Funding Insight Newsletter 04.09.19

Published Thursday 5 September 2019 at 12:50

This insight outlines a range of funding opportunities open to the public sector, businesses, community groups etc.  Regular funding opportunities are also available via the websites below:

Arts Council Funding Finder

National Lottery Grant for Heritage

Big Lottery Fund

Community groups can now access potential grant funding opportunities through the free Blackburn with Darwen Open4Community online search tool.

Register and find out more

For all Blackburn with Darwen Council funding bids

Please check whether match funding is required, if it is please contact and inform your Finance colleague.

Funding opportunities greater than £100,000

Applying for the 5G Rural Connected Communities Project (UK)

The Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport has launched a new £30 million competition to test 5G applications in rural areas, along with plans to improve and extend mobile coverage.  The Rural Connected Communities (RCC) competition will fund up to 10 5G research and development projects to run over the course of two years.These projects will trial innovative use cases and technical solutions to build the business case for investment in rural connectivity and explore the capabilities of 5G to benefit rural communities. They will also help demonstrate demand from a variety of economic sectors and rural communities for 5G technologies.

Connectivity applications are expected to show a combination of societal and economic benefits that will together create a stronger case for investing in the deployment of 5G infrastructure for rural areas.This​ ​competition​​ ​is​ ​open​ ​to​ applications from consortia​ ​from​ ​across​ ​the​ ​UK. Consortia are likely to consist of a mixture of organisations including the public, private and third sectors, and academia.

The competition closes midday on the 25th October 2019.

Find out more here

Funding Available to Councils to Improve Public Services Using Digital Technology (England)

The Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government is inviting groups of local authorities working together to apply for grants of up to £350,000 to improve public services through innovative uses of digital technology.

The funding is being made available through round 2 of the £7.5 million Local Digital Fund.

The type of projects funded could range from making people’s lives easier with more efficient, online ways to pay for services or get help, to embracing tech to support vulnerable people or making bin collections, social housing repairs and taxi licensing services more efficient.

Only councils in England are eligible to lead on applications; councils in other parts of the UK are still eligible to partner on applications.

All project applications will need to include at least 3 partner local authorities that have signed the Local Digital Declaration.

Previous projects supported include:

  • A grant of £69,300 to Birmingham City Council to investigate how the use of virtual assistants or chatbots, such as Amazon’s Alexa or Apple’s Siri, could improve the provision of care for people in need.
  • A grant of £100,000 to Stockport Local Authority to help frontline children’s services workers access the information they need to assess what support to offer and judge safeguarding risk by building a prototype to view the information easily.

The closing date for applications is the 16th September 2019.

Find out more here

Commercialising Quantum Technologies – Apply for Funding (UK)

Businesses can apply for a share of up to £33 million to work with others on developing new products and services that exploit quantum technologies.

Projects must aim to speed up commercialisation of second-generation quantum technologies and should address at least 1 of the following areas:

  • connectivity and techniques for securing data in storage and in flight;
  • situational awareness including autonomous systems; sensors and detectors for the built environment, transport and infrastructure; imaging and sensing of things currently invisible;
  • transformational computing to solve currently unmanageable problems.

The competition has 2 strands:

  • up to £27 million is available for consortia undertaking large research projects
  • up to £6 million is available for projects with costs of less than £500,000 that can be undertaken by companies working alone or with partners

The competition opens on 5th August 2019, and the deadline for applications is at midday on 30th October 2019.

Find out more here

Funding opportunities between £25,000 and £100,000

Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust – Power and Accountability (UK)

Funding is available from the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust (JRCT) to support projects that challenge how power is concentrated, shared and used and how it is changing through globalisation, new technology, new channels of communication, extreme inequality and other factors. Specifically, the Trust wants to support people to create a world in which power is more equally shared, and in which powerful institutions are responsive and accountable to wider society and aligned with the long-term public interest.

Applications should address the following:

  • Strengthening corporate accountability
  • Strengthening democratic accountability
  • Encouraging responsible media.

In addition to the specific focus areas above, JRCT is open to occasionally supporting other work that furthers the vision of this programme, is highly innovative, with the potential to bring about systemic change and is exceptionally difficult to fund from other sources. Projects can be UK-based or can be pan-European. Applications aimed at increasing the accountability of the UK government and other UK bodies for the impact of the policies and practices that they pursue within global institutions are also considered. A broad range of organisations and individuals are eligible to apply.

Recent grants awarded have ranged from £1,000 to £100,000+ including:

  • £34,500 to the Bevan Foundation
  • £11,000 to the Centre for Crime and Justice Studies
  • £1,000 to three 4 all theatre

The next closing date for applications to the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust – Power and Accountability Fund is 2nd December 2019.

Find out more here

£250,000 Boost for Broadband in Conference Centres (UK)

The Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport has launched a new competition for conference centres across the UK to apply for funding to improve broadband infrastructure with the aim of hosting more international conferences at UK venues. The £250,000 funding will be awarded to venues across the UK to support the improvement of on-site broadband facilities and help them attract more international business events.

Applications for funding will be open to event venues with conference facilities, including hotels and event centres, which bid for – or plan to bid for – events which attract international delegates.

Exact costs will vary between locations, however the average value per project will be approximately £30 000.

The closing date for applications is 11:59pm on Friday 27th September 2019.

Find out more here

Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust Sustainable Futures Fund (UK)

The Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust recognises that climate change caused by human activity is threatening the well-being of humanity and that the wealthiest countries and individuals are responsible for a disproportionate share of emissions, whilst the poorest countries and sections of society are the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. In order to tackle this issue, the Sustainable Futures fund focuses grant making on:

  • Identifying the true costs and risks of resource depletion, climate change and other environmental problems
  • Campaigns, initiatives and work that promote alternatives to consumerism
  • Campaigns and movements that give a voice to young activists and marginalised groups on issues of economic and environmental justice.

Grants are available from a few hundred pounds to over £100,000 and may be single payments or spread over up to three years. Funding priorities are:

  • Better economics – with grants funding work that explores how sustainability rather than traditional forms of economic growth
  • Beyond consumerism – funded work will include that which engages people individually and collectively in moving culture away from consumerism and towards more sustainable ways of living
  • New Voices – funding for campaigns and movements that enable marginalised groups and young activists to have a voice in decisions which affect them

The deadline to apply is the 2nd December 2019.

Find out more here

Masonic Charitable Foundation Programme to Support Disadvantaged and Vulnerable Older People (England and Wales)

Local and national charities in England and Wales can apply to the Later Life Inclusions grants programme run by the Masonic Charitable Foundation. The Later Life Inclusion grants programme is open to charities working to reduce loneliness and isolation of vulnerable and disadvantaged people over 50.

Grants can be offered to charities that provide:

  • Mental and physical health support
  • Gateway and access to service, e.g. transport and technology
  • Community based approaches, i.e. volunteering, positive ageing and neighbourhood support
  • Advocacy, social and welfare support

The type of activities that could be funded includes:

  • Support for emotional and psychological planning for later life
  • Digital inclusion sessions to enable older people to access services
  • Activities and clubs enabling older people to remain active and make friends
  • Providing companionship and befriending schemes for periods of transition
  • Advice and information on options for those with health conditions
  • Carers and respite support

The programme offers both small grants of up to £15,000 to charities with an annual income of up to £500,000 for projects lasting up to three years; and grants of between £10,000 and £150,000 to charities with an annual income of above £500,000 for projects lasting up to three years.

The next application window for small grants will re-open on the 14th October 2019 until the 3rd January 2020. For large grants the application timeframe will be from the 16th September until the 4th November 2019.

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Masonic Charitable Foundation – Early Years Opportunities Grants Programme (England and Wales)

Charities in England and Wales can apply for Early Years Opportunities Grants through the Masonic Charitable Foundation. The Early Years Opportunities programme is open to charities that help disadvantaged children and young people (up to the age of 25 years) overcome the barriers they face to achieve the best possible start in life.

Grants can be offered to charities that provide:

  • Mental and physical health support
  • Learning and development, including language and communication skills, social and emotional etc.
  • Parental support, including whole family approach
  • Pastoral and advocacy support

The type of activities that could be funded include:

  • Additional educational opportunities such as improving literacy and numeracy
  • Individual interventions, i.e. parent education, home visiting or mentoring
  • Encouraging healthy behaviours with regards to diet, activity and wellbeing
  • Psychological interventions for domestic abuse and behavioural issues etc.
  • Provision of vital adaptive technologies and equipment removing barriers

Alternative methods or specialist therapies to help children and young people integrate into the mainstream education system.

