Garden waste collection – it’s the early bird that gets the discount

Published Tuesday 16 January 2018 at 8:42

Residents in Blackburn and Darwen are being encouraged to get their garden waste annual subscription and take advantage of the early bird £5 discount.

People living in the borough can have all their garden waste collected for an annual subscription fee of just £25 per bin or just £20 if you sign up before 1 February 2018.

The service is optional but last year over 14,500 households signed-up to the scheme – the lowest priced in Lancashire.

Already, more than 6,500 people have signed up for the 2018 service at the  discounted rate. Payment is simple and there are lots of easy ways to pay.

The authority has seen a surge in new subscriptions in recent weeks as gardeners prepare for the first collection of the year in March.

As well as helping residents dispose of garden rubbish, the scheme is also beneficial to the environment with all waste collected sent for composting and turned into a soil improver instead of being disposed of in a landfill site.

Cllr Jim Smith, Executive Member for Environment, said:

“The scheme had over 14,500 households signed-up in 2017 which shows that people find the service valuable. Residents like it because it makes gardening easier and saves them having to load the car up with heavy bags of wet garden waste and make trips to the household waste centre to dispose of it.

 “I would like to encourage any residents who are thinking about subscribing but have not yet committed, to act quickly and save 20%.”

Residents can sign up at any time during 2018 but after February 1 the price will be £25 per bin collected.

Those who subscribe to the scheme will receive a bin identification sticker for each garden waste bin.

Bins will be collected every two weeks from March to the end of November.

The price covers:

  • A large brown garden waste bin(s) delivered to you (if you don’t already have one)
  • Collection every 2 weeks except during December, January and February. You will be sent a collections calendar when you sign-up.

You can sign up for this service via your MyBwd account or by using the form online at:

If you do not have internet access you can use the free computers at Blackburn and Darwen town halls or libraries.

For full details about the service including Terms and Conditions, visit: