Community transport decision

Published Friday 20 February 2015 at 15:34

Following an extensive consultation exercise, Blackburn with Darwen Council has made the decision to cease its community transport service from March.

However, the Council has worked hard to identify  alternative provision in the borough to meet the demand of current community transport service users.

The Council has to find a further £19m of savings in 2015/16 and the community transport consultation was one of several service reviews being undertaken. The Council has had to make £100m worth of cuts since 2010.

Councillor Maureen Bateson, Executive Member for Regeneration, said:

The cuts we are being forced to make means we have to make very difficult and unpalatable decisions.

This is a decision we have not taken lightly. We know this is an important service that is why we undertook this extensive consultation to make sure people had the chance to have their say and that is why officers have worked hard to identify if there is enough alternative provision of the borough.

We will now write to all community transport users to inform them of the decision and tell them about other transport options which will be available.