The programme offers both small grants of up to £15,000 to charities with an annual income of up to £500,000 for projects lasting up to three years; and grants of between £10,000 and £150,000 to charities with an annual income of above £500,000 for projects lasting up to three years.

The next application window for small grants will re-open on the 14th October 2019 until the 3rd January 2020. For large grants the application timeframe will be from the 16th September until the 4th November 2019.

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War Memorials Grant Scheme (UK)

The War Memorials Trust is providing grants for the repair and conservation of free-standing war memorials in England.

These grants are intended to help those who are responsible for the upkeep of war memorials. The grants support the care and preservation of war memorials to a high standard, and to prevent the decay of this important part of our built heritage. Grants will normally be for up to a maximum of 75% of eligible costs, with a maximum grant of £30,000.

The fund is open to anyone to apply; individuals or organisations, including councils.

The next closing date for applications is the 30th November 2019.

Find out more here

Grants to Support Children’s Health and Education (UK and Ireland)

Grants of up to £30,000 are available per year for up to two years to registered charities for projects that improve education and health for young people in three key areas:

  • Children and young people with disabilities
  • Children and young people who are sick in hospital
  • Children and young people who are life limited (requiring palliative care)

The Foundation is a small charity and generally will not make awards of over £30,000 (per year). Funding can be requested for one-off projects or for up to 2 years work.

Applications from schools and hospitals are welcomed as long as they are made through an appropriate registered charity.

If favoured, grant applications for up to £5,000 can be approved by the Director, up to £10,000 can be approved by the Grants Committee, and applications for more than £10,000 are recommended to the Trustees for final approval.

The next deadline to apply to the DM Thomas Foundation Central Grants Programme is the 8th October 2019. The Foundation distributes a total of around £200,000 per quarter.

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Grants of up to £100,000 Available to Develop New Community Energy Business Models (England)

The Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE) has announced that Round 2 of its Next Generation Fund has opened for applications.  Through this fund, established and experienced community energy businesses in England have the opportunity to apply for grants of up to £100,000 and expert advice to develop local innovative business models in areas such as for example time-of-use tariffs, electric-car charging or battery storage; etc.

Next Generation is designed to stimulate innovation in the community business sector and will be open to a wide range of proposals.

The Next Generation innovation fund offers 3 elements of support for successful applicants:

  • Research and development support- The opportunity for successful applicants to work in partnership with the Next Generation consortium and others to develop their ideas into a business plan for an innovative community energy business.
  • Grant funding- If a strong concept, delivery plan and budget can be demonstrated in the R&D stage there is the opportunity to apply for grants of up to £100,000 to help you deliver a new community energy business model.
  • Learning and peer networking – The opportunity to be part of a peer network which facilitates learning and dissemination between the groups and the wider energy sector to help the sector to move beyond the traditional subsidy-supported approach as the Feed in tariff is no longer available and the sector needs to find new models in order to continue developing.

To apply to this fund, applicants must submit an Expression of Interest form. In the Expression of Interest form, applicants are required to describe their achievements and projects to date and the experience, skills and assets they have at their disposal. They will also be asked to describe their idea for an innovative community energy business model in their area. ​

Shortlisted groups will need to attend an interview in October 2019 (date to be confirmed). The selected groups will move on to the Research and Development phase.

In this round the CSE is looking to support five community energy businesses.

The closing date for applications is the 15th September 2019.

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£10 Million Brexit Readiness Fund Launched (UK)

The Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy has announced the launch of a new £10 million Brexit Readiness Fund to support trade associations and other business organisations in helping businesses prepare for Brexit. The Business Readiness Fund will provide grants of £25,000 and over and is open to business organisations and trade associations throughout the UK and will support events, training and the production of advice packs to assist businesses in making sure they are fully prepared for a Brexit on 31 October 2019.

Applications for grants will be accepted up to Monday 30 September 2019 and administered through a dedicated website. Funding will have to be used on activities to be completed ahead of 31 October 2019 in order to ensure they are focused on Brexit preparations and that our businesses are fully prepared for Brexit day.

