Free vegetarian food festival to be held in Blackburn

Published Monday 16 April 2018 at 14:47

Inter Madrassah Organisation (IMO) is presenting its first ever community celebration of international vegetarian food.

The free event is open to vegetarians, doubters, meat eaters and the ‘not-so-sure’. The main event will be a variety of tasty and exciting vegetarian dishes prepared by local businesses and community organisations for people to taste. There’ll be recipe cards, children’s activities, workshops, demonstrations and a whole host of samples covering a range of cuisines.

The event is being held on Monday 7th May 2018, 11am – 4pm, at Revidge Fold United Reform Church, Shear Brow, Blackburn, BB1 8DS.

Working with Revidge Fold URC and their associated churches, IMO has also invited Stone Soup Café along to demonstrate how food waste can be reduced. There’ll be a vegetarian ‘Bake-Off’ competition and a car boot sale alongside mehndi and face painting. Children will be invited to decorate their own vegetable hat and take some vegetable seeds home.  IMO are also inviting the community to donate their favourite recipes and a selection of these will be used to create a community recipe book after the event.

Ann Hedley of IMO said: “We’re so privileged to have gained funding from the National Vegetarian Society to bring this along to the people of Blackburn. National Vegetarian Week is 14th – 20th May and coincides with Ramadan this year.  We want to show people that vegetarian food isn’t all baked potatoes and salads and we have contributions that people can taste and enjoy before committing to paying for ingredients. It’s a fun, friendly community day and it’s about the people of Blackburn and how vegetarian food can be both tasty and nutritious.”

For more information visit: