Funding Insight Newsletter 19.12.19

Published Thursday 19 December 2019 at 10:16

This insight outlines a range of funding opportunities open to the public sector, businesses, community groups etc.  Regular funding opportunities are also available via the websites below:

Arts Council Funding Finder

National Lottery Grant for Heritage

Big Lottery Fund

Community groups can now access potential grant funding opportunities through the free Blackburn with Darwen Open4Community online search tool.

Register and find out more

For all Blackburn with Darwen Council funding bids

Please check whether match funding is required, if it is please contact and inform your Finance colleague.

Funding opportunities greater than £100,000

Funding for Projects that Support Disadvantaged Young People

Grants of over £10,000 per project are available through the BBC Children in Need Main Grants programme to not for profit organisations and special schools that work with young people who are experiencing disadvantage through illness, distress, abuse or neglect; any kind of disability; behavioural or psychological difficulties; and / or living in poverty or situations of deprivation.

Applications should demonstrate how your project will change the lives of children for the better.

Grants of over £10,000 are available with no upper limit stated, however, BBC Children in Need make very few grants over £120,000.

Organisations eligible to apply will be not for profit i.e. special schools; registered charities; voluntary organisations; churches; and community groups, etc.   In the case of special schools this must not be for work that they have a duty to fund.

To apply organisations will need to register with BBC Children in Need by submitting an Organisation Registration form. To complete an Organisation Registration Form, please read the Organisation Registration Form Guidance.  Once an organisation is registered, BBC Children in Need will send a link to fill in a Main Grants Project Application Form.  Registrations can be made at any time of the year.

The next deadline for applications is the 13th January 2020.

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Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust Sustainable Futures Fund

The Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust recognises that climate change caused by human activity is threatening the well-being of humanity and that the wealthiest countries and individuals are responsible for a disproportionate share of emissions, whilst the poorest countries and sections of society are the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. In order to tackle this issue, the Sustainable Futures fund focuses grant making on:

  • Identifying the true costs and risks of resource depletion, climate change and other environmental problems
  • Campaigns, initiatives and work that promote alternatives to consumerism
  • Campaigns and movements that give a voice to young activists and marginalised groups on issues of economic and environmental justice.

Grants are available from a few hundred pounds to over £100,000 and may be single payments or spread over up to three years. Funding priorities are:

  • Better economics – with grants funding work that explores how sustainability rather than traditional forms of economic growth
  • Beyond consumerism – funded work will include that which engages people individually and collectively in moving culture away from consumerism and towards more sustainable ways of living
  • New Voices – funding for campaigns and movements that enable marginalised groups and young activists to have a voice in decisions which affect them

The deadline to apply is the 23rd March 2020.

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Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust – Power and Accountability

Funding is available from the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust (JRCT) to support projects that challenge how power is concentrated, shared and used and how it is changing through globalisation, new technology, new channels of communication, extreme inequality and other factors. Specifically, the Trust wants to support people to create a world in which power is more equally shared, and in which powerful institutions are responsive and accountable to wider society and aligned with the long-term public interest.

Applications should address the following:

  • Strengthening corporate accountability
  • Strengthening democratic accountability
  • Encouraging responsible media.

In addition to the specific focus areas above, JRCT is open to occasionally supporting other work that furthers the vision of this programme, is highly innovative, with the potential to bring about systemic change and is exceptionally difficult to fund from other sources.

Projects can be UK-based or can be pan-European. Applications aimed at increasing the accountability of the UK government and other UK bodies for the impact of the policies and practices that they pursue within global institutions are also considered.

A broad range of organisations and individuals are eligible to apply.

Recent grants awarded have ranged from £1,000 to £100,000+ including:

  • £34,500 to the Bevan Foundation
  • £11,000 to the Centre for Crime and Justice Studies
  • £1,000 to three 4 all theatre

The next closing date for applications to the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust – Power and Accountability Fund is the 23rd March 2020.

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Funding for Projects That Contribute to the Ongoing Transformation of the Northern Ireland Conflict

Registered, excepted or exempt charities based within any of the four jurisdictions of the UK can apply for programme or project funding or for unrestricted or core support for work which will contribute to the ongoing transformation of the Northern Ireland conflict.

The Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust (JRCT) aims to fund work delivered by organisations, individuals and charities and grants range from a few hundred pounds to £100,000+ and may be single payments or spread over up to three years.

JRCT is interested in funding work which:

  • Addresses the root causes of violence and injustice, rather than alleviating symptoms
  • Cannot be funded from other sources
  • Is likely to make a long-term, strategic difference.

Funded projects will address the following priority areas:

  • Strengthening human rights and equality
  • Supporting inclusive, non-sectarian and participatory politics
  • Supporting processes of demilitarisation
  • Dealing with the past i.e. work that promotes a shared understanding of the root causes of past violence, or which encourages government to implement initiatives to address the legacy of violence at a societal level.

The Trust is particularly interested in receiving applications related to women’s participation in all of these areas.

In addition to applications from Northern Ireland, it is open to receiving applications from Britain and the Republic of Ireland for work related to the above areas, and for work with an all-Ireland focus. Registered, excepted or exempt charities based within any of the four jurisdictions of the UK can apply for programme or project funding or for unrestricted or core support. Further details on eligibility can be found here.

Local work will be supported only where it is likely to have a wider impact, for example if it is testing a model which can then be replicated or is addressing a local issue that has wider social or political implications.

The next deadline for applications is 12 noon on the 23rd March 2020.

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Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust – Rights and Justice

The Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust (JRCT) is interested in funding work which is about removing problems through radical solutions, and not simply about making problems easier to live with; that has a clear sense of objectives, and of how to achieve them; and is innovative and imaginative and where the grant has a good chance of making a difference.

JCRT makes grants to a range of organisations including registered, excepted or exempt charities based in the UK for work that seeks to make positive change across the UK as a whole, or across one or more of its member countries – England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland.

The Funding priorities for the Rights and Justice theme are:

  • Protection and promotion of human rights and their enforcement in the UK
  • Promoting rights and justice for minorities who face the most severe forms of racism
  • Promotion of rights and justice for refugees and other migrants by identifying and tackling structures and systems that may deny them their rights.

JRCT focuses on work at both a national and European level, although work at a European level is limited and must have direct relevance to communities living in the UK.

Whilst the focus is to support national advocacy and campaigning, JRCT is open to applications which aim to effect structural change at local and regional levels of policy-making, provided the applicant can demonstrate the wider significance of the work.

Across the policy, JRCT places an emphasis on supporting those who have direct experience of racism and oppression.

Applicants are encouraged to apply for a grant for unrestricted or core support, although support for specific programme or project funding is also available.

Recent grants awarded have ranged from £5,000 to £100,000+ including:

  • £20,000 to the Barrow Cadbury Trust
  • £59,365 to Citizens UK (Safe Passage)
  • £16,400 to the Equality and Diversity Forum

The next round of the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust’s Rights and Justice programme is now open and will close on the 23rd March 2020.

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Funding for Community Sports Facilities

Sports clubs, local authorities, schools and community organisations can apply for grants of between £1,000 and £150,000 to enhance local sports and recreational facilities.

The funding which is being provided through Sport England’s Community Asset Fund can be used to enhance traditional sports facilities as well as outdoor spaces like canal towpaths, woodlands and open spaces; etc that can be used as part of an active lifestyle.

Statutory bodies and education establishments will specifically need to:

  • Provide a minimum of pound-for-pound partnership funding;
  • Demonstrate the strategic need for their project proportionate to the scale of investment requested;
  • Limit requests to a maximum of £150,000 within any 12-month period.

Sport England typically expect their awards to be either:

Small-scale investments typically ranging from £1,000 to £15,000. These will address emergency works due to something like storm or flood damage, or something totally unexpected that is stopping people from being able to stay active right now.

Medium-scale investments typically ranging from between £15,000 to £50,000. These will address more substantial changes. This might be an upgrade to an existing facility or developing a new space in the community.

By exception, Sport England will consider larger investments ranging from £50,000 to £150,000. This will be when organisations can demonstrate a considerable impact or are targeting under-represented groups. They are also unlikely to have received funding from Sport England previously.

This is a rolling programme and applications can be submitted at any time.

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Arts Impact Fund

Arts Council England has announced that loans of between £150,000 and £600,000 are available to entrepreneurial arts and cultural organisations.  The aim of the loans is to increase the resilience of art and culture in England.

The loans can be used, among other things, to:

  • Acquire new assets
  • Improve built infrastructure
  • Develop new ventures
  • Scale up existing revenue streams.

The Arts Impact Fund is created and funded by Bank of America Merrill Lynch, the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation and Nesta. It’s supported by the Arts Council with additional funding from the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. Unsecured loans are available with a repayment term of between three and five years with interest rates ranging between 3.5% and 8.5%.

Previous loans awarded include:

South East Dance – £350,000: The Brighton based dance agency will use the loan to bridge fundraising and allow work to start on its new hub The Dance Space. The new building will provide a rental income from its studio and office space, reducing the need for public funding and supporting its work with local artists and community development programme.

Autograph Media – £150,000: to set up a new commercial image licensing business specialising in race and cultural diversity. Autograph Media is the trading subsidiary of the visual arts charity, Autograph ABP, based in Shoreditch.

Live Theatre – £600,000: to launch a new commercial hospitality venture, making use of its capital assets to subsidise the work of the theatre in Newcastle.

Applications are accepted at any time.

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Arts Council/ V&A Purchase Grant Fund

The Arts Council England has announced that the V&A Purchase Fund has been renewed until 2022. Accredited museums, specialist libraries and record repositories accredited under the Archive Service Accreditation Scheme can now apply for a share of the £724,000 of funding available this year.

The fund enables regional museums and cultural organisations to strengthen the quality, relevance and standard of their permanent collections and supports the purchase of a wide range of material for the permanent collections of organisations in England and Wales. The purchase price of an object should be between £500 and £500,000 with grants available for up to 50% of the purchase price, though it is unlikely that any organisation will receive more than £50,000 in any one year.

Applications are accepted at any time.

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New £7 million Heritage Impact Fund Launched

The National Lottery Heritage Fund has announced the launch of its new £ 7 million Heritage Impact Fund.  The Heritage Impact Fund is a partnership between the Architectural Heritage Fund, Historic England, Historic Environment Scotland and Rathbone Greenbank Investments.

The fund offers tailored loan finance of between £25,000 and £500,000 for up to three years to charities, social enterprises and community businesses across the UK seeking to acquire, reuse or redevelop buildings of historical or architectural importance.

To apply, applicants must be a formally constituted and incorporated charity, community business or social enterprise whose members have limited liability.

Applicants should in the first instance speak to a member of the AHF’s Investment Team for advice and guidance. If the project is one which the AHF would like to support, applicants will be encouraged to apply and then supported throughout the application process throughout.

Applications can be made at any time.

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Funding opportunities between £25,000 and £100,000

Funding to Use Digital Technology for Vocational Training

The UFI Charitable Trust (Ufi), which aims to help improve vocational skills in the UK’s workforce, has announced that it will launch a new call for proposals through its VocTech Seed fund on the 21st January 2020.

VocTech Seed offers grants of up to £50,000 for projects lasting up to 12 months. UFI will be looking for innovative ideas that use digital technology for vocational learning. As the name suggests, VocTech Seed is intended to support innovative and creative projects at a relatively early stage of development. It aims to enable new ideas to reach a point where they can demonstrate their potential to customers or funders and reach the market.

Ufi is also particularly keen to support projects which will have long term impact on employers, communities of learners or sectors which cannot easily access current provision because of industry or market conditions, past learning history or other factors.

As part of the launch, the UFI Charitable Trust will be hosting a number of workshops and webinars for potential applicants.

The closing date for applications will be the 13th February 2020.

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Lloyds Bank Foundation Relaunches Grants Programme

Charities in England and Wales with an income of between £25,000 and £1million that are tackling complex social issues can now apply for core funding grants worth up to £100,000. The funding is part of the Lloyds Bank Foundations relaunched grants programme which now has a simpler and more flexible approach.

The Foundation helps charities to tackle the following complex social issues:

  • Addiction and dependency
  • Asylum seekers and refugees
  • Care leavers
  • Domestic abuse
  • Homeless and vulnerably housed
  • Learning disabilities
  • Mental health
  • Offending, prison and community service
  • Sexual abuse and exploitation
  • Trafficking and modern slavery
  • Young parents

Grants are available of up to £100,000 and are available over three years (with the possibility of continuing to six years) and can be used entirely for core costs. Core costs are overhead costs of an organisation, as opposed to those specific to a project; with charities able to flex how much they spend each year.

Applications can be submitted at any time.

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New Connecting Classrooms Through Global Learning Programme Launched

The British Council in partnership with the Department for International Development is inviting schools to apply to a new funding programme to enable UK schools to work with partner schools overseas focusing on global themes. The Connecting Classrooms through Global learning programme provides grants to clusters of schools or one-to-one school partnership.

Clusters of Schools can apply for grants of up to £35,000 to support a wide range of global learning activities, including training for teachers and supply cover, reciprocal visits to international partners schools, and hosting community events.

One-to-one school partnerships can apply for grants of up to £3,000 to cover the cost of one teacher to travel to a partner school. The grant is used to cover the cost of one teacher travelling to the UK from overseas and one teacher travelling from the UK to the other country.

Cluster applications will also be favoured over one-to-one partnership applications in the first instance.

There are no application deadlines; and applications can be submitted at any time.

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Funding to Support Youth Organisations

Not for profit youth organisations that support young people (aged 14 – 25) facing disadvantage can apply for grants of between £10,000 and £60,000 through the Paul Hamlyn Foundation Youth Fund.

The Youth Fund supports organisations whose main purpose is about helping young people in the most precarious positions, where making the transition to adult independence is most challenging.

The funding is available for up to two years and will support the core operating costs of the applicant organisation. Organisations may be planning to:

  • Replicating a programme or service
  • Widening the reach of an idea or innovation
  • Spreading a technology or skill
  • Advancing policy or enhancing its implementation
  • Influencing attitudes

Previous projects supported through the Youth Fund include:

The British Youth Council (BYC) which received a grant of £60,000 over 24 months. BYC is the national youth council for the UK. Each year it supports up to 2,000 young people to participate in local youth councils or national networks, such as the UK Youth Parliament and Make Your Mark referendum campaign.  The funding was used to develop its income generation capability and enable BYC to offer participation training to frontline staff.

The London Youth Support Trust (LYST) received a grant of £60,000 over 24 months. LYST is a youth enterprise charity that aims to help young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to start their own businesses. Through this grant LYST plans to expand its business incubation and support programme nationally, opening two enterprise centres out of London, in locations where youth unemployment is an issue. Funding would enable the team to focus on fundraising, build relationships with potential partners, and research and formalise an appropriate structure moving forward.

Applications can be submitted at any time.

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Funding of up to £60,000 for Community Centres and Village Halls

The Trusthouse Charitable Foundation is offering Community Centres in deprived urban communities and Village Halls in remote and economically deprived rural areas the opportunity to apply for capital grants of between £7,500 and £60,000. Grants can be used to fund new buildings; upgrading, renovating or extending buildings; improving or creating outside space (but not car parks). All applicants must have secured 50% of the total cost of the work and have local community fundraising underway.

Grants will be made to projects centred on ‘community centres’ in the broad sense, this may include a church, sports facility or other building which offers a range of activities throughout the week which all the community can access.

It is expected that the completed venue will provide a range of activities for all ages and abilities which help to promote community cohesion and address local problems of isolation, poverty, lack of local facilities, transport and other issues of relevance to the area in which the centre is located.

The Foundation is particularly interested in innovative schemes to bring back disused buildings into full community use i.e. as community hubs, shops and activity venues. Traditional Village Halls are also supported.

Previous projects supported include:

  • £25,000 to Ingol and Tanterton Community Trust towards the cost of building an extension to the kitchen of a busy community café as part of a major expansion project at a community centre in Preston.
  • £18,000 towards the cost of Ty Talcen Community & Visitor Centre as part of the regeneration of the rural community of Myddfai in Carmarthenshire.
  • £16,193 to Islay & Jura Community Enterprises towards the cost of refurbishing a leisure centre which focusses on providing facilities for disadvantaged and deprived members of the two Hebridean islands.

Applications can be submitted at any time and should show that, in urban areas, the venue is in the most deprived 20% of the latest government Indices of Multiple Deprivation or, in rural areas, in the most deprived 50% of the Indices.

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Funding opportunities under £25,000

Funding for Rural Business Start Ups

A share of £5000 of funding is available for UK citizens over the age of 18 who are starting a new business in a rural area. To be eligible individuals must be able to demonstrate how the business will support rural communities, the countryside or rural sustainability.

The Rural Start-up Fund has been made available by a partnership between Forest Holidays and The Prince’s Countryside Fund and the available funding will be awarded to one winning business or shared between a number of rural start-ups. Successful applicants will also receive mentoring support from a relevant expert at Forest Holidays.

The closing date for applications is the 12 pm on the 6th March 2020.

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Grants of up to £1,500 Available for the Professional Development of Musicians

Emerging and professional musicians of all genres and disciplines can apply for grants of £500 -£1500 to help them access opportunities that will allow them to focus on developing their artistic and professional development at a crucial point in their career.

The funding which is being made available through the Help Musicians UK Transmission Fund is designed to help emerging and professional musicians of all genres and disciplines to build their careers by supporting the costs of formal and time limited training and mentoring opportunities. Eligible artists may for example be a solo instrumentalist, composer, vocalist, singer songwriter or a multidisciplinary artist. Bands or ensembles with 6 members or less can also be supported.

All artists supported must have an active career and be able to demonstrate the following:

  • Exceptional ability within their discipline
  • High quality musical output
  • Regularly working (performances, commissions, releases) at a professional level (getting paid for your work)
  • Achievement or the potential to achieve a national or international impact
  • An impressive track record
  • An entrepreneurial spirit and dedication toward their career

Group applicants must have 50% of their members meeting the criteria shown above and have been established and playing together regularly for at least 1 year.

Grants of £500 – £1500 are available and can support opportunities such as short courses, workshops, training and time limited periods of coaching with an expert in the artists chosen field both in the UK or internationally. Travel, accommodation and access costs can also be funded.

Eligible applicants will be:

  • Aged over 18
  • Based primarily in the UK and be eligible to work here
  • Have been resident in the UK for at least 3 consecutive years
  • In financial need and without significant backing

The next closing date is the 10th January 2020.

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National Churches Foundation Grant Reopens for Applications

Churches across the UK can apply for grants of between £500 and £5,000 towards the cost of urgent maintenance works and small repairs through the National Churches Trust Foundation Grant Programme.

The Foundation Grant Programme can award grants of up to £10,000 towards urgent maintenance works and small investigative works costing up to £10,000 and will cover no more than 50% of costs.

Applications are accepted from listed and unlisted Christian places of worship, of any denomination, but particularly from those in priority areas i.e. North East England, Northern Ireland and Wales.