Find out more here

Funding opportunities under £25,000

Grants to Enrich the Quality of Life of Sick Children in Hospitals (UK)

Wallace & Gromit’s Children’s Charity provides grants of between £100 and £10,000 to registered charitable hospitals and hospices across the UK to enhance and enrich the quality of life of sick children in hospitals. Since 2003, Wallace & Gromit’s Children’s Charity has given over £2 million in grants to 312 projects in 100 different hospitals and hospices, providing life-saving medical equipment, free family accommodation, a range of arts, music and play therapy programmes, sensory equipment and facilities and respite care. Organisations working within hospitals and hospices are eligible to apply where they have a supporting reference from the hospital/hospice itself.

Preference is given to projects conceived by and developed in hospitals and hospices that provide geographically regional health care services to a wide range of children; that are not discriminatory; and that will promote the work of the Charity in their area.

Previous projects supported include:

  • Funding to the Demelza Hospice Care for Children in Kent to provide pre and post bereavement music therapy.
  • A grant to Lister Hospital to fund a Rhino Sensory Voyager, a piece of machinery that projects coloured images into ceilings and walls, plays sensory music and has fibre optic lights, water bubbles and hand held sensory toys, helping to distract and entertain children treated at the hospital.

The next deadline for applications to the Charity is Friday 18th October 2019.

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Outdoor Learning Officer Grant Scheme Opens for Applications (UK)

The Ernest Cook Trust has announced that it is accepting applications for funding through its Outdoor Learning Officer Grant scheme.  The Trust believes that inspirational educators and mentors are key to engaging people with the environment.

The scheme provides funding to charities and not for profit organisations that want to employ learning officers/outdoor educators.  The Trust will provide up to £15,000 per year (estimated as 50% of a full-time salary including on costs) for up to three years.

Priority will be given to applications from urban and rural deprived areas and applications that include disadvantaged members of society.

The closing date for applications is the 27th September 2019.

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Genetic Disorders UK: Jeans for Genes 2020 Grants (UK)

The 2020 Jeans for Genes grant programme is due to re-open for applications on the 1st September 2019.  Funds raised on Jeans for Genes Days provide grants to disorder-specific charities and patient groups to fund projects and services for children affected by genetic disorders. Members of Genetic Disorders UK’s partnership network can apply for grants of up to £5,000 to cover day-to-day support, equipment, nursing, patient support services and events which bring together affected children and their families.

Genetic Disorders UK will accept applications from charities and patient groups that support both adults and children as long as the focus of the grant is on children. Genetic Disorders UK will also accept applications from special needs organisations such as special schools, playgroups, hospitals and hospices that provide services to children with a wide range of conditions as long as children affected by genetic disorders are the main beneficiaries of the project.

Previous organisations supported include:

  • The Scottish Huntington’s Association for a five-day Summer camp for young people affected by Huntington’s disease.
  • Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia Support Group to provide families with a DVD with the very latest information about PCD.
  • Dravet Syndrome UK to fund a family weekend away in an environment that is prepared for the serious medical issues that may arise for affected children and offering a life-line to parents.

Find out more here

British Science Week Community Grant Scheme

The British Science Week Community Grant Scheme is due to re-open for applications in late September 2019.  The scheme offers £500-£1,000 grants to community groups that run their own science activities during British Science Week (6-15 March 2020) aimed at audiences who are traditionally under-represented and currently not engaged in science activity during.

This can include:

  • People who are Black Asian Minority Ethnic (BAME);
  • People with low socioeconomic status, including people disadvantaged in terms of education and income;
  • Young people facing adversity, including those not in education, employment or training;
  • People with a disability, defined as a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term effect on someone’s ability to do normal daily activities;
  • People living in a remote and rural location, defined as settlements of less than 10,000 people;
  • Girls and women.

Note: community grants cannot be used for events or activities with school groups unless they are a special needs school. For school activities, the schools themselves, if they meet the eligibility criteria, should apply for the Kick Start Grants.

The deadline for applications will be in mid-November 2019.

Find out more here

Travel Grants for International School Visits (England)

Travel grants are now available to enable groups of secondary school pupils to visit a partner school in any country (Europe, or wider World) for a minimum of four nights. Visits can be used to enhance curriculum teaching, improve language learning or help build soft skills. Priority is given to applications that feature young people from disadvantaged backgrounds as visitors or hosts. Offered through a new £2.5 million Department for Education programme in partnership with the British Council, it is anticipated that the visits will offer up to 20 students at a time per school a truly intercultural experience. Visits must be started by 31st May 2020; the last date for applications is 14th February 2020.

