Darwen Market to be dressed for town’s annual party

Published Thursday 3 May 2018 at 13:40

Hundreds of children and young people are getting crafty to fly the flag for the annual Darwen Live festival.

They will create lots of colourful bunting to decorate Darwen Market and Annex during the festival which takes place from May 26 to 28.

Schools taking part include Avondale Primary in Darwen and Year 1 teacher Aimee Robinson said:

We jumped at the opportunity to be involved.

We love the idea of the project and know that our children will enjoy it and make beautiful bunting that Darwen can be proud of.

The project is part of a partnership between Darwen Market and Crafty Vintage which is which is bringing the first Makers of Market Square craft and vintage fair to Darwen.

The fair will be at Darwen Market Square from 10am to 4pm on May 26 when the pupils’ bunting will also be flying.

Laura Johnson from Crafty Vintage said:

Our ethos is about creating a social gathering where like-minded folk can meet, socialise, share ideas and gather inspiration.

We live locally and are keen to embed Crafty Vintage events into the community of Darwen.

This project is a great way of encouraging and showcasing the creativity of Darwen’s children and young people while inspiring those who come along to see it.