Council welcomes progress of new care service

Published Thursday 14 January 2016 at 11:56

Council leader Councillor Mohammed Khan, Executive Member for Health and Adult Social Care, Councillor Mustafa Desai and Ewood ward member Councillors Jamie Groves, Maureen Bateson and Jim Casey have warmly welcomed progress on the EachStep Blackburn care home being built on the old Infirmary’s Memorial Wing site.

Councillor Khan said:

It is great to see things are progressing well. I was very impressed by what I saw on the tour. I am very pleased to see such investment being brought into the borough and I am also very pleased about the number of jobs this development could potentially create.”

Councillor Desai said:

I am delighted to see the progress of this important development. This is exactly the type of facility we need in this borough. Our older people deserve the highest quality services and when built, this care home will offer exactly that.”



Councillor Groves said:

I am very pleased to hear the facility will be very much part of the community with local residents able to enjoy many of the site’s amenities. I was pleased to hear further details about the plans for the memorial garden. As a ward councillor, I believe it is very important the history of the site is recognised, remembered and retained in some way. I am pleased the builders will incorporate that history in the new facility.”

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