Applications will be considered on a rolling basis starting in January 2020 until the 30th October 2020.

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Weston Charity Awards Are Now Open for Applications

The Garfield Weston Foundation has announced the launch of the 2020 round of the Weston charity Awards. Charities in Wales, the North and Midlands of England with an income of less than £5million a year and working in the fields of Welfare, Youth or Community are eligible to apply for an Award.

Twenty winners will be selected who will receive a package of support over the year to help them be successful – this includes free access to experts who can advise the charity on the things they need most, whether that’s planning, finances, strategy development, fundraising, expansion or something else.

Charities will receive an unrestricted cash contribution of £6,500 to help with the resources to make the most of the year with Pilotlight (This includes travel and expenses to meetings). “Connect” events held throughout the year to allow winning charities to network with other charity leaders.

The closing date for applications is the 10th January 2020.

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Funding for Projects that Work with Disabled Children and their Families

Hallmoor Parents Teachers Friends Association and Mayfield School were amongst some of the Parent Teacher Associations and schools that have recently received funding through the True Colours Trust UK Small Grants Programme. Through the programme, charities and projects with a charitable purpose can apply for funding that supports disabled children and their families.

Grants of up to £10,000 are usually available for hydrotherapy pools; multi-sensory rooms; mini buses; young carers projects; sibling projects; and bereavement support; specialised play equipment/access to play and leisure; and family support / parent-led peer support.

Other projects supported in the past include:

  • Friends of Sherwood Park who received a grant of £5,000 towards the creation of the multi-sensory outdoor environment.
  • Roddensvale Parents & Friends Association who received a grant of £5,000 towards the costs of refurbishing its sensory room.

Applications can be submitted at any time.

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Funding for Charities to Develop an Effective Web Presence

The Transform Foundation provides grants for charities and not for profit organisations operating for the public good to develop an effective social media and web presence with the aim of developing future funding streams.

The Foundation has two funding programmes:

  • A Facebook Grant programme (which provides £5,000 of funding to spend on Facebook advertising, with potential scale-up funding of up to £10,000)
  • A Website Grant Programme (which provides a funding package of up to £18,000 to cover the upfront costs of a new charity-specific website including strategy, design, development and training).

The Transform Foundation specifically target mid-sized organisations with a turnover of £350,000 – £30 million; or those organisations that have the internal resources to follow-up the Transform Foundation grant with internal investments.

There is a two-stage application process. Stage 1 is a simple online form to check eligibility criteria and that the applicant has a clear, measurable plan for deploying the funding to generate income or impact. Stage 2 consists of a face to face or online meeting with the Foundation or their partners.  Decisions are usually made within 21 days of the stage 2 meeting.

Applications for Stage 1 applications can be made at any time.

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New £5 Million Fund Launched to Develop Support for Unpaid Carers

The Government has launched a new fund to support innovative projects supporting unpaid carers. The £5 million Carers Innovation Fund will invest in innovative ways of supporting unpaid carers, outside of mainstream health and care services.

This funding will be used to improve support across the country and help build more carer-friendly communities.

Examples of the kind of projects the fund would invest in include:

Technology platforms – for example, to help carers to take a break from their caring responsibilities

Support groups – like carers’ cafes and Men’s Sheds, which develop peer support groups and offer short courses to help reduce isolation

Projects will be expected to show a positive effect on:

  • carers’ health and wellbeing
  • carers’ ability to manage work alongside caring responsibilities
  • carers’ ability to take a break from their caring role
  • reducing loneliness and social isolation

Applicants will need to demonstrate their idea is a fresh approach that is better than existing provision, will benefit the local community and can be expanded and replicated.

The voluntary sector, charities, SMEs and commercial organisations can all bid for funding to prove their concept, with the aim of securing longer term funding from other sources.

Carers and other experts will sit on the evaluation panel to make sure proposals are feasible.

