Funding Insight update 13.02.19

Published Wednesday 13 February 2019 at 9:16

Blackburn with Darwen Open4Community

Community groups can now access potential grant funding opportunities through the free Blackburn with Darwen Open4Community online search tool.

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For all Blackburn with Darwen Council funding bids

Please check whether match funding is required, if it is please contact and inform your Finance colleague.

Funding opportunities greater than £100,000

Smart sustainable plastic packaging challenge

Up to £60 million of public funding will be available for the Smart Sustainable Plastic Packaging challenge, through the Industrial Strategy Challenge fund, depending on business case approval and securing appropriate industrial co-funding. Delivered by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), the funding will be delivered through the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund and could, for example, help businesses to develop:

  • New forms of packaging and plastic – made from farming, food and industrial waste, like sugar beet, wood chippings and food waste – moving away from oil-based plastics;
  • Smart packaging labels – which, alongside a smart bin, could tell consumers the right bin to put recycling into and revolutionise the way recycling is sorted in waste plants;
  • A ‘live’ sell-by-date patch – a living sell-by-date which deteriorates at the same rate as produce to show consumers when their food is going off – cutting down on food waste; and
  • A reduction of single use plastics – increasing use of recycled plastic in new products.

When the first round of the competition opens in early 2019, businesses will be able to access this funding through UKRI managed competitions to meet the challenge of developing smart sustainable plastic packaging.

Further information can be found on the Gov.UK website

New funding for innovative projects to beat plastic pollution

A new £1 million Fund has been launched in response to concern about plastic pollution. Created by Waitrose & Partners in partnership with HUBBUB, the Plan Plastic: The Million Pound Challenge aims to cut plastic pollution in the UK, reducing the amount of unnecessary plastic used and by tackling littered plastic.

The Fund offers grants of between £150,000 and £300,000 to innovative projects that rethink how we all use and dispose of plastic. Projects supported will have a significant measurable impact on plastic pollution (now or in the future), and a clear legacy. The learnings results and outputs from the projects will be openly shared to enable others to build on, replicate and amplify the impact of the funding.

Projects should address one of the following challenge areas:

  • Plastics in the community: Projects encouraging and enabling plastic recycling and the circular economy linked to social impact.
  • Education: Campaigns aimed at children and young people to raise awareness and change behaviour to reduce plastic pollution.
  • Public behaviour change: Projects which focus on inspiring and enabling new ways of shopping and living sustainably.
  • Food, agriculture and farming: Focusing on finding alternatives, reducing use, and increasing reuse of plastics in the food, agriculture and farming industries as well as tackling food waste.
  • Microplastics: Projects aimed at identifying the impact, reducing the prevalence and preventing microplastic pollution.

Charities, Academic bodies, Community interest companies, Social enterprises, Schools or Colleges are all eligible to apply for projects lasting over one year and starting in April 2019. To apply, applicants are required to create and submit a simple video of no more than 2 minutes outlining the project and the people who will be involved in delivering it.

The deadline to apply is 24th February 2019.

Further information can be found on the Plan Plastic Fund website

Funding opportunities between £25,000 and £100,000

Funding for projects supporting innovative uses of digital technology in the design and delivery of adult social care

Projects that support innovative uses of digital technology in the design and delivery of adult social care are set to share in over £1 million funding, provided by NHS Digital and managed by the Local Government Association (LGA).

The 2019-21 programme aims to:

  • Use principles of service design to address social care problems differently
  • Develop collaborative, innovative and person-led solutions to social care problems
  • Measure the benefits, share learning and practice to encourage wider action.

Ten authorities will receive up to £30,000 to design a digital solution to address a specific issue with their service, with eight receiving up to a further £90,000 to support its implementation. The funding will run over two years.

Local authority bids should focus on one of the following three themes:

  • Efficiency and strengths-based approaches
  • Managing marketing and commission
  • Sustainable and integrated social care and health systems

Previous projects funded have included:

Exoskeleton devices to help carers on the Isle of Wight and the introduction of Amazon Alexa into people’s homes in Hampshire to combat isolation and encourage independent living.

