Funding Insight Newsletter 19.06.19

Published Friday 21 June 2019 at 12:13

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This insight outlines a range of funding opportunities open to the public sector, businesses, community groups etc.  Regular funding opportunities are also available via the websites below:

Arts Council Funding Finder

National Lottery Grant for Heritage

Big Lottery Fund

Community groups can now access potential grant funding opportunities through the free Blackburn with Darwen Open4Community online search tool.

Register and find out more

For all Blackburn with Darwen Council funding bids

Please check whether match funding is required, if it is please contact and inform your Finance colleague.

Funding opportunities greater than £100,000

New funding to help charities build homes for vulnerable people and families

A new fund has been launched to help charities build homes for vulnerable people and their families. The aim is to support 30 organisations to house 10,000 people over the next 10 years through long-term, flexible loans and quasi-equity investments ranging from £250,000 to £2 million. The first investment has been awarded to Hull Women’s Network to enable them to create safe homes for women and children fleeing violence and abuse. Applications can be submitted at any time and pre-application discussions are welcomed. The Community Investment Fund is offered by Social and Sustainable Capital.

Social and Sustainable Capital (SASC) is an award-winning impact led social investor. This new fund, the Social and Sustainable Housing LP, was co-designed with charities to ensure demand for investment. The fund has been launched with over £26m in commitments from 19 investors, including the Social Investment Business and Big Society Capital who provided the capital for SASC’s two initial funds in 2014.

The Fund invests in community based, locally led organisations which are providing essential support and services to improve the well-being of local residents, developing the local economy and creating positive social change for all individuals in the community. Applicants will:

  • Be a community led social sector organisation with a neighbourhood focus
  • Be based and have operations in England
  • Have a clear social mission with significant measurable, direct outcomes and good corporate governance
  • Have strong management with proven capability to deliver, robust business plan and financial projections, clearly demonstrate how investment repayment will be made.

Applications can be submitted at any time and pre-application discussions are welcomed.

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Funding opportunity for heritage and environmental facilities

Not for profit organisations working in partnership to restore and improve a natural environment have an opportunity to apply for grants of £250,000 – £750,000. Projects are expected to be of national or regional significance and make a significant impact on the quality of life within the specified area and may be, for example, new meadows, wildlife re-introduction or site access improvements. This scheme is open to projects located within 15 miles of a significant Biffa operation and 10 miles of an active landfill site.

Biffa Award awards grants through the Partnerships Built Environment – Natural Environment strand to not for profit organisations working in partnership to improve natural environment by restoring, modernising and improving facilities. Projects are expected to be of national or regional significance and make a significant impact on the quality of life within the specified area. Facilities funded must be open to the public for published periods each year (minimum of 104 days) and attracting tourists or day visitors.

Preference will be given where Biffa Award is the majority funder, to organisations who work in partnership with others and who engage with people through improving their knowledge of the asset.

Grants of £250,000 – £750,000 are available for site-based direct capital delivery works (staff costs of up to 7.5% of the deliverable capital elements may be included). Applicant organisations (and the project) must be eligible for enrolment and registration with ENTRUST and conditions will apply to any grant awarded. In addition, the project site must be:

  • Within 15 miles of a significant Biffa operation or active Biffa landfill site.
  • AND within 10 miles of any licensed landfill site (To find your nearest landfill site, telephone the regulator Entrust on 01926 488300)

The deadline for Expressions of Interest (Stage 1) is 1st July 2019. The Stage 2 application deadline is 27th September 2019.

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Funding available to provide move-on accommodation for rough sleepers and victims of domestic

The Government is making available £50 million across England (outside London) up to 2020/21 through the Move On Fund. The fund is part of a package of measures that have been announced through the Government’s new Rough Sleeping Strategy.

The Move On Fund aims to free up hostel and refuge spaces by increasing the availability of affordable move-on, or second stage housing, for rough sleepers and those in hostel accommodation, and victims of domestic abuse currently living in refuges who are ready to leave this type of provision but might otherwise not be in a position to access the next stage of housing.

The fund will provide capital grants contributing towards the costs of developing move-on accommodation for the target cohort. Revenue funding will also be made available to be accessed by successful bidders for the on-going tenancy support and facilitation costs to ensure that those accessing the accommodation are able to sustain their housing.

Funding outside of London is being allocated by Homes England through a Continuous Market Engagement (CME) process. There is no fixed bidding window for CME and the programme will remain open to receive new applications throughout the funding period. This is in addition to £50 million that has already been made available for schemes in London through the Greater London Authority (GLA). Full details of the fund and how to bid can be found in the prospectus. Online bidding via Homes England’s Investment Management System (IMS) will open shortly.

If you have any questions regarding the Move On Fund please email

Organisations interested in applying for funding are invited to contact the Homes England area investment teams to discuss their proposals. The aim is to support delivery of up to 879 bed spaces in move-on housing across England (outside London). £44 million grant funding and £6 million revenue funding for on-going tenancy support costs is being made available for this purpose from 2018/19 to 2020/21.

Bidding for the Move On Fund will go live from mid-September 2018, and will remain open to receive new applications until 30th September 2020 or until funding is fully committed, whichever occurs first.

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Smart energy systems: apply for funding

UK organisations can apply for a share of up to £30 million to develop designs for smart local energy systems that make the best use of innovative technologies including cheaper renewables, energy storage, low carbon heat and digital infrastructure.

The competition is part of the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund programme, prospering from the energy revolution. The challenge was established to support industry, academia, public bodies and local communities to work together and develop a world-leading, smart local energy systems industry in the UK.

The aim of the competition is to create a pipeline of highly innovative, ambitious, local energy system designs that are investable and ready to roll out across the UK in the 2020s.

Projects will create new market and business models using smart energy systems that enable deployment at scale of the latest in energy technologies across heat, power and transport, in a way that is reproducible across the UK.

Projects are expected to:

  • develop novel market and business approaches for smart energy systems
  • integrate new energy technologies across heat, power and transport in replicable and scalable ways across the UK
  • investigate and design approaches that will significantly lower energy system costs and emissions
  • create economic benefits for the local area and the UK as a whole
  • develop finance and investment models for the deployment of low carbon technologies at scale

The closing date for Applications is midday on 7th August 2019.

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£25 million to support low-carbon propulsion technology in the automotive sector

Organisations can apply for a share of £25 million to support low-carbon propulsion technology in the automotive sector. The funding is available through an Innovate UK and Advanced Propulsion Centre (APC) competition to support pre-production projects that can enhance the UK’s long-term capabilities and supply chain in zero-emission vehicles.

Eligible projects must either speed up the development of low- and zero-emission vehicles or demonstrate a significant reduction in CO2 emissions. This can involve improving production and competitiveness in design, build and manufacturing across technologies such as:

  • alternative propulsion systems
  • electric machines and power electronics
  • energy storage and management
  • lightweight vehicles and powertrain structures
  • thermal propulsion systems

Projects that will make a positive impact on the UK supply chain will be prioritised. This can include:

  • creating new supply chains in zero-emission vehicles and electrification
  • delivering a UK-centric high value manufacturing and sourcing footprint
  • lowering the overall cost of goods sold to customers
  • attracting new companies not traditionally serving the automotive sector.

To be eligible organisations must be based in the UK and work with at least 1 micro-, small- or medium-sized business.

The closing date for applications is 12pm on the 10th July 2019.

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Grants to support children’s health and education

The next deadline to apply to the DM Thomas Foundation Central Grants Programme is the 23rd July 2019. The Foundation distributes a total of around £200,000 per quarter.

Grants of up to £30,000 are available per year for up to two years to registered charities for projects that improve education and health for young people in three key areas:

  • Children and young people with disabilities
  • Children and young people who are sick in hospital
  • Children and young people who are life limited (requiring palliative care)

The Foundation is a small charity and generally will not make awards of over £30,000 (per year). Funding can be requested for one-off projects or for up to 2 years work. Applications from schools and hospitals are welcomed as long as they are made through an appropriate registered charity.

If favoured, grant applications for up to £5,000 can be approved by the Director, up to £10,000 can be approved by the Grants Committee, and applications for more than £10,000 are recommended to the Trustees for final approval.

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Funding opportunities between £25,000 and £100,000

New funding available to develop technologies to help people affected by abuse

Not for profit organisations based in the UK with experience of working with people affected by abuse are being offered the chance to apply for funding. Proposals are welcomed for projects that define, develop and test digital tools and approaches that will make an immediate difference to people experiencing abuse. This round will aim to fund up to 12 organisations with grants of up to £50,000 (up to £75,000 for consortia bids) for projects lasting up to twelve months.

