Health Matters at One Voice Mela

Published Thursday 16 July 2015 at 13:58

Health professionals from across the borough will be at the One Voice Mela next weekend.

The Mela, incorporating the Baiter Sehat project in partnership with Blackburn and Darwen Borough Council, aims to promote health in the local community.

The One Voice Health Mela will take place on Sunday 26th July, in Corporation Park, Blackburn from 12pm-5pm. This year’s event is sponsored by Blackburn College.

Angela Ditchfield, Specialist Nurse for Organ Donation said,

“Thousands of people attended the One Voice Mela in 2013. It was a great way of informing people about organ donation and the impact it has on the community.

“Being able to make people aware of organ donation is key and many who attended the Mela signed on to the Organ Donor Register.

“I am looking forward to this year’s Mela.”

Health experts will be on hand at the Mela to meet and greet the public and offer advice and information.

Will Sullivan from the Lancashire Care Trust said,

“This year at the Mela we will be promoting lung health so come along to get a free Lung MOT.”

Raising awareness about health issues and the social aspects of health is imperative to promoting good standards of health within a community and empowering people to take charge of their health.

Claire Moran from Healthwatch BWD said,

“Healthwatch Blackburn with Darwen are your local health and social care watchdog. Come and share your views and experiences with us at the One Voice Mela and find out more about what we do.”

Inspire BwD will also be at the Mela. Melanie Cowan said,

“Inspire BwD integrated drug and alcohol service has established links with One Voice through past partnership working, which we hope will be built upon and developed further in the future. We aim to contribute to the event, by being visible and available for help and advice for anyone who may need it.”

Other health stalls include Stroke Association who will provide a free blood pressure check.

Karen Walker from BwD Carers said,

“We will be at the Mela to tell you all about our service. BwD Carers service support carers and families who provide unpaid care for another family member or friend. This can be through the person they care for having a learning or physical disability, mental ill health or drug/alcohol issues. The majority of our support is free. We look forward to talking to the community in further details.”

Kids can enjoy a fun day at the One Voice Mela with the ‘It’s a Knockout’ competition featuring local groups and mosques. There will also be pony rides and fairground rides as well as a football training session.

The Leader of Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council, Councillor Mohammed Khan, will be officially opening the One Voice Mela,

The One Voice Mela, which is being held as part of the Baiter Sehat campaign in partnership with Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council, aims to promote a positive attitude and to generate an awareness of the range of factors which influence health and wellbeing.

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