Priority will be given to applications that show the school, or the group of students being visited, have significant levels of disadvantage (e.g., Pupil Premium, Opportunity Area, Index of Multiple Deprivation, Additional Needs etc) and those who will gain the most from this experience.

The trip must be centred around a visit to a partner school with the two peer groups of young people engaging on a theme and learning together. Young people are encouraged to stay with host families where possible.

Grants of up to £11,000 for the EU and wider Europe and up to £16,500 for the rest of the world can cover international travel for pupils and accompanying teachers, accommodation and subsistence, local transport and administration costs of up to £500. Grants can cover up to 100% of the total costs of the visit and it is anticipated that the average visit will comprise up to 20 pupils and 2 to 3 teachers.

Apply at any time before the 14th February 2020.

Find out more here

Funding for International School Exchanges (England)

Schools in England can apply for grants to take pupils aged 11 and above overseas. The funding which is being made available through the British Council’s International Exchanges Programme is aimed at schools with a high proportion of pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds and with above-average numbers of pupil premium students. Young people are encouraged to stay with host families where possible, giving them the best opportunity to practice their language skills and be fully immersed in another culture.

Funding is available for three different elements:

1. A short teacher pre-visit (to conduct risk assessment and plan the school exchange)

Up to 100% of the total cost. Max grant: £500 (EU and wider Europe); £1000 (Rest of the world)

2. School exchange

Up to 100% of the total cost (families of pupil premium children should not be asked to contribute)

On the basis of 20 pupils and 2 to 3 teachers, minimum 4 nights away.

Max grant: £10,000 (EU and wider Europe); £15,000 (Rest of the world)

Applications may be considered for higher numbers than this depending on particular circumstances (for example if a higher staffing to pupil ratio is required due to the needs of the pupils). Please provide details in your application.

3. Administration and management

Up to 100% of the total cost.  Max grant: £500

Overall maximum grant available per school:

For visits to EU and wider Europe: £11,000

For visits in the Rest of the world: £16,500

The grant can be used to cover the following costs:

  • travel for pupils and accompanying teachers (*)
  • accommodation and subsistence for pupils and accompanying teachers (*)
  • local transport
  • administration costs

Exchanges programme and visit can take place any time up until 19th April 2020.

Find out more here

Grants to Cover Running Costs for Small Charities (UK)

The Marsh Christian Trust was founded in 1981 with the sum of £75,000 by its current Chairman, Mr Brian Marsh OBE.  His aim was to create a sustainable way to give something back to society by supporting organisations and people who are making a difference.

The Trust supports around 300 charities every year and focuses on providing funding which could help small organisations pay for various running costs, such as volunteer expenses, training days, equipment maintenance and other core outgoings. The Trust aims to build long-standing relationships with successful applicants and, subject to an annual review, continue its support over time.

Applicants must be a registered charity with the Charity Commission for England and Wales or the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator. This does not include Community Interest Companies (CICs). Charities will be working in the areas of:

  • Arts and heritage
  • Social welfare
  • Environmental causes and animal welfare
  • Education and training
  • Healthcare

Charities must have been established for more than one financial year and able to provide a full set of their most recent Annual Report and Accounts, or the equivalent financial information if their annual income is under £25,000.

Grants are unrestricted and range from £300 to £2,000 with new applications at the lower end of this scale.

Applications are considered on the basis of the organisation’s financial position, performance against charitable aims and objectives and the ratio of voluntary income against fundraising expenses.

Examples of the support given include:

  • Core costs for Compaid, a digital skills centre in Kent that supports people with disabilities and sensory impairments
  • Glassdoor, an organisation that offers shelter to the homeless in London.

Applications can be submitted at any time.

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Kellogg’s Breakfast Club Grants Programme (UK)

The Kellogg’s Breakfast Club Grants Programme offers grants of up to £1,000 to schools in the UK to set up Breakfast clubs for those children in most need.

To qualify for the programme:

  • The breakfast club must be based in a school in England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland;
  • A limited number of grants are available so priority will be given to schools that have either:
  • 35% and above of children eligible for pupil premium funding and / or eligible for free school meals.


