FALLSTOP Campaign Goes on the Road

Published Friday 20 March 2015 at 12:49

The first FALLSTOP roadshow event was held at the Spring in Your Steps over-50s luncheon group at Spring Vale Methodist Church, Watery Lane, Darwen on Thursday 19th March, 1-2pm.

The event was the first of a series of fall prevention mini-events at community gatherings across the Borough, following on from the successful FALLSTOP Challenge events in Blackburn and Darwen town centres.

The Council’s FALLSTOP team used the event to inform attendees how to ‘fallstop’ themselves, their homes and the people they know or care for, and how to access Council fall prevention services, if applicable.  The group were also shown a number of basic balance improving exercises that they could use to help keep themselves on their feet and stay active.

Councillor Mohammed Khan, the Council’s executive member for health and adult social care, said:

“The FALLSTOP campaign has been a great success so far and we have experienced a significant rise in enquiries to the Council’s Wellbeing services.  Our roadshow of mini-events is set to take the FALLSTOP messages right into the community.  As falls tend to affect more people as they get older, the roadshow is aimed at community groups in the area focussed on people in the 50+ age range.”

Full hints and tips on fall prevention are available in the Council leaflet “FALLSTOP: Keeping you on your feet in Blackburn with Darwen” available at www.refreshbwd.com/.

For more information, contact the Council’s health and wellbeing advisers, who will be able to put you in touch with the service you need on 01254 682037 or email wellbeing@blackburn.gov.uk.