Up to £120,000 funding is split into two phases: a discovery phase (April to September 2019) and an implementation phase (December 2019 to December 2020).

10 councils will receive funding of £30,000 to undertake a discovery and develop a digital solution for a specific issue. During the discovery phase, councils will be supported to research and understand the needs, behaviours and experiences of users (social care service users, informal carers, social care providers, health partners and the voluntary sector).

Lead councils are expected to bring local partners through the discovery phase to develop a detailed proposal for the implementation phase (with up to £90,000 of further funding).

The funding will run over two years and the deadline to submit an Expression of Interest and application summary form is 4pm on Thursday 7th March 2019.

The application summary form is available by request from

Further information can be found on the LGA website

Funding for community initiatives to counter extremism

UK Community Foundations is partnering with advertising agency M&C Saatchi to deliver grants as part of a major Home Office initiative to counter extremism. The ‘Building a Stronger Britain Together’ (BSBT) programme will support civil society and community organisations who work to create more resilient communities, stand up to extremism in all forms and offer vulnerable individuals a positive alternative, regardless of race, faith, sexuality, age and gender.

Projects will be funded for up to 6 months and will have to conclude by the end of December 2019.

To help groups expand their reach and influence, the Building a Stronger Britain Together programme offers 2 forms of support through a competitive bidding process:

  • in-kind support: such as social media training, technical assistance to help a group improve their website, or capacity building work to help a group protect more vulnerable individuals;
  • grants: targeted funding for specific projects with demonstrable outcomes which provide a positive alternative to extremist voices.

All projects must include targeted activity to counter known extremist activity at a local level and at least one of the other BSBT programme outcomes outlined as follows:

  • Fewer people holding attitudes, belief and feelings that oppose shared values
  • An increased sense of belonging and civic participation at the local level
  • More resilient communities

Grants of up to £50,000 are available for organisations with an annual income of over £200,000; up to £14,999 is available to those with smaller annual incomes.

Registered UK charities, Charitable Incorporated Organisations, companies limited by guarantee, not for profit registered Community Interest Companies, constituted community and voluntary sector organisations are all eligible to apply.

The closing date is 2:00 pm on the 1st March 2019.

Further information can be found on the Quartet Community Foundation website

Grants available to use the power of science to make a positive difference to disadvantaged young people

Applications are currently being invited for the second and final round of the Curiosity scheme. The £2.5 million Curiosity Fund is provided in partnership between BBC Children in Need and the Wellcome Trust and aims to use the power of science activities to create change for children and young people experiencing disadvantage in the UK.

The Fund is not about formal education. Projects should encourage young people to be curious about the world around them and inside them, making a positive difference in their lives:

  • building confidence and self-esteem,
  • developing life skills and expanding horizons.

Round 2 is making two levels of grants available:

  • Small grants of up to £10,000 per year (for up to three years);
  • Large grants of up to £40,000 each year (for up to three years).

The Fund is open to applications from not-for-profit organisations with a track record of working with disadvantaged children and young people up to 18 years old and living in the UK.  BBC Children in Need expect to make no more than 35 small awards, and no more than 15 large awards in total in this final round.

The closing date for applications is midnight on the 12th April 2019. Before submitting an application to Curiosity, applicants must email so that proposal can be discussed.

Further information can be found on the BBC Children in Need website

Funding to support vulnerable young migrants

Not for profit organisations and private law firms that work with young migrants can apply for grants through the Strategic Legal Fund (SLF) for Vulnerable Young Migrants.

The maximum grant available is £30,000, however, limited funding is available and therefore lower applications are encouraged. The average grant size is around £12,000. Grants are available to undertake strategic legal work to benefit children and young people (under the age of 25) who are significantly disadvantaged by migration status. The fund will accept applications in any area of law that affects:

  • Vulnerable young migrants including immigration
  • Asylum and asylum support
  • Human rights
  • Education; etc.

The SLF only funds two kinds of strategic legal action- pre-litigation research and “third party intervention” in an existing case. The maximum grant length is 12 months, and most grants are for around six months. For information on previously funded projects please click here.

The next closing date for applications is the 1st March 2019.

Further information can be found on the Strategic Legal Fund website

Teaching physics scholarships

The Institute of Physics (IOP), in partnership with the Department for Education offers teacher training scholarships, worth £28,000 for people in England who would like to train to teach physics or physics with maths. Scholarships also include a package of benefits such as Institute membership and early career mentoring. 140 scholarships are available each year.

The scholarships are worth £28,000 and to apply applicants will need to:

  • Have a physics or related degree (such as engineering or mathematics) with a proven or predicted grade of at least 2.1; or hold a relevant PhD or master’s degree or recognised equivalent; or have completed a Subject Knowledge Enhancement course in physics. Those with a 2.2 degree may be considered where they can demonstrate significant physics-related experience and knowledge.
  • By September 2019, the applicant must secure a training place on an eligible university-led or school-led (fee based, non-salaried) physics or physics-with-maths ITT course in England for the 2019/20 academic year. The training place must have been allocated in accordance with the ITT allocations methodology for academic year 2019 to 2020 and must be delivered by an institution accredited by DfE as an ITT provider. Additionally, eligible courses lead, upon completion, to a recommendation, on behalf of the trainee, for the award of QTS.
  • Be classified as a ‘Home’ student. Refer to the UKCISA website for full details.
  • Meet the bursary eligibility criteria as set out by the Department for Education.

The deadline for applications is the 4th March 2019.

Further information can be found on the Institute of Physics website

Funding opportunities under £25,000

Grants to organisations working to promote inclusion and employment

The VINCI UK Foundation has announced that is now accepting applications to its funding programme.

The Foundation offers one-off grants of £3,000 to £20,000 to independent small and medium sized registered community interest or not-for-profit organisations that support people who suffer social or employment exclusion.

The Foundation will only fund capital items such as tools and equipment, vehicles, IT, furniture, building works; etc.

Projects supported will:

  • Promote access to employment
  • Promote integration through housing and inclusive mobility
  • Help to build better communities
  • Be located near to an office or worksite of VINCI companies.

The VINCI UK Foundation only supports projects involving at least one VINCI employee (sponsor). Organisations that do not know of any VINCI employee, can still apply and the Foundation will help to find the sponsor fitting in the project.

Projects recently supported include:

  • Angus Riding for the Disabled Association who received £5,000 to help buy a pony that will aid physical therapy for disabled people.
  • Creekside Education Trust were awarded £12,590 to support a programme of outdoor activities to further social cohesion and reduce isolation amongst families and adults.
  • Churches Action for The Homeless (CATH) were awarded £10,000 to buy a new van that will be used to support homeless people in the city.

The closing date for applications is the 31st March 2019.

Further information can be found on the Vinci UK Foundation website

Funding for financial literacy projects

Not for profit organisations such as registered charities, community interest companies, credit unions and social enterprises can apply to the MSE Charity for grants of up to £5,000 for projects that tackle financial illiteracy.

Each funding round is based on a theme. For this funding round, the focus is on is “Raising the Next Generation” and the charity will support projects that focus on Children Youth and Families. In order to be eligible to apply, the applicant organisations should have an income under £500,000 and have less than six months free reserves.

Organisations eligible to apply will be those that deliver schools-based work, support for migrants, lone parents, victims and survivors of domestic abuse and family outreach services.

Projects that have received funding in the past include:

  • It’s Your Choice – A Hampshire based charity that provides free confidential information, support advice and counselling for young people aged 12 – 25. The grant supported the delivery of 12 workshops.
  • Faithworks – a grant to deliver Quidz In courses to young children in a local Children’s Centre.

This Round will close at 5pm on the 1st March 2019 or when 40 applications have been received.

