Emmy Award Winner to appear at next First Thursday

Published Wednesday 26 March 2014 at 12:50

This month’s First Thursday sees Emmy awarding winning filmmaker and ‘local lad done good’, David Barnes, hosting a session about his career in film making.

Blackburn born, David Barnes, has made music videos for the like of Suede, Johnny Marr and also won an Emmy for his documentary portraits of children with disabilities and medical conditions.

He will be giving a talk at Blackburn Museum as part of Blackburn Is Open’s First Thursday event on April 3 from 6-7pm.

The free session, ‘In Conversations with David Barnes’ sees the filmmaker talking about and playing some of his creations.

It continues the First Thursdays’ theme of celebrating successful people working in the creative industries.

First Thursdays are the latest step for the Blackburn is Open scheme in putting the town back on the map as a vibrant and unique place to visit and shop.

The events, which will take place on the first Thursday of every month, will see the town centre come alive with food, fashion and film.

Backed by design guru Wayne Hemingway, Blackburn is Open is a commitment to wage war on empty shops, offices and spaces in Blackburn Town Centre with premises given over to entrepreneurs with ideas that revolve around ‘making’.

Also taking place on the next First Thursday, Fashion House, the hothouse for would be fashionistas, will return to the pop up arts centre.

At 65 King William Street, from 4-8pm, it will see people making and selling their own clothes and accessories.

Next door at the pop up cinema, Blackburn College’s media centre will carry on the theme of music videos with a carefully curated selection of videos which students have filmed over the years featuring the likes of The Charlatans and Biffy Clyro.

The newly opened Nicola Hebson’s Curiosity Shop on Town Hall Street, that stocks one of a kind taxidermy treasures, will be hosting a ‘Mad Hatter’s Tea Party’.

Next door, Weave, the independent streetwear shop will also be opening late, offering refreshments, discounts and hosting their own DJ.

Blackburn with Darwen Council’s Executive member for Regeneration, Councillor Maureen Bateson, said: “We are delighted that successful people from the town like David Barnes and Wayne Hemingway are keen to get involved with Blackburn Is Open and to celebrate their roots.

“By sharing their success stories and the benefit of their experience they will help inspire the next generation to pursue a career in the creative industries, which offers a wealth of opportunity.”

Visit the First Thursdays website for more information and a full programme of eventswww.firstthursdayblackburn.wordpress.com