Published Friday 18 March 2022 at 15:54
The Boundary Commission for England is undertaking an independent and impartial review of all constituencies in England.
The aim is to make parliamentary seats more equal in terms of the registered electorate living in each area.
At the 2023 Review, the North West region will decrease from 75 to 73 constituencies.
You can have your say before the secondary consultation closes on 4 April.
As constituencies are changing, it’s your chance to help shape the boundaries for your area.
You can do this by taking part in the consultation via http://bcereviews.org.uk.
The website will also show you current constituency and local authority boundaries. You can view the proposals for new constituency boundaries and submit a response about the proposals.
Before the second consultation period closes, you will also be able to:
- view the responses submitted by others; and
- submit a comment supporting or contesting a response from somebody else.
Find out more about the Region report: North West | Boundary Commission for England (independent.gov.uk)
There is also a map available to download of proposed constituencies:
2021-06-08-North-West-Initial-Proposals-5.-Blackburn-BC.pdf (independent.gov.uk)
Filed under : constituency | constituency boundary proposals