Further information can be found on the MSE charity website

Funding for sensory equipment for schools that cater for pupils with special education needs

SEN Schools can apply for grants of up to £5,000 to enable them to purchase a range of sensory equipment to help enhance the pupils’ experience at school. To be eligible schools need to cater for young people under the age of 19 who have a physical/ sensory/ learning disability. Schools that cater for socially disadvantaged children or mainstream schools for children with behavioural problems are unable to apply.

The funding is being made available through the Lords Taverners, the UK’s leading youth cricket and disability sports charity.     Schools are is required to pay a self-help contribution of around 25% of the total cost of the package.

Further information can be found on the Lords Taverners website

Funding available to increase engineering knowledge among young people

The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) has announced that its Engineering Education Grant Scheme has re-opened for applications.

The Engineering Education Grant Scheme (EEGS) supports UK-based educational projects that nurture and support the increase of engineering knowledge among young people between the ages of five to 19. The scheme also supports projects that improve wider engineering literacy.

Any organisation able to develop and deliver STEM activities to a local UK audience is eligible to bid for funding. This includes schools, science communicators, youth clubs, science festivals, museums, science centres, STEM based companies, FE colleges, Higher Education Institutions and members of the IMechE and IET.

There are two levels of funding available. Awards of up to £5000 are available for standard applications to the fund, and a small number of awards of up to £15,000 are available each year for projects that aim to make a bigger impact.

Projects funded in the past have included:

Dismantle and Discover, led by Loughborough University and Loughborough Secondary School, involving student role models who set up an engaging after school club giving children the skills, enthusiasm and confidence to take up STEM subjects.

The deadline to apply is 29th March 2019 for projects taking place from 1st June 2019.

Further information can be found on the IET website

Funding to support arts projects

The Fidelio Trust has announced that the next closing date for applications is the 28th May 2019.

The Trust offers grants of up to £5,000 in support of the Arts, in particular Music, including:

  • Opera
  • Lieder
  • Composition
  • Dance.

The Trustees aim to help individuals and groups such as:

  • Colleges
  • Arts Festivals
  • Other arts organisations that would not be able to carry out a project or activity without financial support.

Funding is available towards:

  • Tuition or coaching costs
  • To participate in external competitions
  • To be supported for a specially arranged performance
  • To receive support for a special publication, musical composition or work of art.

Further information can be found on the Fidelio Trust website

Funding for community cohesion projects

The Allen Lane Foundation has announced a new Social Cohesion Programme, established to provide support to local communities. The aim of the new programme is to:

  • Proactively work towards building better community cohesion and trust, and encouraging respect and understanding in the local area
  • Proactively promote the inclusion of marginalised groups and individuals in the life of the local community
  • Fund work which breaks down barriers and tensions in the local community thereby reducing feelings of division and “them and us”.

The Foundation is seeking applications from community-led grassroots groups and organisations which have a focus of work being at a very local/community level, which could be a housing estate or distinct community.

Applications will be particularly encouraged from areas of high deprivation but not exclusively and the Foundation is keen to support communities in coming up with their own solutions to local issues of division. New initiatives, those that may have been tried before or are on-going, are considered as long as the work has lasting benefits for those people the projects are aimed at.

No minimum or maximum grant levels are published. In 2018, of the 153 grants awarded 112 were single grants with the remainder being for two or three years. The majority ranged from £750 to £15,000 with recipients including:

  • Shelley Over 60’s Club – £4,000
  • South Tyneside Prison Matters – £1,000
  • Manchester Refuge Support network – £9,935

Applications may be submitted at any time. Potential applicants need to check their eligibility.  Once this has been confirmed they will be directed to the application form.

Further information can be found on the Allen Lane Foundation website

Grants for projects focusing on endangered species

Scientific researchers and those working in the field of practical conservation working within an NGO or a university research department can apply for a grant of between £3,000 and £10,000 per annum for up to two years conservation and/or research work. The People’s Trust for Endangered Species is now inviting applications to the Conservation Insight Grant scheme.

