Published Friday 20 April 2018 at 16:33
A carbon monoxide awareness workshop will take place at Blackburn Central Library on, Tuesday, May 1st
The event will start at 9.30 am finishing at 12.30pm and includes a free buffet lunch.
Workshops are aimed at staff and volunteers from organisation across the borough that delivers their services in homes of vulnerable people. Exposure to even low levels of carbon monoxide in someone’s home has been linked to a greater risk of falling, as well as early signs of dementia.
The workshop is part of Gas Safety’s pledge to delivering workshops across the UK in 2018
To book a place on this free course please visit https://bit.ly/2GbQB2d and complete the booking form no later than Wednesday, April 25th.
For more information call Hilary on 07813 977798 or Simon on 07549 956376 or alternatively you can email: thinkco@gassafecharity.org.uk