Published Friday 8 September 2017 at 12:06
Generous donations of clothing and shoes have been gifted to a local charity helping families in need across Blackburn and Darwen.
Donations to The Children’s Storehouse, based in Blackburn, were made as part of an appeal to help orphans in Uganda and children in need locally.
The campaign was supported by Blackburn with Darwen Council’s fostering service Let’s Foster to help raise awareness of children in need both locally and internationally.
Last month 2BR and school children from QEGS in Blackburn took donations of clothing, shoes, glasses and underwear for orphaned children in Uganda.
The Council’s Let’s Foster service supported the effort to collect clothes at three Council buildings which were split between the Uganda appeal and donated to children in need locally.
Councillor Maureen Bateson, Executive Member for Children’s Services, said:
As part of the campaign we wanted to make sure that our staff’s kind-hearted donations went to help those people most in need.
Locally we have many children who are waiting for a foster family and by linking in with this campaign it has helped raise awareness of the need for more people to consider fostering and also the global need to help children living in these difficult conditions.
Cllr Bateson added:
I’ve seen first-hand the difference that the Children’s Storehouse makes to the lives of people who need it the most. It is a wonderful example of the generosity that exists in our community to help people less fortunate.
The Council would like to appeal to people who are interested in helping children locally by considering fostering.
In Blackburn with Darwen there’s a shortage of foster carers, particularly for older children, children with disabilities and sibling groups.
Almost anybody can be considered for fostering. If you are single, a couple, in a same sex relationship or even if you are in employment, you can still be considered for fostering.
You don’t have to own your own home to be considered for fostering, as long as you have a spare bedroom and room in your heart.
Locally help is also provided for children and families, by the Blackburn Vineyard Church, which collects second- hand donations for their Children’s Storehouse. Donations are then given free to needy families that have been referred. The Storehouse also has an abundance of re-wear school uniforms as they work together with local school uniform charity Mums the Word.
Senior Pastor at the Vineyard, David Podmore started the charity with his wife Cath in a garage four years ago.
They quickly outgrew the garage, moved to a cellar based at St Paul’s Church, which they outgrew again and moved to their current premises in Red Rose Court, thanks to help from Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council.
The Council helped the Children’s Storehouse set up a shop close to town so disadvantaged families can enjoy a store-style experience when they are referred.
Since opening they have helped over 1,000 familes and 3,000 children in the borough.
David Podmore said:
We would like to thank all the staff at the Council who made such generous donations. All donations are gratefully received and really do go to help those who have very little. Every little helps and we see the difference your kind donations make to people’s lives.
Families are referred the Children’s Storehouse by services such as the Foodbank, the ARC Project, Children’s Centres, Health Visitors, Midwives, health professionals, children’s services and family support workers.
The Children’s Storehouse welcomes clothing and shoe donations but has a particular shortage and waiting list for the below items:
- Cots
- Highchairs
- Double buggies
- Prams
- Travel cots
- Moses baskets
Donations of new toys are reserved to give out for children’s Birthdays and at Christmas. The Vineyard Church also has other facilities such as their Rainbow Lounge for people to come along and chat if they need to and a Light Room for people with Seasonal Defective Disorder (SAD)
The Children’s Storehouse is also appealing for items to be included in baby packs, donated to expectant parents in need. They need nappies, baby grows, baby wipes, dummies, cotton wool etc. Individual items are also welcome.
They are seeking volunteers to help sort through donations or even to wash the clothes at home and are appealing to local mattress suppliers to provide discounted bulk-buy options as they prefer to give new mattresses with cots & moses baskets
You can take donations direct to the Children’s Storehouse in Sunnyhurst Road which is open Mondays and Fridays from 10am to 1pm.
To find out more about fostering in Blackburn with Darwen please visit: www.letsfoster.co.uk or get in touch with us via our Facebook page: letsfoster, email: familyplacement@blackburn.gov.uk or call: 0800 328 6919.
You can take donations direct to the Children’s Storehouse in Sunnyhurst Road which is open Mondays and Fridays from 10am to 1pm. Visit: www.blackburnvineyard.org.uk/children-s-storehouse.html or call (01254) 372359.