Funding Insight Newsletter 03.03.2020

Published Tuesday 3 March 2020 at 14:48

This insight outlines a range of funding opportunities open to the public sector, businesses, community groups etc.  Regular funding opportunities are also available via the websites below:

Arts Council Funding Finder

National Lottery Grant for Heritage

Big Lottery Fund

Community groups can now access potential grant funding opportunities through the free Blackburn with Darwen Open4Community online search tool.

Register and find out more

For all Blackburn with Darwen Council funding bids

Please check whether match funding is required, if it is please contact and inform your Finance colleague.

Funding opportunities greater than £100,000

Funding to Improve Health Care within Communities

The Health Foundation has announced that its Common Ambition programme has opened for applications.

Funding of between £300,000 and £500,000 is available to support up to five teams across the UK for two to three years to improve health care through collaboration between those who use health services and those who deliver them. The funding will be available to support collaborations between providers of NHS services and voluntary or community sector organisations, such as charities or social enterprises.

The Health Foundation is holding events to offer advice on how to apply for the Common Ambition programme and to support potential applicants to connect with partner organisations. The next event will be held in London on 10 March 2020.

The events are important opportunities to find out whether an idea fits with the aims of the Common Ambition programme and to improve the quality of an application. The Health Foundation recommend that potential applicants attend one of the events. However, the events are not a compulsory part of the application process.

For those unable to attend either event, the Health Foundation will hold a webinar on 12 March 2020.

The closing date for applications is the 20th March 2020.

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Road Safety Trust Major Themed Grants programme Opens for Applications

The Road Safety Trust has announced that its Major Themed Grants Programme is now open for applications.  For 2020, the theme is ‘How can technology be used to reduce road offending and improve road safety?’

The aim of the Road Safety Trust is to focus on engineering, infrastructure and technological measures, while recognising the contribution of education and enforcement to these measures.  Eligible projects might include evidence reviews, trials, rollouts, evaluations and support for the profession through guidance or other resources.

The Trust are committing to funding projects which:

  • Generate new knowledge about what works
  • Translate ideas into new measures
  • Influence Road Safety Policy and Practice
  • Support partnership working or collaboration

UK-based organisations, public and professional associations, registered charities and university departments may apply for grants.  Grants are available for up to two or three years depending on the programme and these can range from £10,000 up to £200,000.

The Road Safety Trust also run a Small Grants Programme.  This is currently closed for applications.

The closing date for applications is 5pm on the 14th May 2020.

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Funding to accelerate the use of 5G in Creative Industries

The Government has announced that from early March, bidders can apply for funding from a new £30 million competition which will look at how 5G could boost creative industries including film, TV, video games, logistics and tourism.

This is alongside announcing the nine projects who successfully bid for a share of £35 million from the rural and industrial 5G competitions.

This funding comes from the £200 million 5G Testbeds and Trials Programme, part of Government’s long-term strategy for meeting its digital connectivity targets, outlined in the Future Telecoms Infrastructure Review.

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New £3 Million Fund to Boost Health in Disadvantaged Areas

The King’s Fund in partnership with the National Lottery Community Fund has launched a new £3 million Healthy Communities Together programme to empower voluntary and community sector organisations and the local health and care sector to work together to boost the health and wellbeing of their communities.

The programme is open to applications from groups of voluntary and community organisations and public sector organisations working together in a local area in England and is designed to target areas experiencing the most disadvantage. The fund will operate across six different locations in England.

The programme consists of two phases. In phase 1, a maximum of six areas will receive up to £50,000 funding from The National Lottery Community Fund and a package of learning and development support from the King’s Fund for up to nine months to develop their partnership and project plans.

At the end of this phase, each site will be invited to apply for phase 2 of the programme for further funding and support. Successful partnerships will receive up to £450,000, as well as ongoing learning and development support from The King’s Fund, over a further three years.

The closing date for application for phase 1 is the 27th March 2020 with projects for phase 1 are projected to start in July 2020.

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Building Resilient Local Economies

The programme aims to build a more resilient, fairer and sustainable economic system. Organisations working within the UK who want to help transform financial systems into ‘engines for social benefit’ can apply for grants through the Foundation.  Grants in the past have been up to £200,000 to cover capital or revenue funding, core costs or project costs. Activities funded will fit closely with the aims of the Foundation and deliver one of two key outcomes.

These are:

  • “Systems Change”
  • “Local Economic Resilience”

Under ‘Systems Change’, the Foundation will be looking to support projects that develop and demonstrate methods that will effectively change policy and corporate behaviours in pursuit of wider social objectives.

Under ‘Local economic resilience’ the Foundation is looking to support projects that share learning about effective ways for communities to create more sustainable economic systems and retain more of the value generated. This might include creating community assets or new approaches to local finance.

Previous organisations supported include:

  • SUSTAIN, which received a grant of £75,000 for a concerted three-year campaign, drawing on the support of many people and organisations to achieve changes in government policy and industry practice to create a million good jobs though better farming and land-use.
  • ECHO, a trading network of over 500 organisations in East London that uses time as the currency, rather than money. This project received a grant of £140,000 and aims to develop and refine the infrastructure for local, sustainable Echo systems at national scale.

The next deadline for applications to the Friends Provident Foundation – Building Resilient Economies programme is 12 noon on the 20th April 2020.

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Funding for Areas Least Engaged in Arts and Culture

The Arts Council of England has launched the 2nd funding round of the Creative People and Places Fund.  Through the programme, the Arts Council is allocating at least £39 million between 2020-24 to places identified as the ‘least engaged’ in arts and culture across England, according to the Active Lives survey November 2015 to May 2017.  A link to eligible areas is at the bottom of this page.

Projects eligible to apply must be led by consortia of organisations and must include community groups and/or grass roots organisations as well as cultural organisations such as museums, libraries or arts organisations. Other partners might include clubs, housing associations, private sector organisations or universities.

Existing Creative People and Places cannot apply to this fund for additional activity in their current area. However, they can apply for an expansion to cover one of the new eligible areas.

Between £1,000,000 and £2,000,000 is available over four years for new programmes, which are not part of an existing Creative People and Places expansion programme.  Grants of between £750,000 and £1,750,000 over four years for places are available areas covered by a current Creative People and Places expansion. Matched funding of at least 25% need to be provided by the applicant.

The closing date for applications is 12pm on the 26th March 2020.

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Funding opportunities between £25,000 and £100,000

Widening Access to Dementia Care and Mental Health Support

Hospice UK has announced that capital grants of up to £40,000 are available for projects that improve the physical environment within which adult and children’s hospices deliver care. The grants will seek to address inequality and widen access to hospice care for people with dementia or a mental health condition.

This can be through a number of ways:

  • Putting into practice the recommendations or findings from an organisational or local scoping exercise
  • Piloting a new project based on a robust needs assessment
  • Responding to national policy or research evidence.

Total available funding in this grant round is £200,000. Hospice UK expect to award between five and seven grants in this round.

The deadline for applications is 5pm on the 20th April 2020.

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Enovert Community Trust

The Trust is committed to supporting community and environmental projects, such as improving community halls, creating new children’s play areas, restoring green spaces and habitats, and enhancing community sports and recreation facilities.

Funding is available to non-profit making organisations, constituted organisations or groups within 10 miles of a landfill site operated by Enovert Management Limited, or within ten miles of a waste facility managed by the company.  These are located primarily in South West England, the West Midlands, South East England and East of England.

Most grants are up to £50,000 but there are no maximum or minimum grant levels given.

To discuss the project before submitting it, please contact Angela Haymonds, Trust Secretary, Enovert Community Trust, PO Box 3138, Slough SL3 9ZH, or email:

The Enovert Community Trust has announced that the next closing date for funding applications is the 7th April 2020.

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Funding for Capital Projects in Secondary Schools and Sixth Form Colleges

From the 1st May 2020, high achieving secondary schools and colleges will be eligible to apply for a grant towards the cost of capital projects through the Wolfson Foundation’s Funding for secondary schools & sixth form college’s programme. Secondary schools and Sixth form colleges are eligible to apply for grants of between £15,000 and £100,000.

Grants of between £15,000 and for £50,000 are available for equipment projects and grants of between £15,000 and £100,000 are available for new build and refurbishment projects.

The Wolfson Foundation’s Secondary Education Programme is primarily dedicated to supporting the teaching of A-Levels and GCSEs at high-achieving state-funded schools and sixth form colleges. The Foundation funds capital projects and in the past allocated approximately £1.75 million each year to new build, refurbishment or equipment projects related to the teaching of science, computer science, design & technology, art, languages, music and performing arts.

