Coronavirus impact: Planning applications

Published Friday 17 April 2020 at 16:50

Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council is still running town planning and building control services during this time – but with some changes.

We are following Government safety advice and so have currently suspended all Planning and Highways committee meetings until further notice.

In line with the safety guidelines, we are looking at how we could hold virtual meetings for the Committee.

Here are the new guidelines for planning applications:

Planning application submissions

The Council is still accepting planning applications. Applications can be submitted electronically, either through the Planning Portal or via email to

During these times you are strongly advised to submit your application through the Planning Portal.

Any applications received via post may experience some initial delay so you may receive your acknowledgment later than usual.

Recently submitted a planning applications

Planning application submissions will still be reviewed within the statutory 8-week or 13 week period where circumstances allow. If this is not possible, the planning case officer will contact you directly to discuss, and an “Extension of Time” will be agreed.

Commenting on planning applications

Comments can be submitted online via email to, quoting the application reference number in the subject field.

You can also submit any comments in writing via the post, but you are advised that there may be delay in the case officer receiving these.

Applications scheduled to go to a Planning and Highways Committee

Until further notice, all applications will be determined by the Director of Growth and Development in accordance with the current Scheme Of Delegation pursuant to the Council’s Constitution. Should your application require to be determined by the Committee in accordance with the Scheme of Delegation, please contact the case officer or Head of Development Management to discuss the progress of your application.

Site visits

Planning and building control officer site visits will be limited and officers will be required to follow the government restrictions.

Planning case officers will not be entering properties or sites, and if needed where possible will be requesting photographs from the applicants/agents to assess the application. Building control officers will be visiting sites where possible, and you are advised to contact them via email at .

This position will be reviewed in accordance with the Government restrictions.

If you have any queries regarding the above please contact the Head of Development Management, Gavin Prescott via email –, or Head of Building Control, Nick Bargh, via email –