Funds will be awarded for work that seeks to either:

Find the critical scientific evidence that will facilitate the conservation of a species

Provide the answer to a key conservation question, which will enable conservationists to undertake critical conservation action

Undertake the implementation of a key local action which will result in a significantly, positive impact for an endangered species

High priority projects include:

  • Gathering evidence needed to undertake necessary mitigation work
  • Using scientific evidence to get changes made to local, national or international policy
  • Devising and testing a new methodology for monitoring a species or group of species

Priority is also given to applications for conservation and research work on species classified as endangered, critically endangered and extinct in the wild by the IUCN.

Applications are welcomed from scientific researchers and those working in the field of practical conservation where the project leader is based either within an NGO or a university research department. Applications are only accepted from applicants already working and established in either the UK, UK overseas territories or any country NOT classified by the World Bank as high-income. See the World Bank web page to check eligibility. Priority is given to native project leaders working in their own country.

There are no deadlines; applications will normally be processed within four months.

Further information can be found on the People’s Trust for Endangered Species website

Funding for Christian Charities promoting Social Inclusion

The Anchor Foundation provides grants of between £500 and £10,000 per year to Christian Charities that encourage social inclusion through ministries of healing and the arts. Funding can be awarded for up to three years.

The Foundation will consider applications for either capital or revenue funding. Only in exceptional circumstances will grants be given for building work.

Previously funded projects include:

  • The Karis Neighbour Scheme which received a grant of £700 for revenue costs at a drop-in centre for women refugees in Birmingham.
  • Discovery Camps which received a grant of £1,500 to subsidise holidays for children arranged by churches in and around Dundee.
  • Scargill House which received a grant of £5,000 to facilitate cross cultural engagement and understanding amongst children using arts based residential courses in Yorkshire.

The next deadline for applications is the 31st July 2019.

Further information can be found on the Anchor Foundation website

Funding for schools science projects

The Royal Society has announced that its Partnership Grant scheme has re-opened for applications.

Through the scheme grants of up to £3,000 are available for STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) projects run at a primary or secondary school or college in partnership with a professional scientist or engineer.

The aim of the fund is to make the teaching of science more interesting within primary and secondary schools.

The Partnership Grant scheme forms partnerships to allow teachers to increase their scientific knowledge and to give scientists and engineers the chance to develop their communication skills and engage with enquiring young minds. Any UK primary or secondary school teacher or practicing scientist/engineer can apply as long as the students involved in the project are between 5 and 18.

A partnership needs to be established before starting the application and the initial application must be started by the school partner as the primary applicant. The second partner should be an individual currently working in a STEM related profession, such as a researcher or analyst.

Specific enquiries can be made by emailing the Education Outreach team directly on or by calling 020 7451 2531.

Projects previously funded:

  • What’s the Weather Like? A Partnership Grants project between Mead Community Primary School and Black and Veatch that has enabled pupils to begin predicting their local weather.
  • Shooting stars on camera: Colour composition and contrasts: A project between William Perkin C of E High School and the Open University. Students have been determining the origin and elemental structure of meteors under the guidance of academic professional, Professor Monica Grady.

The closing date for applications is the 28th February 2019.

Further information can be found on the Royal Society website

Grants for families facing financial hardship whilst caring for a child with a serious illness

Marvellous Family Grants are awarded to families facing financial hardship whilst caring for a child with a serious illness. Grants of up to £1,000 can fund a variety of essential items and services including (but not limited to) specialist equipment, creative therapies, hospital travel expenses, everyday items to improve the child’s quality of life, attending medical/support group conference, social activities and memberships.