Comic Relief is working with the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation and The Clothworkers Foundation in re-launching the UK Tech vs Abuse funding programme. The programme will support eligible non-profit organisations committed to improving their digital services to enable people to recognise abuse sooner, find the right information at the right time, access real-time services, stay safe and rebuild their lives. The funding is for digital tools, approaches, products and services at early idea and concept stages of development and will support ideas which directly address, overlap, link to, or cut across the following key design challenges:

  • Realising it is abuse
  • Finding the right information at the right time
  • Effective real-time support services
  • Recovery

It is anticipated that up to twelve grants will be awarded from a total grant funding amount of up to £600,000. Grants can be for amounts up to £50,000 over a period of one year from October 2019 to November 2020. Bids submitted by two or more charities or not-for-profits in the domestic and sexual abuse sector in partnership or consortia can apply for up to £75,000.

The funding will include a three-month discovery stage where ideas can be further developed and user research undertaken before development and delivery work commences in full over the remaining nine months to develop a solution.  It is also open to organisations looking to build significantly on an existing, early stage prototype of a product by following a supported process of discovery, definition and development.

The closing date is 12 noon BST on 4th July 2019.

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Stelios award for disabled entrepreneurs 2019

The Stelios Philanthropic Foundation is giving disabled entrepreneurs in the UK the chance to win a share of £100,000 to fund the further growth of their business, and become Stelios Disabled Entrepreneur of the Year 2019. Applicants can be businesses operated by and/or for the benefit of disabled people; or employers whose workforce is made up of significant numbers of disabled people.

The overall winner will receive a top prize of £30,000. There are four shortlist prizes of £10,000 and four longlist prizes of £5,000 as well as a discretionary Judges prize of £10,000 to be distributed to one or more applicants at the Judges’ discretion.

A previous winner of the award was Geoff Holt MBE of Wetwheels, a Community Interest Company (CIC) run out of Portsmouth, which operates fully accessible boats to provide boating opportunities for people of all ages and abilities.

Applications close at 5pm on Tuesday 10th September 2019.

Applicants who have questions about their application can email or call 07740515957 (Tuesdays and Thursdays only).

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Funding opportunities under £25,000

Windrush justice fund: apply for funding

Small grants of between £200 and £2,000 are available to grassroots organisations supporting people affected by the Windrush crisis. The Fund aims to support a range of services and activities, planned and ongoing, including assisting people with applications to the Windrush Taskforce and the Windrush Compensation Scheme. Applications are open to community groups and small civil society organisations with a strong track record of working with members of the Windrush generation and with their communities to address the challenges they have faced as a result of the Windrush crisis.

The Windrush Justice Fund has been made possible by the generosity of the public and supported by the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan and the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants (JCWI). The aims of the Fund are to provide for a range of services and activities, by way of small grants of between £200 and £2,000 to grassroots and community organisations. This round of funding offers:

  • £20,000 in total for organisations and groups operating within London, funded by the Mayor of London;
  • £20,000 in total for organisations and groups operating outside London, funded by donations and supported by JCWI.

The Windrush Justice Fund is open to applications from community groups and small civil society organisations with a strong track record of working with members of the Windrush generation and with their communities to address the challenges they have faced as a result of the Windrush crisis.

Applicants will be expected to demonstrate:

  • Ability to deliver a successful event or appropriate outreach activity;
  • Ability to reach target audiences, particularly those most vulnerable or at risk;
  • Ability to set clear objectives and evaluate the activity;
  • A clear plan to overcome barriers that the target audience may face in accessing support.

The closing date for applications is the 30th June 2019.

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Grants to improve playing fields and sports facilities

Grants of between £2,500 – £5,000 are available from the Angus Irvine Playing Fields Fund to local community groups, sports clubs and charities to increase opportunities for young people in disadvantaged areas of the UK to play outdoor sport. Grants can be used for the development and improvement of playing fields and other facilities; volunteer training including the provision of qualifications; purchasing specialist disability equipment; or the development of long-term sustainability, for example marketing and finance expertise. Applications for grant to help unlock additional funding from other funders are encouraged.

The Angus Irvine Playing Fields Fund is a joint funding opportunity managed by Access Sport. It grew out of The Playing Fields Legacy Fund, a charity established to provide the promised legacy London Olympics for grass-roots sport.

The Fund exists to increase opportunities for young people in disadvantaged areas of the UK to play outdoor sport and is available to local community groups, sports clubs and charities.

Grants will typically be in the range from £2,500 – £5,000 although a larger grant may be possible in some circumstances. Applications can be made for grants towards some or all of the following types of projects with the intention of growing capacity to reach more young people:

  • The development and improvement of playing fields and other facilities.
  • The development and training of volunteers including the provision of qualifications.
  • The purchase of specialist disability equipment.
  • The development of long-term sustainability, for example marketing and finance expertise.

Where it can be demonstrated that a grant will help unlock additional funding from other funders, this is encouraged.

Applications can be submitted at any time.

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Science and chemistry equipment grants for schools

Teachers at primary or secondary schools can apply for a grant of up to £1,000 towards the purchase of equipment to support the delivery of Primary Science or Chemistry lessons. Bids are invited for the purchase of items of equipment that cannot be purchased through a school’s mainstream teaching budget and which would enrich the learning experience of students.

The Royal Society of Chemistry aims to support schools in presenting Chemistry lessons that enrich the learning experience of students in either primary (science) or secondary (chemistry) studies.  The Biological and Medicinal Chemistry Sector (BMCS) of the Society awards Enhanced Equipment grants towards the purchase of equipment that supports delivery of the practical aspect of chemistry education. Applications will be enhanced by a demonstration of the diversity of application of the equipment within and between student cohorts.

A teacher at a primary or secondary school should make the application.

The funding is being made available through the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Enhanced Equipment grant scheme and applications to the scheme can be made at any time.

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Grants for chemistry outreach projects in schools and college s

The Royal Society of Chemistry is making grants of up to £1,000 available to schools, colleges and universities to help students in the development of the practical chemistry skills and experience.  To be eligible for funding through the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Partnership of 3 grant scheme, the projects should bring together at least three different partners to benefit in the delivery or attendance at a chemistry centred outreach activity.

The Royal Society of Chemistry awards grants for activities that to involve the development of the practical skills/ experience in chemistry of a target group in a manner that is not achievable through normal timetabled activities.

Activities funded could include, for example, a university collaborating with a sixth form college in providing an experience for KS3/ 4 students (it may be that staff and students from the same institution are considered as different partners if they both have significant and different roles in the delivery of the proposed programme).

Strong applications will be able to demonstrate, in addition to key scientific benefits, how as many of the partners in the scheme as possible will develop through involvement in the scheme.  Schemes that involve visits from one partner constituency to another will be particularly favoured.

Applications can be submitted at any time and will be evaluated at quarterly meetings throughout the year.

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Childs charitable trust

The Childs Charitable Trust is a grant-making trust, supporting Christian UK registered charities and organisations both in the UK and overseas. During 2017 the Trust awarded grants to 81 different organisations all based in the UK but operating in more than 100 different countries worldwide.

Projects will be considered that fall into the following categories:

  • Youth – the trust looks to support projects working in schools and with vulnerable and disengaged young people in the UK. Supported activities may include RE Lessons; School Assemblies; Lunchtime/After school clubs; Evangelism; Personal Development Programmes; Homelessness Prevention.
  • Outreach – the trust works to share the gospel of Christ by supporting all aspects of Christian outreach both in the UK and overseas and can fund, for example, Church Plants; Overseas Mission; Training in Evangelism; Chaplaincy.
  • Society – the trust believes people of faith bring a valuable contribution to social action and justice and support initiatives that have a positive impact in their society. Grants could support, for example: Counselling; night shelters; alcohol/drug rehabilitation; homelessness; or prison/ex-offenders work.
  • Education – the trust supports initiatives involved in all areas of Christian education including Bible Translation; Media Initiatives; Bible Colleges; Literature; Apologetics.

Applicants must be registered with the Charity Commission of England and Wales, the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator or the Charity Commission of Northern Ireland or be ‘excepted’ charities. Organisations with a turnover in excess of £5,000,000 should contact the office prior to submitting an application, to check eligibility.

No minimum or maximum funding amounts are specified, however in 2017, 16 grants of between £5,000 and £9,999, 18 grants of between £3,000 and £4,999 and 34 grants not exceeding £2,999 were made. Nine other grants ranging from £12,000 to £34,000 were also awarded.

The deadline for applications is the 31st August 2019.

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Grants for human and legal rights organisations

Grants of between £5,000 and £15,000 are available to voluntary sector organisations whose work is related to the law and the legal profession. Projects supported will be working to promote human rights, provide access to justice or to provide legal education. Priority is particularly given to projects that promote the needs of excluded, under-represented or disadvantaged groups and minorities.

The Law Society Charity offers grants to voluntary sector organisations whose work is related to the law and the legal profession for projects that:

  • Promote human rights
  • Provide access to justice
  • Provide legal education.

Priority is particularly given to projects that promote the needs of excluded, under-represented or disadvantaged groups and minorities.

Grants are usually awarded on a one-off basis and can occasionally be spread over 2-3 years.

Organisations supported in the past include Youth Net which received funding towards the development of information to young people via alternative communication tools and the Legal Action Group (LAG) which received funding towards the development of LAG’s monthly magazine Legal Action.

The closing date for the 17th September 2019 meeting will be published when The Law Society Charity has received a number of applications that can be properly assessed.  Applications received after a closing date has been published will be assessed at the next following meeting date.

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Funding for financial literacy projects

The MSE Charity has announced that its grants programme will re-open for applications on the 2nd September 2019. The charity gives grants to not for profit organisations that deliver activities which make a lasting impact on how people think, behave and manage their money.

The MSE Charity is dedicated to supporting UK voluntary groups delivering financial life skills which make a lasting impact on the way people think, behave and manage their money. Grants of up to £5,000 are likely to be available for projects that aim to make people in ‘Life Changing Transitions’ become more financially capable. Grants will be offered to build financial capability by assisting groups who support:

  • Bereavement
  • Redundancy
  • Retirement
  • Relationship breakdown
  • Homelessness
  • Offenders
  • Resettlement

Eligible applicants will be registered charities, Community Interest Companies (CICs) and other not for profit companies and Credit Unions. Preference is given to projects that break new ground in approach, delivery or in audience and are either capable of replication to a wider audience and/or are collaborative i.e. working with other organisations in the field, or geographical area as appropriate.

The programme opens on 2nd September 2019 and closes on the 30th September 2019.

Potential applicants are asked to complete an Eligibility Quiz and read the Guidance Notes prior to application.

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Women make music grants programme

Women songwriters and composers of all genres and backgrounds have until the 1st October 2019 to apply for the next round of the Women Make Music programme.

The programme supports the development of outstanding women songwriters and composers at different stages of their career. It aims to:

  • Break down assumptions and stereotypes
  • Raise awareness of the gender gap
  • Increase the profile of women who are creating new music in the UK
  • Encourage women who may otherwise not have applied for PRS for Music Foundation funding.

Grants of up to £5,000 are available to support touring, recording, promotion and marketing, community projects involving high-quality music creators, music creator residencies and live performances featuring new UK music.

Please note that the PRS for Music Foundation no longer support organisations through Women Make Music.

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The open fund for music creators

Songwriters, composers, and artists, bands, producers and performers who are writing their own music or commissioning other songwriters or composers can apply for grants of up to £5,000 to support the:

  • Creation, performance and promotion of outstanding new music in any genre
  • Enable the UK’s most talented music creators to realise their potential
  • Reaching new audiences

The funding is being made available through the PRS Foundation’s Open Fund for Music Creators and can support activities such as:

  • touring
  • music creator residencies
  • promotion and marketing
  • commissions of new music by UK-based creators
  • exciting community projects involving high-quality music creators
  • recording
  • live performances featuring new UK music.

The closing date for applications is 6pm on the 1st October 2019.

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Grants for community music projects

Grants are available to UK based community groups and schools who would benefit from a “helping hand” to bring music to their community and fulfil their potential in becoming truly sustainable music programmes.

The funding which is being made available by the charity Music for All, can be put towards musical instrument costs, workshops/training, using music to break down barriers, providing a variety of educational opportunities as well as helping to find ways to integrate many diverse and minority groups positively into society. Grants of up to £2,5000 are available, but due to increased demand most awards will be for less than this amount.

UK based community music groups and educational organisations are eligible to apply. Applicants are encouraged to look for other sources of funding to add to the amount needed to deliver the project.

Examples of projects funded:

  • Belham Primary School: Used a grant from Music for All to purchase instruments and resulted in 137 out of the 180 children learning violin, guitar, ukulele or recorder. This compares to 6 months earlier when only a handful were learning just the recorder.

Funding of up to £500 is also available to individuals who do not have the means to access musical instruments and lessons.

Applications are assessed three times a year in Spring, Summer and Autumn and the next deadline for applications is the 1st November 2019.

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Funding for high quality new music projects

PRS Foundation’s Open Fund for Organisations supports high quality new music projects led by promoters, talent development organisations, venues, festivals, curators and large performance groups (for example orchestras, choirs, jazz bands or folk groups with 12 or more performers).

Supported projects will involve the creation, performance and promotion of new music and enable Music Creators i.e. songwriters, composers, or solo artists, bands, producers and performers of all backgrounds, to develop creatively and professionally.

Grants of up to £10,000 are awarded to composers cover activities such as:

  • Touring
  • Recording
  • Promotion and marketing
  • Commissions of new music by UK-based creators*
  • Exciting community projects involving high-quality music creators
  • Music creator residencies
  • Live programmes featuring new UK music

Successful proposals will fit all three of the following funding priorities:

  • To support the creation, performance and promotion of outstanding new music in any genre
  • To enable the UK’s most talented music creators to realise their potential
  • To inspire audiences

Priority is given to not for profit groups.

The next closing date for applications is 6pm on the 1st October 2019.

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Apply for grants of up to £20,000 for projects that fight poverty and discrimination

From the 31st July 2019, registered charities and community groups can apply for grants of £500 – £20,000 to the Postcode Community Trust for projects to help people – ensuring they have the skills, opportunities and rights to improve their lives.

To be eligible, projects should focus on:

  • The prevention of poverty.
  • Promotion of human rights
  • Combatting discrimination for some of society’s most vulnerable groups.

Please note that only registered charities can apply for grants above £2,000.

Previous projects supported include:

  • Sunderland Community Action Group received £2,000 in 2018 to support their ‘Ready2Go’ project, a volunteering programme that supports the development of life skills for young people.
  • Movement for All – a community dance group for people aged 60+ in Brinsley Notts, Nottingham, were awarded funding for their ‘Dancing Together’ project in 2017.
  • Skipton Extended Learning for All (SELFA) – an inclusive holiday club for primary-aged children was awarded funding to enable them to team up with the Skipton International Puppet Festival in September 2017.

Round Two for 2019 will be open from 31st July – 14th August.

Applicants successful at this stage will be invited to submit full proposals between 11th September and 25th September 2019.

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Community grants for housing projects

Charities, Community Land Trusts and housing co-operatives can apply for grants of between £10,000 and £50,000 from the Nationwide Community Grant Scheme for local housing projects. The aim of the grants is support the most vulnerable members of the community by preventing people from losing their home or helping vulnerable people in to a home and by supporting them within the home environment.

New and innovative approaches to increasing the supply of housing as well as new ideas around ways of reinventing renting for both tenants and landlords are welcomed.  The funding is available for revenue expenditure such as core, staff and volunteer costs and some small-scale capital expenditure.

In particular, the Nationwide is looking to fund sustainable projects from organisations that:

  • Can draw in additional funding
  • Are providing long-term solutions to the people they are helping
  • Provide skills-building for their staff and volunteers
  • Have strategic local partnerships and networks in place

The closing date for applications is the 5th July 2019.

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Funding for projects supporting young people

Grants of up to £5,000 (sometimes more) are available to registered charities in England and Wales working with young people aged 0-25. The funding is available for projects that lead to employment, accreditation, further education, training and integration.

The funding is being made available through the Joanies Fund and administered by Herefordshire Community Foundation. Applicants should offer innovation and an entrepreneurial approach, and strong evidence of consultation with young people in developing the organisation’s service.

The funding is available for running costs, both project and core costs, and capital costs.

Applications are open until September 2019.

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Grants for community projects

Community groups, charitable companies and charities can apply for a grant of up to £3,000 through the Lancashire Police and Crime Commissioner’s Community Action Fund to support them in making where they live a safer and better place. This small grant scheme aims to assist groups in tackling local concerns such as protecting vulnerable people, tackling crime and reoffending, anti-social behaviour and re-offending, supporting vulnerable people and victims and developing safe and confident communities.

The Police and Crime Commissioner for Lancashire’s Community Action Fund is designed to provide small grants to assist groups in tackling local concerns and helping to deliver the priorities the Police and Crime Plan by utilising funds from Proceeds of Crime. As well as tackling local concerns, projects will need to support the priorities that are set out in the Police and Crime Plan which are:

  • Protecting local policing
  • Tackling crime and reoffending
  • Supporting vulnerable people and victims
  • Developing safe and confident communities

Projects supported will:

  • Allow the local community to tackle the problems in their neighbourhoods themselves.
  • Be organised by, and involving community/neighbourhood groups.
  • Include as many sections of the community as possible.
  • Demonstrate that they will make a difference to local communities.
  • Be innovative and creative – or take a new approach to tackling long term problems.
  • Take place in the Lancashire area which includes Blackburn with Darwen and Blackpool.

Grants of up to £3,000 are awarded to projects costing under £10,000.

Registered charities, Community Interest Companies and community groups with reserves of under £25,000 are eligible to apply at any time.

Examples of projects funded in 2018/19 included:

  • Laugh Live Love CIC, Fylde: £2,185 for a 13-week social inclusion and support programme for vulnerable elderly members of the community.
  • Fleetwood Town Community Trust, Wyre: £2,500 to deliver Street Soccer, a 50-week diversionary activity programme to young people.

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Grants to enhance the teaching of mathematics

The London Mathematical Society has announced that Mathematics Teachers in the UK can apply for grants of up to £400 to attend specific one or two-day conferences/events organised by professional mathematical organisations.

The aim of the grant is to facilitate mathematical professional development to allow teachers in UK schools/educational institutions to develop their subject knowledge. The grant can contribute to the costs of registration for the course and a proportion of the travel and subsistence expenses of attendees.  Any application for a grant under this scheme must be made by a teacher of mathematics or ITE provider based in the UK. The grants are open to teachers of mathematics from primary school to A-Level or equivalent (inclusive of STEP/AEA).

The next closing date for applications is the 31st August 2019.

Queries regarding applications can be addressed to the Education Grants administrator, Katherine Wright, who can discuss proposals informally with potential applicants. Email  Tel: 020 7927 0801

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London mathematical society – small grants for education

Grants of up to £800 are available to stimulate interest and enable involvement in mathematics from Key Stage 1 (age 5+) to Undergraduate level and beyond. The funding is being made available through the London Mathematical Society’s Small Grants for Education scheme and aims to enhance and enrich mathematical study beyond the curriculum; engage the public with mathematics; and encourage unusual ways of communicating mathematics.

The scheme is primarily intended for activities for which there is limited scope for alternative sources of funding.  Applicants linked to universities should ideally be supported by a member of the Society and ordinarily the Scheme will not fund University outreach activity.  However, anyone based in the UK is eligible to apply for a grant.

There are four application rounds each year and the next closing date for applications is the 31st August 2019.

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Grants to support canoeing and inland waterway conservation

The main purpose of the Canoe Foundation is to “support all to enjoy and benefit from the experience of paddling on our water in a sustainable manner”. The Foundation does this through grant making that facilitates improvements to suitable landing and launching points and by promoting the conservation of inland waterways for the benefit of all sectors of the community.

The Foundation awards grants to projects that:

  • Set up new or improved launching points in urban or rural locations or as part of a water trail, such as steps or pontoons. Linked promotion of access points including signage or maps to increase participation and use.
  • Incorporate better accessibility or facilities at waterside locations which might improve the parking or changing aspects of a site.
  • Improve the quality of the waterways and oceans through support, for example practical kits, for a clean-up or an improved natural habitat.

The Foundation invites applications for grants ranging from £2,000 to £20,000.  Applications are considered on a quarterly basis with the next deadline for applications being the 31st August 2019.

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This document is produced by Corporate Policy, Research and Partnerships, Blackburn with Darwen Council.

Tel: 01254 585825.