Schools and colleges that have reached a level of excellence determined by a combination of criteria, but mainly through the receipt of an outstanding Ofsted assessment (or regional equivalent) are eligible to apply.

Note: Special schools or special colleges should visit the Funding for special schools and colleges area of the Foundation’s website for grant opportunities.

Awards made in 2018 include:

  • Biddulph High School, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire: £50,000 for New servers and network equipment
  • Silverdale School, Sheffield, South Yorkshire: £50,000 towards a New science laboratory
  • Shoreham Academy, West Sussex: £35,000 for IT equipment for music and art

There is a two-stage application process. Stage 1 applications are submitted online, via the online portal for applications. Please note applicants will need to register an account before starting an online application.

The deadline for stage 1 applications will be the 10th June 2020.

Stage 2 applications will be via invitation only.

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Funding to Help Develop Community Businesses

Disadvantaged and under-represented communities that want to develop successful community businesses by issuing community shares, can apply for development grants of up to £10,000 and equity investments of up to £100,000.

The funding is available to both new and existing community businesses.  The funding is however not suitable for newly formed community groups that are in the early stages of developing a community business proposal.

The funding is being made available through the Community Shares Booster Programme.  The funding will be in the form of equity held on equal terms with other community shareholders.

The programme is run by the Community Shares Unit, a joint initiative between Co-operatives UK and Locality. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, with grant and investment decisions made within eight weeks of application.

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Grants of up to £30,000 available to Support Disadvantaged Children

Not for profit organisations such as special schools; registered charities; voluntary organisations; churches; and community interest groups; etc. can apply for grants of up to £10,000 per year for up to 3 years for projects that help children and young people overcome the effects of illness, distress, abuse or neglect; disability; behavioural or psychological difficulties; and poverty and deprivation.

Projects funded through BBC Children in Need aim to make a difference in children’s lives that help prevent or overcome the effects of the disadvantages they face. Projects achieve these differences by either working directly with children or seeking to improve their social and physical environments.

The closing date for applications is 11.59 pm on the 16th March 2020.

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Funding to Help Develop Community Businesses

Disadvantaged and under-represented communities that want to develop successful community businesses by issuing community shares, can apply for development grants of up to £10,000 and equity investments of up to £100,000.

The funding is available to both new and existing community businesses.  The funding is however not suitable for newly formed community groups that are in the early stages of developing a community business proposal.

The funding is being made available through the Community Shares Booster Programme.  The funding will be in the form of equity held on equal terms with other community shareholders.

The programme is run by the Community Shares Unit, a joint initiative between Co-operatives UK and Locality. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, with grant and investment decisions made within eight weeks of application.

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Funding opportunities under £25,000

Funding Available to Increase Engineering Knowledge among Young People

The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) has announced that its Engineering Education Grant Scheme has re-opened for applications.

The Engineering Education Grant Scheme (EEGS) supports UK-based educational projects that nurture and support the increase of engineering knowledge among young people between the ages of five to 19. The scheme also supports projects that improve wider engineering literacy.

Any organisation able to develop and deliver STEM activities to a local UK audience is eligible to bid for funding. This includes schools, science communicators, youth clubs, science festivals, museums, science centres, STEM based companies, FE colleges, Higher Education Institutions and members of the IMechE and IET.

There are two levels of funding available. Awards of up to £5,000 are available for standard applications to the fund, and a small number of awards of up to £15,000 are available each year for projects that aim to make a bigger impact.

Projects funded in the past have included Dismantle and Discover, led by Loughborough University and Loughborough Secondary School, involving student role models who set up an engaging after school club giving children the skills, enthusiasm and confidence to take up STEM subjects.

The deadline to apply is the 27th March 2020.

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Funding for Projects to Increase the Employment Skills of People Aged 11 or Older

Grants of up to £5,000 are available to registered charities to assist with specific projects or core activities that support literacy, numeracy, digital and additional skills for people aged 11 or older in order to increase their employment prospects within the UK.

The funding is being made available through the Thomas Wall Trust.

To be eligible the applicants must:

  • Be a UK charity that has been registered with the Charity Commission for at least 3 years
  • Be a project or running costs for a charity that equips people (aged 11 and over) with the skills ready for employment
  • Have an annual turnover of less than £500,000

Annual repeat funding for up to 3 years – subject to satisfactory annual reviews of progress and impact

The closing date for submitting an expression of interest is the 25th March 2020. Applicants successful at this stage will need to complete a more in-depth Stage 2 application.

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Funding to Encourage Young People to Study Science Subjects

In response to the much publicised skills gap in the British engineering industry, the Ironmongers’ Foundation wishes to support initiatives that encourage talented young people under the age of 25 to study science subjects at school and go on to pursue engineering-related further education or vocational training.

The funding is available to registered or exempt charities within the UK, with a preference for urban areas outside London and particularly areas in the north and midlands with a manufacturing presence.

Activities must be additional to those funded by government or other sources e.g. covered by school budgets. The Foundation prefers to support smaller projects where its contribution can make a real difference.

The next closing date for applications is the 1st April 2020

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Thomas Wall Trust Launches Digital Skills Grants Programme

The Thomas Wall Trust has announced that to mark the Trust’s 100th Birthday it is launching a new grants programme available to organisations working towards improving basic digital skills for people in need.

The programme aims to equip adults (aged 18 and over) with basic digital skills for work and life, helping them access the online world. Grants of up to £5,000 are available.

The funding is available to not for profit organisations and charities based in the UK that have been established for at least three years with an annual turnover that does not exceed £500,000.

Priority will be given to:

  • Projects that link digital skills with employment opportunities.
  • Match funded projects.
  • Organisations that can provide compelling evidence of impact.
  • Organisations working with collaborative networks.

The closing date for applications is the 31st March 2020.

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Grants Available for Young People to Celebrate UK’s Native Plants

Grow Wild is an organisation that brings people together to value and enjoy UK native wildflowers and fungi has announced that young people aged 14 – 25 can apply for grants of up to £500 to come up with a creative idea to celebrate and share why UK native plants and fungi are so special.

The funding is available for young people to undertake a wide range of activities including:

  • transforming a space in their local community;
  • photography;
  • music;
  • drama;
  • dance;
  • film;
  • visual arts;
  • planting;
  • experimenting: science and other interests.

Young people in London can also apply to create an artistic wonder to exhibit at a new London landmark, the new skyscraper at 70 St. Mary Axe. Applicants will need to be available on the 1st Oct 2020.

Young people will need a supporting organisation to apply on their behalf.  This can be a youth, community or education-focused organisation.

The closing date for applications is 1pm on the 30th March 2020.                                                                     Find out more

Funding Available to Music Creators to develop their Career

Help Musicians UK has announced that the Do it Differently Fund has re-opened for application.  The Fund helps independent, entrepreneurial music creators to build their career. Grants are offered under the following two strands:

  • Recording & Releasing
  • Touring & Live Development

Grants of £500 – £3,000 can cover professional development opportunities and creative projects at a crucial point in the artist’s career. Successful applicants will also be able to access a suite of wellbeing and development services worth up to £2,000, including business development sessions, education around “healthy” touring practices, online CBT and wellbeing tools, specialist-hearing assessment, bespoke hearing protection and short-term treatment of performance-related conditions.

Please note that PR & Marketing and Equipment costs can only account for up to 50% of the total grant request. For example, if you apply for the full grant amount of £3,000, a maximum of £1,500 can be allocated towards PR & Marketing and Equipment. Applications exceeding this limitation will be regarded as ineligible.

The fund is open to emerging and professional musicians of all genres and disciplines, with a focus on independent music creators who can evidence self-sufficiency in one or more aspects of their career (e.g. self-managing, self-releasing, self-producing). Applicants can be a solo artist, composer, group member, songwriter, producer or a multidisciplinary artist. Bands or ensembles of up to 6 members can also apply.

Applicants must be aged over 18, based primarily in the UK and be eligible to work here and been a resident in the UK for at least 3 consecutive years and also have an active career and track record.

The fund is currently closed but will re-open for applications on the 27th April 2020.

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NFU Mutual Community Giving Fund

Charities, schools, and community groups can apply for grants of up to £1,000 through the NFU Mutual Community Giving Fund. The fund is available in areas that are local to NFU operations in the UK.

Applications are likely to be more successful if they meet one or more of the funds priorities. These are:

  • Connecting the community; reducing social isolation, providing opportunities, and encouraging resilience
  • Providing care and support to vulnerable members of our community
  • Relieving poverty; improving the health and wellbeing of our communities
  • Advancing education and experiences for young people

Priority will also be given to:

  • Requests that are supported by NFU Mutual staff members or one of their local branch offices.
  • Beneficiaries that have not been given funds previously.

The next closing date for applications is the 31st March 2020.

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Magic Little Grants 2020

Online fundraising platform Localgiving, together with the Postcode Community Trust will be launching this year’s Magic Little Grants programme on the 10th March 2020.   Small charities and community groups will be able to apply for grants of up to £500 to support and inspire people to participate in sports or exercise.

To be eligible applicant organisations will need to have an annual income of below £250,000 or be in their first year of operation. A total of 900 grants will be available.

Localgiving members will be notified via email when Magic Little Grants launches and will be able to complete the 10-minute application process via their charity account on the Localgiving website.

Organisations who are not members of Localgiving will also benefit from an annual membership funded by Postcode Community Trust, which will provide them with access to Localgiving’s suite of online fundraising tools. To be notified once the Magic Little Grants application process has launched, please sign up to the Localgiving newsletter here.

Previous projects funded include:

  • Flamingo Chicks, who received a grant to provide sensory kits for disabled children to attend dance classes.
  • Featherstone Rovers Foundation, who received a grant to deliver a range of activities to encourage more young people to try Rugby League.
  • Happy Wanderers Ambulance Organisation who received a grant to provide free transport for older people and wheelchair users to access local physical activities.

Applications can be submitted at any time until the 31st October 2020.

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Greggs Foundation Local Community Projects Fund

Not-for-profit organisations developing local community projects are being offered the opportunity to apply for a grant of up to £2,000. Any not for profit organisation working to reduce disadvantage experienced by the most deprived people in the community such as the disabled, those living in poverty, voluntary carers and isolated older people can apply. The fund is open to applications to organisations with a turnover below £300,000 per year.  Those organisations located near to a Greggs shop are most likely to receive awards.

The Greggs Foundation Local Community Projects Fund distributes around £1.8 million per year to organisations throughout England, Scotland and Wales. The Foundation supports projects that improve resilience within communities. This can include sessional activities/respite support, equipment for sessional activities, trips and residential breaks. New approaches and innovative ideas as well as sustainable approaches to supporting communities are welcomed. All projects must support a community of interest, i.e. people who are:

  • Disabled or suffering chronic illness
  • Living in poverty
  • Voluntary carers
  • Homeless people
  • Isolated older people
  • Other demonstrable significant need

Successful applicants will have demonstrated improvements against at least one of the following Key Performance Targets:

  • Beneficiaries have decreased social isolation
  • Beneficiaries report improved health and wellbeing
  • Beneficiaries report improved resilience/coping mechanisms
  • Beneficiaries have improved life skills
  • Beneficiaries have improved opportunities

Use the shop locator on the Greggs website to find the nearest shop.

The Fund will re-open for applications on the 2nd March 2020 and close on the 8th June 2020.

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Funding for Women’s and Disability Football Teams

The Football Foundation has announced that its “Grow the Game” grant scheme has re-opened for applications.

Through this funding round grants of up to £1,500 are available from organisations wishing to set up women and girls football teams and disability teams.

Applications are welcome from not for profit organisations that are planning to set up two new football teams over the next two years. To be eligible for funding organisations must have a signed constitution (with a dissolution clause), child protection policy, equal opportunities policy, bank statement and income/expenditure records. The type of activities that can be funded include (but are not limited to):

  • Facility hire
  • Referees fees
  • CRB checks
  • Affiliation fees
  • League entry
  • Promotion and publicity
  • FA coaching courses
  • Additional courses
  • Football kit/equipment through a bespoke voucher

Organisations are able to receive a grant of £1,500 per new team created over two or three years with financial support being reduced in the second or third year of the project.

For any enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact

The closing date for applications is the 31st May 2020.

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Music Grants for Older People

The registered charity, Concertina which makes grants of up to £250 to charitable bodies that provide musical entertainment and related activities for the elderly.

The charity is particular keen to support smaller organisations which might otherwise find it difficult to gain funding. Concertina has made grants to a wide range of charitable organisations nationwide in England and Wales. These include funds to many care homes for the elderly to provide musical entertainment for their residents. Some of the charities that have received grants from Concertina include:

  • Theatre Chipping Norton to help fund high calibre music recitals in six Care Homes in the area.
  • Sue Ryder Care, Lancashire to fund access to music therapy workshops at Birchley Hall near Wigan and St Helen’s.

The next deadline for applications is the 30th April 2020.

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Grants of up to £15,000 for Science and the Arts Projects

Organisations (preferably with charitable status) based in the north-west of England are invited to submit imaginative proposals for projects that encourage and promote the study, practice and appreciation of science and the arts. Awards of usually £500 to £15,000 are made 3 times a year (with the average award being around £3,000).

The aim of the Granada Foundation is to make the north-west of England region (including Cheshire Greater Manchester, Lancashire, Merseyside and Cumbria) a richer and more attractive place in which to live and work. Currently, applications for capital and revenue costs from projects that will engage and inspire people of all ages to take an interest in science are particularly welcome.

The Foundation is not currently accepting applications for large-scale capital projects.

Awards are unlikely to cover 100% of project costs. Previous awards have been made to support a wide range of projects and have included, for example:

  • The Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths Network (STEMNET) received a grant of £4,000 to purchase STEM Club boxes for use in after school science clubs across the region.
  • Contact Theatre received £60,000 over three years to support the redevelopment of the theatre.
  • Blackburn Cathedral Trust received £2,000 for a Music Outreach project.

Please note the Foundation have recently taken a decision not to accept any applications for large-scale capital projects for the time being.

Organisations wishing to apply please email brief details in the first instance to If the project meets the funding criteria a full application pack will be sent by email.

The next closing date for applications is the 15th April 2020.

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Grants to Promote and Secure Better and Safer Roads

Grants and bursaries of between £5,000 – £25,000 are available for research, education and community projects with the aim of promoting and securing better and safer roads in terms of design, engineering and aesthetics including enhancements of the experience of road users. Funded activity includes courses leading to qualifications related to traffic engineering and transport planning, research projects and programmes or schemes to improve the highway network and the roadside environment, for example roadside parks and open spaces.

The Rees Jeffries Road Fund Grants awards grants that:

  • Contribute to the cost of lectures, studies and scholarship calculated to foster the improvement of design and layout of public highways and adjoining land
  • Promote schemes for the provision of roadside parks and open spaces
  • Encourage the improvement of existing and provision of additional public highways, bridges, tunnels, footpaths, verges, and cycleways…. to secure the maximum of safety and beauty.

Priority is given to projects which lie outside the scope of other funders such as government agencies and research councils. The Fund also welcomes applications that include contributions from other funders.

Eligible applicants include educational institutions, charities and social enterprises. There is no upper or lower limit for grant applications although grants most commonly fall in the range £5,000 – £25,000.

Grants awarded in 2018/19 included:

  • CIHT: £10,000 towards an exhibition to promote Women in Transport
  • SATRO: £2,500 to support work to help young people to be inspired and enthusiastic about their education and their future careers especially in the area of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM)
  • Plantlife: £18,233 to develop a new national ‘best practice’ standard for the management of roadside verges.

Deadlines for applications to the Rees Jeffries Road Fund are a little over two weeks before trustees’ meetings. The next appropriate meeting is the 21st April 2020.

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Royal Society of Chemistry – Outreach Fund Small Grants Scheme

Individuals and organisations such as researchers, museums, schools, community groups, not-for-profit organisations, arts groups and libraries can apply for grants of up to £10,000 to run chemistry-based events and activities for public audiences and in schools.

Applications for school’s engagement activities should demonstrate how the proposed activities will:

  • enrich student’s chemistry education and not solely deliver the curriculum
  • provide students with opportunities to explore chemistry through local contexts, and/or
  • demonstrate career opportunities and develop employability skills, and/or
  • provide opportunities which would not normally be accessible to the students taking part, e.g. for hard-to-reach student audiences.

Applications for public engagement activities should demonstrate how the proposed activities will:

  • increase chemists’ visibility as approachable people and/or
  • increase the publics’ confidence in discussing chemistry and/or
  • demonstrate the relevance of chemistry to everyday interests and concerns.

The Outreach Fund is split into two categories: small grants – up to £2,000 and large grants – between £2,000 and £10,000.

Previously funded projects include “Cool chemistry at the seaside” where the Society awarded a grant of £2,000 to volunteers in Ramsgate who transformed an empty town-centre shop into a makeshift theatre, delivering free chemistry demonstrations to anyone.

The closing date for applications to the small grants programme is the 11th May 2020.  The closing date for the large grants programme is the 14th September 2020.

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