event following his decision to take the helm at Cookson and Clegg which has been producing clothing in Blackburn since 1860.

Despite a new structure, the aims of Hive remain the same and are underpinned by the town’s famous motto of arte at labore – by skill and hard work. With a proud history of manufacturing and making, Hive exists to raise the profile of Blackburn with Darwen, locally and across the wider UK, as a great place to do business. With the private and public sectors working together, the borough has set out on attracting more investment and creating new and long-lasting partnerships amongst local business leaders which help the borough to prosper and improve opportunities for residents – especially the borough’s young people.

Councillor Phil Riley, Executive Member for Regeneration at the Council, said:

“Business investment alongside improved opportunities and quality of life for residents are some of the key priorities set out in borough’s Plan for Prosperity. A strong private sector in the form of a Hive network will help us to deliver against those priorities”.

Any businesses wishing to register their interest in attending the Hive event on Thursday, October 8 can do so via the Hive website here