Fly tipper fined over £700 for dumping rubbish from car

Published Monday 17 May 2021 at 10:51

Mr Mohammed Saleem, 41, of Dundee Drive, Blackburn has been fined £712.50 for dumping rubbish from his car.

Mr Saleem appeared at Blackburn Magistrates Court on 27 April and pleaded guilty to the charges.

The offence occurred in the Audley area of Blackburn in November last year when Mr Saleem was caught on CCTV dumping several bags of waste onto a grass verge.

The court charges were broken down into a £400 fine, £250 costs and £62.50 victim surcharge.

Cllr Jim Smith, Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council’s Executive Member for Environment, said:

The Council won’t tolerate fly tippers and litter louts and this offence has resulted in a large fine for the person involved.  If you’ve waste to dispose of do it properly – take it to the Household Waste Recycling Centres in Blackburn or Darwen, or use the Council’s low-cost bulky item collection service.  Don’t just dump your rubbish in the street for someone else to clear up.

Most people in Blackburn with Darwen care about their environment and are doing their best to keep our borough free of litter and waste.  If you know someone who is fly tipping, littering or allowing waste to build up outside their property, get in touch with our Environmental Waste Crime team to investigate. We take all reports seriously and will investigate and take action to protect our borough.

You can report waste crimes on the Council website:

If you have waste at your home that needs removing, you can contact the Council’s low-cost bulky waste collection service, with prices starting from just £7.50.  Simply book an appointment with our team and they’ll come and collect the bulky waste from your home.  Find out more on the Council website: