Council statement on new national lockdown

Published Monday 4 January 2021 at 21:02

The Leader of the Council, Councillor Mohammed Khan, has released a statement on England’s move into a new national lockdown.

The Government has published a summary of the restrictions.

Councillor Khan said:

“It’s incredibly disappointing that we have gone into another full national lockdown especially after our residents and businesses have been under different restrictions for many months.

However, given the extremely worrying infection rate rises, we support these further measures and the clear stay at home message for everyone.

We will be looking through the full details and update our residents and businesses on local implications on our channels. I urge all residents to follow the rules.

But equally importantly I urge the government to use this time to ensure the vaccination programme is delivered as fast as possible, that we get the data we need to support the NHS with this, that government vastly improves the national test and trace system and puts in place sufficient support and funding so our communities and businesses can get through this.

There is light at the end of the tunnel but all indications are that it will get worse before it gets better.”