  • Schools that are based in an area which is classified as falling in the 10% of most deprived areas according to the Index of Multiple Deprivation. Schools can find out if this applies to their school by following the instructions which you can find here.

Additionally, if your school has received breakfast club funding from Gregg’s or Magic Breakfast within the current academic year, your club will not be considered a priority for support.

Only one grant per school in each academic year is available.

There are no closing dates and applications can be submitted on an ongoing basis.

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National Churches Foundation Grant Reopens for Applications (UK)

Churches across the UK can apply for grants of between £500 and £3,000 towards the cost of urgent maintenance works and small repairs through the National Churches Trust Foundation Grant Programme.

The Foundation Grant Programme can, for a limited time only, award grants of up to £10,000 towards urgent maintenance works and small investigative works costing up to £20,000 and will cover no more that 50% of costs.

Applications are accepted from listed and unlisted Christian places of worship, of any denomination, but particularly from those in priority areas i.e. North East England, Northern Ireland and Wales.

The next deadline is the 26th September 2019.

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Grants to Promote Latin and Roman Studies and Activities (UK)

The Society makes grants to schools to help promote Latin and Roman studies. Most of the grants are awarded for the purchase of textbooks and other books on Roman topics. The Committee also makes awards to groups and schools and museums organising lectures or study days on Roman themes, and money has recently been made available for archaeology fieldwork bursaries.

Schools that have recently been awarded funding include:

  • Hereford Cathedral School that received funding to run weekly Latin masterclasses;
  • A grant from the Roman Society enabled Feniton C of E Primary School to buy books and extra resources to help their pupils have fun learning;
  • A grant from the Roman Society enabled thirty pupils in Year 9 at Ysgol Brynhyfryd to study Classical Civilisation GCSE;
  • The Sir Robert Hitcham CEVAP School Robert which received a grant to help Year 4 pupils study aspects of the Roman invasion and its impact.

Applications from schools planning to start courses in Latin are particularly welcome. Grants usually range from £50 to £600. The Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies has announced the next closing date for applications is the 1st November 2019.

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Funding for Community Based Projects (UK and Overseas)

The Hilden Charitable Fund awards grants of an average of £5,000 to causes working at community level in the UK and developing countries which are less likely to be able to raise funds from public subscriptions.

Current UK funding priorities are: Homelessness, Penal Affairs, Asylum Seekers and Refugees, and Community Based initiatives for Disadvantaged Young People Aged 16 to 25 (to fund programmes that are helping these young people in the job market, with advice, training, volunteering and work placement schemes).

Overseas, Hilden concentrates on projects in developing countries working on community development, education, and health and particularly welcomes those that address the needs and potential of girls and women.

Only applications submitted on the form supplied on the website will be considered.

Projects funded in 2018 included:

  • Community based initiatives for disadvantaged young people (aged 16-25) such as The Furniture Recycling Project, Gloucestershire and Watford Citizens Advice Bureau for their apprentice scheme
  • Projects helping destitute refuges such as Azadi Trust Birmingham and the Destitution Project Bolton

Hilden accepts applications at any time but the closing date for applications to be considered at the Autumn meeting of Trustees is the 12th September 2019.

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Capital Grants for Theatre Improvements (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland)

The Theatres Trust’s Theatre Improvement Scheme awards capital funding as grants of up to £20,000. The Trust works in association with the Wolfson Foundation and each year funds projects with a specific theme – in 2019 the theme is to reduce their environmental impact. From sedum roofs to new windows, building management systems to more efficient water heaters, funding will be given to projects that demonstrate how a small intervention can have a big impact.

Theatres and projects of all sizes are eligible as long as they can demonstrate excellence in the pursuit of becoming an accessible theatre. Applicants must also:

  • Own or manage theatres with titles or signed leases of more than 15 years on buildings in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
  • Run a year-round programme of live performance, of no less than 30 performances a year
  • Have a bona fide UK charitable or not-for-profit legal structure and be able to provide certified or audited accounts for at least two years.
  • Operate theatres that achieve excellence through their producing and programming or architectural significance

Early stage pre-application conversations are encouraged. Application forms should be downloaded from the website and emailed to

The closing date for applications is the 13th September 2019.

