Event drums up support for foster care

Published Monday 19 May 2014 at 14:07

Shoppers stopped in their tracks when Blackburn with Darwen Council’s fostering team staged a high profile – and noisy – stunt in The Mall today (Friday, May 16) as part of national Foster Care Fortnight (May 12-25).

Around 60 Council staff banged drums and other instruments loaned by the school music service during the three-minute lunchtime event outside Primark, attracting a large crowd.

Their ‘Banging the Drum for Fostering’ event aimed to raise awareness of the urgent need to recruit 20 new foster carers to look after vulnerable children and young people , from babies to teens.

Head of Permanence Karen Barrick said: “Our ‘bang the drum’ event certainly got the attention of people shopping in the Mall, who literally did a double-take when the noise started. It was a brilliant way to attract attention for our cause – the need to find more foster homes for Blackburn with Darwen children so that they can stay in their local community in a safe and loving environment.”

If you missed the event, there’s the chance to find out more about fostering at a drop-in fostering information evening on May 29, 6pm-8pm, at Shadsworth Children’s Centre, Shadsworth Road, Blackburn, when there will be the opportunity to speak to social workers and existing foster carers.

For an informal chat about fostering in Blackburn with Darwen or to receive an information pack, please contact freephone: 0800 328 6919 or visit the website, www.letsfoster.co.uk for more information.

Listen to Chief Executive Harry Catherall, Head of Service Karen Barrick and Director of Children’s Services Linda Clegg talk about the ‘Banging The Drum for Fostering’ Flashmob in The Mall.

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