Published Tuesday 12 May 2020 at 13:32
The Government has announced that certain business and workplaces are now able to open from Wednesday, May 13th.
It has published guidance for employers to help them get their businesses re-opened in some form and to keep workplaces operating safely.
The full details can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/working-safely-during-coronavirus-covid-19
The guidance applies to businesses currently open and the additional businesses which can open from Wednesday, May 13th, which are: garden centres and outdoor sports facilities such as tennis and basketball courts, golf courses and bowling greens.
Please note that only the outdoor areas are allowed to open and you should only partake in such activities alone, with members of your household, or with one other person from outside your household, while practising social distancing.
Full details of what is allowed to open are here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/further-businesses-and-premises-to-close
The new guidance also includes guidance for shops which may be in a position to begin a phased reopening at the earliest from Monday, June 1st. Guidance for other sectors that are not currently open will be developed and published ahead of those establishments opening to give those businesses time to plan.
If after looking at the guidance you have any further queries please contact us at publicprotection@blackburn.gov.uk
Also, if you have any information about businesses which are open that shouldn’t be or have concerns about social distancing please let us know by emailing: publicprotection@blackburn.gov.uk
Filed under : business | Government guidelines | public protection | re-opening | safety