Event to recruit Community Emergency Response Volunteers

Published Thursday 2 March 2023 at 11:25

The Blackburn with Darwen Council team that responds to emergencies like fires and water or power outages is recruiting Community Emergency Response Volunteers – and there’s an event next week for anyone who wants to find out more.

A Civil Contingencies event will be held on Thursday 9th March at Bank Top Neighbourhood Learning Centre in Blackburn, between 4pm and 6pm.

The event provides residents with an opportunity to learn more about volunteering as part of a team that works with other agencies in emergency situations to make sure vulnerable people are supported and communities have the right information in a crisis.

A number of volunteer roles are available, including Community Emergency Response Volunteers and Community Champions who are key links with their local communities, plus Emergency Response Group Members and Loggists who can capture actions and decisions in an emergency response phase.

Current volunteers will be at the event on 9 March to share their experiences, as well as a key speaker.

Coun Mahfooz Hussain, Executive Member for Digital & Customer Services, explained:

We have robust plans in place for emergency situations, such as water or power outages, flooding and fires. But when an emergency hits, additional support from people living within the communities affected is incredibly valuable to us in making sure that we’re reaching residents with information and help.

We already have a team of dedicated Community Emergency Response Volunteers, but would like to recruit more from right across the borough. We need people with the skills and knowledge of their local area to support local emergency plans, and support fellow residents during an emergency.

Becoming a Community Emergency Response Volunteer isn’t a huge time commitment – you may only be called upon once every few years. By volunteering to support us in an emergency, you will be helping to strengthen our response and contribute to recovery from emergency situations faster.

You don’t need to book a place on the Civil Contingencies recruitment event – just drop in any time between 4pm and 6pm at Bank Top Neighbourhood Learning Centre in Arthur Way, Blackburn BB2 1QP.

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