Help is out there for you – cost of living

Published Tuesday 13 June 2023 at 13:13

A new phase of the Household Support Scheme has started to carry on helping people with the rising cost of living.

The scheme gives support to people who are struggling with current costs and prices, including food and bills.

The Government announced that the fund would be extended from April 2023 and the £3.2m package will run over the next two years.

The Council has delivered the HSS since October 2021 in partnership with voluntary, community and faith sector partner organisations who work together to get the vital support to those who need it most.

It is aimed at households in work with an annual income threshold below;

  • Single person in work household with a total annual household income below £26,057 gross pay (before tax and NI)
  • More than one person in work households with a total annual income below £38,870 (before tax and NI)

Evidence of all household income will need to be provided- uploaded all family members wage slips with your application.

Or households in receipt of income based benefits with at least 1 minimum criteria below will be considered

  • Physical disability- evidence GP/Hospital letter
  • Learning disability and/or Autism- evidence GP/hospital letter
  • Long term health condition impacted by cold- evidence GP/hospital letter
  • Reliance on electrical equipment to support independent living- evidence GP/hospital letter
  • Vulnerable adults or children supported by mental health services- evidence GP hospital letter
  • Vulnerable families supported by Social worker, family support- evidence name of support worker
  • Vulnerable adult supported by Social worker or adult health and social care- evidence name of support worker
  • Children under 5s including and pregnant mums
  • Carers
  • Recently come off benefits and entered employment- evidence most recent UC/benefits claim statement
  • UC claim is nil- intermittent workers, zero hour contracts-gig economy, variable income- evidence most recent UC/benefits claim statement

Please take a photo of any evidence required showing your name and address for the household member evidence is applicable to and upload with your application.

You will receive a confirmation e-mail once you have submitted your application, a member of the team will call you back within 10 working days to discuss your application and offer support.  Please ensure you provide the correct contact details.

The scheme can provide practical help and advice to support you with the rising costs of food, energy and other household bills.

You may get support with;

  • Gas and electricity costs (bill payer must apply or be named in the application)
  • Water costs
  • Boiler inspection and energy efficiency (if you are a home owner)
  • Reduction of utility bills
  • Affordable food options
  • White goods and children’s beds (1 per household in any 6 months)
  • Support to reduce your outgoings
  • Support to increase your income
  • Support to stay healthy and well

The scheme is delivered by BwD Adults and Prevention Service in partnership with;

  • Age UK
  • BwD Carers
  • BwD Healthy Living
  • Care network
  • Jubilee Tower Credit Union
  • Shelter
  • The Oaks
  • Blackburn Food bank
  • Rummage Rescuers
  • CB partners (SAMS)
  • Community Centres
  • Adult learning/National careers service
  • BwD Wellbeing service
  • More Positive Together
  • Lancashire Volunteering Partnership
  • LSCFT Health Visitors
  • Homestart
  • And a wide range of community, voluntary & faith sector groups

It is one application per household during any 6 month period, including previous schemes.

Councillor Damian Talbot, Executive Member for Public Health, Prevention and Wellbeing, said:

This extension of the Household Support Scheme is very welcome and it will help us to give support to as many people as possible. The cost of living crisis is continuing and we know so many people in our borough are being affected. Please apply if you think you are eligible and we will do everything we can to help.”

Applications are now open. You can apply here: Household Support scheme | Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council

Additional support may be available to you direct from Help for Households – Get government cost of living support