Marvellous Family grants are open to any family residing in the UK with a child who has a serious illness that could be life-limiting as described by the following criteria:

  • Group 1 – Life threatening conditions for which curative treatment may be feasible but can fail (e.g. epilepsy, irreversible organ failures of heart, liver, kidneys.)
  • Group 2 – Conditions where premature death is inevitable (e.g. cystic fibrosis.)
  • Group 3 – Progressive conditions without curative treatment options (e.g. Batten disease, mucopolysaccaridoses, muscular dystrophy.)
  • Group 4 – Irreversible but non-progressive conditions causing severe disability leading to susceptibility to health complications and likelihood of premature death (e.g. sickle cell disease, cerebral palsy, multiple disabilities such as brain or spinal cord insult.)
  • Group 5 – Syndromes without a name (SWAN) causing severe, chronic disability or illness.

Applications must be completed by health or social care professionals on behalf the family and are considered at monthly meetings.

The application deadline for the next meeting is 5pm on the 28th February 2019 followed by the 29th March 2019.

Further information can be found on the Roald Dahl website

Austin and Hope Pilkington Trust announces first funding round for 2019

The Austin and Hope Pilkington Trust which awards grants to registered charities in the UK has announced that it has launched a new funding round.  Grants of £1,000 are available to registered charities for projects relating the children and young people (0-11).  During 2019, priority will be given to projects working with:

  • child exploitation
  • mentoring and support
  • clubs and activities
  • mental health

The Trust will particularly welcome applications that address Rehabilitation needs.

To be eligible to apply, the charity must have a minimum operating income and operating expenditure of £100,000 per year and a maximum of £1,000,000.

The closing date for applications is the 28th February 2019.

Further information can be found on the Austin and Hope Pilkington trust website

London Mathematical Society – small grants for education

Grants of up to £800 are available to stimulate interest and enable involvement in mathematics from Key Stage 1 (age 5+) to undergraduate level and beyond. The funding is being made available through the London Mathematical Society’s Small Grants for Education scheme and aims to enhance and enrich mathematical study beyond the curriculum; engage the public with mathematics; and encourage unusual ways of communicating mathematics.

The scheme is primarily intended for activities for which there is limited scope for alternative sources of funding.  Applicants linked to universities should ideally be supported by a member of the Society and ordinarily the Scheme will not fund University outreach activity.  However, anyone based in the UK is eligible to apply for a grant.

There are four application rounds each year and the next closing date for applications is the 30th April 2019.

Further information can be found on the London Mathematical Society website

School grants to promote physics

UK schools and colleges can apply for grants of up to £600 for small-scale projects or events linked to the teaching or promotion of physics and engineering to pupils aged 5 – 19. Grants can be used to support a wide range of projects such as school based science weeks, extracurricular activities, science clubs, careers event or a visit from a working physicist or engineer.

Grants may be used for the following project-related purposes: materials / resources; transport; marketing and publicity; other purposes deemed appropriate by the judges; and supply cover (in certain circumstances).

Previous projects to receive funding include:

  • Ampleforth College for a visit to Jodrell Bank Radio Observatory.
  • St John’s High School for a Practical Rocketry workshop to design a water propelled rocket.

The closing date for applications is the 1st June 2019.

Further information can be found on the Institute of Physics website

Apply for school breakfast provision

The Government’s National School Breakfast Programme (NSBP) is being delivered by Family Action and Magic Breakfast to schools in disadvantaged areas. The scheme aims to:

  • Ensure more children receive a healthy breakfast at the start of their day.
  • Improve educational outcomes of disadvantaged young people
  • Share best practices across schools and encourage innovative approaches to school breakfast

A “magic” breakfast is designed to give children energy, protein, vitamins and minerals, is low in sugar, salt and fat and complies with the Government’s school food standards.

In England, schools in disadvantaged areas are qualified to apply. In Scotland, Primary Schools where 55% (or above) of pupils are in SIMD Decile 1 and 2 and/or 35% (or above) and are eligible for Free School Meals qualify for Magic Breakfast support. A Secondary School qualifies for support when 40% (or above) pupils are in SIMD Decile 1 and 2.

