Council bosses show their support for the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal

Published Wednesday 10 November 2021 at 17:31

The leader of the Council, Councillor Mohammed Khan, and Chief Executive Denise Park visited the pop-up unit in The Mall in Blackburn to give their backing to the Poppy Appeal.

The Royal British Legion is running a unit dedicated to raising money for the 100th Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal in The Mall which will be open until Sunday, November 14th.

The organisation, and the appeal, are celebrating their 100-year milestone this year and the pop up shop is a base for volunteers and gives shoppers the chance to learn more about the work of the charity.

In 2020 a staggering £5,300 was raised for the Poppy Appeal in The Mall, despite the unit being forced to close early due to the second national lockdown.

It will be open every day until Sunday, 14th November, and will be selling poppies and accepting cash and contactless payment donations.

Cllr Khan said:

It was wonderful to pay another visit to the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal unit, especially as we prepare for Remembrance Day tomorrow and look ahead to the services this weekend.

I am really pleased it is in a prominent spot in the town centre and I hope more people can go along and take a look before it closes on Sunday. The money raised is so important for veterans and their families and really does so much good.”

Denise Park added:

The shop looks really impressive and it is a great way to promote not only the Poppy Appeal but also the Royal British Legion’s 100th year anniversary and celebrations. It really seems to have made an impression on people visiting the unit. The volunteers have done an absolutely wonderful job and their work around this and the Remembrance Day services is hugely appreciated.”

For further information and advice on how to support the Royal British Legion’s 2021 Poppy Appeal please visit: