Published Tuesday 25 March 2014 at 12:46
Blackburn with Darwen Council is backing the UK’s first-ever Family Safety Week, running all this week.
Developed by RoSPA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents), the week is designed to help people protect themselves and their loved ones from accidents –the biggest cause of preventable death in the UK.
In Blackburn with Darwen, reducing accidental injuries to improve the lives of all our residents is a major priority.
A multi-agency accident prevention strategy for the borough is currently being developed which local residents will be consulted on.
Each day of Family Safety Week is devoted to a different theme:
Monday’s theme focused on 0-5s – looking around your home from a child’s point of view; Tuesday: Older children – developing water safety skills by learning to swim; Wednesday: Teens and young adults – helping learner drivers; Thursday: Adults – becoming safer drivers at work; Friday: Older people – preventing falls.
In Blackburn with Darwen there are a number of services available which tie into some of Family Safety Week’s themed areas:
Blackburn with Darwen Children’s Centres can help and support to reduce the risk of accidents for children aged 0-5. Children’s centres provide a range of services and activities for young children and families which can be accessed either at the centres, in the community and in families own homes. Contact (01254) 667877 for more details.
In Blackburn with Darwen, weekly swimming lessons are available at Darwen Leisure Centre, Waves Water Fun Centre and Daisyfield Pools; for all experience levels from beginner to advanced and across all ages from pre-school through to adults. For more information phone (01254) 662619.
The Blackburn with Darwen Falls Prevention and Rehabilitation Programme is also available to anyone over 65 who lives or is registered with a GP in Blackburn with Darwen. The programme is for anyone who has a history of falling, has had a recent fall, has a fear of falling, is at risk of falling or has reduced mobility. The qualified falls prevention team offer a targeted exercise programme which helps people to maintain their health, independence and quality of life. For more information contact the Wellbeing Service on (01254) 682037.
Elsewhere, parents can find out more information on RoSPA’s ‘Helping L Drivers’ website, which is full of information and advice for parents and carers about how to ensure their children get the most benefit from their period as learner drivers. www.helpingldrivers.com/
You can find out more about RoSPA’s Family Safety Week at www.familysafetyweek.org.uk/ and get involved by completing the RoSPA 2014 National Accident Survey www.familysafetyweek.org.uk/survey.htm
Make your pledge to reduce accidents locally on twitter using #BwDSafe @RoSPA.
Councillor Mohammed Khan, Executive Member for Health and Adult Social Care, said: “Family Safety Week is about giving good advice about accident prevention that enables people to live life to the full. Finding out about some of the common causes of accidents and the simple steps you can take to prevent them could be one of the most important things you do for your loved ones. Contact any of the above local services during this week, or at any other time, and they will help you to do this.”
Filed under : children | Councillor | Family Safety Week | Mohammed Khan