Free falls advice for over 60s

Published Wednesday 5 June 2019 at 13:49

Over 60s from Blackburn and Darwen can get information and support on preventing falls via a free balance and strength advice session.

Provided by Blackburn with Darwen’s re:fresh team, appointments are available to book at various locations across Blackburn with Darwen including:

  • Care Network Hub, Blackburn
  • Darwen Health Centre
  • Darwen Leisure Centre
  • Witton Park Arena

National statistics show one in three people over 65 falls at least once a year, with most falls happening in the home or garden and often resulting in an emergency hospital admission.

The risk of falls for older people is particularly high and especially affects people with long-term conditions, such as diabetes or heart disease, people taking four or more different medicines, and people with sight or hearing difficulties.

During the appointments participants may be given simple exercises to do at home, be signposted to a local community chair-based exercise class or be advised to attend a 16-week balance and strength course.

As a result of these sessions the re:fresh team hope to help make everyday activities easier; increase confidence and reduce fear of falling.  They can provide a safe space for exercising under expert supervision; give advice on other beneficial exercises and reducing risk of future falls as well as giving an opportunity to talk to other people who have the same experiences, helping keep people motivated and have fun.

Councillor Brian Taylor, Assistant Executive Member for Public Health and Wellbeing, said:

Having a fall can be scary but most falls can be prevented by improving balance and strength. All of the exercises people will do in our classes will help with daily living tasks such as walking, dressing or carrying shopping. I would advise anyone with any concerns to contact us and see how we can help you.

For more information or to book an appointment contact Blackburn with Darwen Council’s Wellbeing Service on: (01254) 682037 or visit: