Free fitness MOT for over 60s

Published Thursday 4 July 2019 at 10:55

Re:fresh BwD will be running a free functional fitness MOT and advice session for the over 60s at Blackburn Sports and Leisure Centre on Thursday, 11 July 11 – 4pm.

The fitness MOT will include strength, balance and flexibility assessments with tailored advice and action planning to prevent future falls.

National statistics show one in three people over 65 falls at least once a year, with most falls happening in the home or garden and often resulting in an emergency hospital admission.

Re:fresh are also running a free monthly drop-in class on Wednesday from 9 – 4pm. Appointments can also be made via the Wellbeing Service on (01254) 682037. It’s available to those over 60s with a low-to-medium risk of falling.