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The Ouseley Trust (England, Wales & Ireland)

Cathedrals, choral foundations, parish churches, choir schools and other relevant institutions which promote and maintain to a high standard the choral services of the Church of England, the Church in Wales and the Church of Ireland have until the 28th February 2020 to apply for funding from the Ouseley trust.

Grants are available in the following areas:

  • Courses for individuals or groups
  • Endowment grants for scholarships or bursaries
  • Fees for individual choristers having places at recognised choir schools
  • Purchase of liturgical music
  • Other projects (e.g. outreach) of an innovative kind that are likely to further the object of the Trust in a direct and effective way. In very exceptional circumstances, these may include music commissions.

No maximum grants size is specified.

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Grants for Families Facing Financial Hardship Whilst Caring for a Child with a Serious Illness (UK)

Families facing financial hardship whilst caring for a child with a serious illness can apply for grants of up to £1,000 per child to fund a variety of essential items and services including (but not limited to) specialist equipment, creative therapies, hospital travel expenses, everyday items to improve the child’s quality of life, attending medical/support group conference, social activities and memberships. Applications must be completed by health or social care professionals on behalf the family and are considered at monthly meetings.

The funding is being made available through the Roald Dahl Marvellous Family Grants scheme and the next application deadline is 12pm on the 30th September 2019.

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Grants for Improvements to Small Theatres Deadline extended (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland)

Capital grants of up to £5,000 are available to small Theatres across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland to help fund urgent building repairs, environmental improvements or to improve physical accessibility.

Applications can be made by small independent, commercial, subsidised and amateur theatres and open-air venues run by charities and not-for-profit groups. Successful bids will show the value the capital improvements will make to their communities and demonstrate the impact the grant will have in realising the capital project.

The deadline for round 14 of the UK Small Grants Scheme has been extended to the 4th September at noon.

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Funding Support for Former Mining Communities (East & West Midlands, North East & North West of England and Yorkshire)

Community and voluntary groups tackling key challenges that still affect the top 30% most deprived coalfield communities in England can apply for a grant of up to £10,000.

To be eligible, projects need to address one of three themes: Skills; Employment; or Health. Grant requests can include a maximum of £2,000 capital costs. A total of £125,000 will be available in this funding round for projects. To apply, organisations need to complete an eligibility survey to determine whether the applicant organisation/group meets the criteria to apply for funding from the Coalfields Regeneration Trust (CRT).

The Eligibility survey re-opens on the 16th September 2019 and closes at 5pm on 29th November 2019. The deadline for applications is 13th December 2019 at 5pm.

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Grants to Promote and Secure Better and Safer Roads (UK)

Grants and bursaries of between £5,000 – £25,000 are available for research, education and community projects with the aim of promoting and securing better and safer roads in terms of design, engineering and aesthetics including enhancements of the experience of road users. Funded activity includes courses leading to qualifications related to traffic engineering and transport planning, research projects and programmes or schemes to improve the highway network and the roadside environment, for example roadside parks and open spaces.

Deadlines for applications to the Rees Jeffries Road Fund are two weeks before trustees’ meetings. The next meeting is the 3rd December 2019.

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Funding for Financial Literacy Projects (UK)

The MSE Charity has announced that its grants programme has re-opened for applications. The charity gives grants to not for profit organisations that deliver activities which make a lasting impact on how people think, behave and manage their money. During this funding rounds grants are available to not for profit groups and charities assisting people experiencing bereavement, redundancy, retirement, relationship breakdown and homelessness, etc. Grants of up to £5,000 are available.

Preference is given to projects that show innovation and that are replicable. The closing date is the 30th September 2019 or when 40 applications have been received.

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Funding for Environmental Apprenticeships and Scholarships (UK)

The Ernest Cook Trust has announced that it is accepting applications for funding through its Apprenticeships and Scholarships Grant scheme. UK-based Registered Charities, Community Interest Groups, Not-for-Profit organisations and State Schools can apply for grants of between £500 and £10,000 per student per year to support environmental work-based training programmes, placements and academic studies. The Ernest Cook Trust will consider funding for the full period of the scheme, pending annual reviews and submission of the annual monitoring report.

Apprenticeship and Scholarship programmes should have an emphasis on environmental engagement eg. education about the land, food production, climate change, engineering technology, renewable energy, understanding nature and biodiversity and developing skills to ensure meaningful connections with the natural environment.

The closing date for applications is the 27th September 2019.

Find out more here