Published Friday 20 March 2020 at 16:49
Government have now issued a list of‘key workers’.
The Council, which is the Local Education Authority, has been working with Blackpool and Lancashire County Council to clarify school provision for children who have parents classed as ‘key workers’.
The Lancashire Resilience Forum (including Lancashire, Blackpool and BwD) has agreed that, if at least one parent of a child is a key worker their child or children will be able to attend school.
Head teachers are now working on establishing numbers of children who will need to be in school next week and working up plans to safely accommodate.
Jo Siddle, Blackburn with Darwen Council’s Head of Education, said:
“The Council and the borough’s school leaders are working through the details behind the Government’s announcement to close schools, to inform arrangements for the delivery of education to Blackburn and Darwen’s school children in the coming weeks.
“As always in Blackburn with Darwen there is a great community spirit in such difficult times.
“Throughout recent weeks we have been providing regular guidance, advice and support to help our schools navigate their way through these challenging times.
“The Secretary of State has outlined that schools need to be open for children of emergency workers, including health staff, delivery drivers, all first responders and social workers. Schools are also to remain open for our most vulnerable learners including students in care, those who have a social worker and those with Education, Health and Care Plans.
“Across Blackpool, Lancashire and Blackburn with Darwen – Education teams have been working together to develop a joined up approach regarding school closures.”
Councils and schools are advised that children who do not have parents or carers classed as ‘key workers’ should remain at home with appropriate care.
Education officers are working closely with head teachers to help them navigate what this means for each individual school and how they can work to continue to support the most vulnerable members of staff and children.
Early years providers, sixth form and further education colleges are expected to do the same.
Government have asked that where possible, education settings to stay open throughout the Easter holidays for children whose parent/s are ‘key workers’.
Cllr Maureen Bateson, Executive Member for Children, Young People and Education, said:
“We know this is an extremely worrying and uncertain time for everyone.
“There is a lot of detail to unpick and we are working through that and await further details from the Government. However, with both pupil and staff absences the strain on our schools has been starting to show in the past few days, with many schools unable to continue to function fully.
“Schools are a safe place for children, and it’s the right thing to focus on vulnerable children. We need to ensure that key workers can continue to support and meet the needs of Blackburn and Darwen’s residents.
“We have since had confirmation that schools will be given the flexibility to deliver meals or provide shop vouchers to children entitled to free school meals if they are no longer attending school, either due to closures or as a result of self-isolating at home.
“Schools will be able to provide meals or vouchers for supermarkets or local shops, which can be sent directly to families who are either self-isolating at home or whose schools are closed on government advice.
“Final rates will be confirmed in the coming days, but the voucher value for each eligible child will exceed the rate that schools are paid for free school meals, recognising that families will not be buying food in bulk and may therefore incur higher costs.
“We will support families who are struggling financially to get through these times, with our partners and will continue to lobby Government for meaningful packages of support that go further.
“Our schools family will get through this together and I would like to thank all our dedicated teachers and staff working in our schools, colleges, nurseries and children’s centres for keeping going during these difficult times.”
Parents will be advised by their own schools regarding continuing education and should go to their school websites for further information. Please use your usual school contact details for further guidance if required.
New free school meals guidance