Published Monday 14 December 2020 at 18:19
A targeted programme of testing people without COVID symptoms is starting in the borough this week to reduce the spread and protect people.
This a sustained targeted programme to be rolled out over the next few months to increase testing and reduce the spread of the virus in the borough.
The programme will initially focus on adult social care and children’s social care staff but will soon be widened to other groups.
Boosting testing opportunities is a key part of the Council’s strategy to get into a lower tier.
Known as a Lateral Flow Test, the results can be given in around thirty minutes, as they don’t need to go to a laboratory for testing.
Up to a third of people may display no symptoms, but are still infectious and can still spread the virus. It is vital to break these chains of transmission, so we can bring infection rates down and bring back some normality for people and businesses in the borough.
The tests will take place at King George’s Hall in Blackburn and are being co-ordinated by the Lancashire resilience Forum and involves logistics support from the army. It is part of the government’s national drive to continue to increase testing capability.
More details will be announced shortly about how people can access these tests in the borough as the programme is rolled out.
This method of testing is similar to Liverpool, but will focus on working with communities and areas with high numbers of infections, in order to try to bring our rates down and help the move to a lower tier of restrictions. Wider public testing is planned as part of the later stages.
The tests are not compulsory, but people are encouraged to get a test if offered one This is one way we can all do our bit and help to get our lives and the economy in Lancashire back on track.
A sustained programme will be carried out over the next few months, including more local contact tracing, as well as additional support for communities and individuals who are struggling.
If you have symptoms, then you can book a free test by calling 119, book online at www.gov.uk/get-coronavirus-test or through the government’s NHS Covid app.
Filed under : Community testing | covid | Lateral Flow Testing