Schools are offered a start-up grant of up to £500 for essential resources to start or expand breakfastand either:

Free food delivered to their door until March 2020 (weekly or fortnightly), comprising as much healthy cereal, porridge and bagels as they need to reach all children at risk of hunger at the start of the school day.


Grants to subsidise up to 30 additional free places in an existing breakfast provision.

All interested schools should complete an expression of interest form initially. A waiting list system is in operation where funds are not immediately available.

Further information can be found on the Magic Breakfast website

Grants to promote Latin and Roman studies and activities

The Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies has announced the next closing date for applications is the 1st July 2019.

The Society makes grants to schools to help promote Latin and Roman studies. Most of the grants are awarded for the purchase of textbooks and other books on Roman topics. The Committee also makes awards to groups and schools and museums organising lectures or study days on Roman themes, and money has recently been made available for archaeology fieldwork bursaries.

Schools that have recently been awarded funding include:

  • Hereford Cathedral School that received funding to run weekly Latin masterclasses;
  • A grant from the Roman Society enabled Feniton C of E Primary School to buy books and extra resources to help their pupils have fun learning;
  • A grant from the Roman Society enabled thirty pupils in Year 9 at Ysgol Brynhyfryd to study Classical Civilisation GCSE;
  • The Sir Robert Hitcham CEVAP School Robert which received a grant to help Year 4 pupils study aspects of the Roman invasion and its impact.

Applications from schools planning to start courses in Latin are particularly welcome. Grants usually range from £50 to £500.

Further information can be found on the Roman Society website

Grants to enhance the teaching of mathematics

The London Mathematical Society has announced that Mathematics Teachers in the UK can apply for grants of up to £400 to attend specific one or two-day conferences/events organised by professional mathematical organisations.

The aim of the grant is to facilitate mathematical professional development to allow teachers in UK schools/educational institutions to develop their subject knowledge. The grant can contribute to the costs of registration for the course and a proportion of the travel and subsistence expenses of attendees.

Any application for a grant under this scheme must be made by a teacher of mathematics or ITE provider based in the UK. The grants are open to teachers of mathematics from primary school to A-Level or equivalent (inclusive of STEP/AEA).

The next closing date for applications is the 30th April 2019. Queries regarding applications can be addressed to the Education Grants administrator, Katherine Wright, who can discuss proposals informally with potential applicants. Email or Tel: 020 7927 0801

Further information can be found on the London Mathematical Society website

Grants for community music groups and educational organisations

The charity of the UK musical instrument industry, Music for All was founded on the belief that everyone should have the opportunity to learn to play music. Community groups, schools and individuals can apply for grant and other support for community music making projects that offer experiences for people of all ages and backgrounds.

Projects and initiatives supported will be:

  • Taking place in the UK
  • Aiming to bring music to their community
  • Needing a “helping hand” to fulfil their potential in becoming truly sustainable music programmes.

The application deadline is 1st July 2019 for funding requirement in the following April.

Recent awards include:

  • The Inspiring Community project in West Yorkshire, a non-profit group that gives young people the chance to learn new skills, received help to purchase keyboards that could be used to teach the children.
  • Alderman Richard Hallam Primary School in Leicester received support to purchase thirty brass instruments manufactured in plastic to encourage the children to take up music.

 Further information can be found on the Music for All website

Grants to protect biodiversity and ecosystems

Outdoor clothing company Patagonia has funding of up to $12,000 available for projects that address the root causes of environmental problems.

Small, grassroots, activist organisations around the world, working on action orientated and multi-pronged campaigns to preserve and protect biodiversity and the environment, can apply for grants to run projects that protect local habitats.

Applicants must be able to produce measurable project results, and Patagonia is particularly keen to support efforts that force the government to abide by laws. Creative methods to engage communities to take action, including film, photography and books will only be supported if they are tightly linked to a direct-action campaign on the issue, with specific goals that go beyond education and awareness.

The deadline for applications is the 30th June 2019.

Further information can be found on the Patagonia website

This document is produced by Corporate Policy, Research and Partnerships, Blackburn with Darwen Council. 

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