The fund was first announced last year as part of the Carers Action Plan, a cross-government programme of targeted work to support unpaid carers over the next 2 years.

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Grants to Cover Running Costs for Small Charities

The Marsh Christian Trust was founded in 1981 with the sum of £75,000 by its current Chairman, Mr Brian Marsh OBE.  His aim was to create a sustainable way to give something back to society by supporting organisations and people who are making a difference.

The Trust supports around 300 charities every year and focuses on providing funding which could help small organisations pay for various running costs, such as volunteer expenses, training days, equipment maintenance and other core outgoings. The Trust aims to build long-standing relationships with successful applicants and, subject to an annual review, continue its support over time.

Applicants must be a registered charity with the Charity Commission for England and Wales or the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator. This does not include Community Interest Companies (CICs). Charities will be working in the areas of:

  • Arts and heritage
  • Social welfare
  • Environmental causes and animal welfare
  • Education and training
  • Healthcare

Charities must have been established for more than one financial year and able to provide a full set of their most recent Annual Report and Accounts, or the equivalent financial information if their annual income is under £25,000.

Grants are unrestricted and range from £300 to £2,000 with new applications at the lower end of this scale.

Applications are considered on the basis of the organisation’s financial position, performance against charitable aims and objectives and the ratio of voluntary income against fundraising expenses.

Examples of the support given include:

  • Core costs for Compaid, a digital skills centre in Kent that supports people with disabilities and sensory impairments
  • Glassdoor, an organisation that offers shelter to the homeless in London.

More information on the Trust and projects supported can be found in the Annual Review 2017-18

Applications can be submitted at any time.

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Field Studies Bursary Fund

The Field Studies Council (FSC) Bursary provides support to individuals who are from disadvantaged backgrounds enabling them to take part in FSC curriculum focused courses with their school class. This support, for individuals, is valuable as it can be a deciding factor on whether or not a whole class experiences fieldwork and out of classroom learning.

Bursaries can be awarded to a maximum per school of £1500 for residential courses and £450 for day visits per academic year.  Each individual student may only benefit from one bursary.

Bursaries will represent a maximum of 80% of the curriculum course fee.  Applications from schools with a group size of more than 30 students of whom at least 50% are eligible for bursary support will be considered on an individual basis.

Children and young people aged 4-19 attending school or college in the state sector who live in the 10% most deprived areas of England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland or the Republic of Ireland and who are attending a curriculum focused FSC course are eligible to apply.

Examples of Projects Funded include:

  • Archbishop Sentamu Academy, Hull: 25 of the group who visited FSC Malham Tarn to study GCSE geography received a bursary to enable them to go.
  • Corpus Christi Primary, Glasgow: This school received bursary support for 12 of their group of 45 primary students to attend a course at FSC Kindrogan.

Applications can be made at any time but must be made at least 4 weeks prior to the date of the FSC course.

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Funding Available to Support Local Good Causes

The Morrison’s Foundation awards grants to community projects that improve people’s lives.

Applicants must demonstrate how the project will deliver public benefit, who in the community will specifically benefit and how it will bring about positive change.

Grants may be applied for by any charity which is registered with the Charity Commission (England and Wales) or the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (Scotland) that have financial information dating back to 2012. Applicants must also have raised some funding towards the project elsewhere.

Projects supported have ranged from support groups to children’s hospitals and homeless shelters to hospices across England, Scotland and Wales. In 2018, a total of £9,717,536 was distributed to 807 organisations which included:

  • Groundwork London received a grant of £11,578 to run a series of activities for people at risk of social isolation.
  • Friends of East Preston School received a grant of £5,000 to replace their old and dilapidated outdoor trim trail.
  • Forget Me Not Children’s Hospice received a grant of £20,000 to buy a new minibus and run activity trips for young patients.

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis can be submitted at any time and there is no specific grant amount that can be applied for.

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