Come along to event and have your say on traffic in Blackburn town centre

Published Wednesday 30 April 2014 at 14:36

Blackburn with Darwen Council is reviewing its town centre movement strategy and wants to hear the views of businesses, residents and workers.

It has a “blank sheet” on what changes need to be made for pedestrians, cyclists and motorists.

The Council wants to hear what people like, dislike and would like to see changed in and around the town centre.

The consultation started on April 2nd and will run for 12 weeks.

A consultation drop in session is being held at Blackburn Central Library, 1st Floor meeting room, on Thursday May 1 between 5pm and 7pm. No need to book, just turn up.

The strategy is being reviewed because Blackburn town centre has changed dramatically during the last decade; the needs of businesses, motorists, pedestrians and cyclists often differ, and new development opportunities and destinations are changing the way people and businesses want to use the town centre.

Brian Bailey, Director of Regeneration, said: “We know that people have strong opinions about the town centre, how it has changed and what needs reviewing for the future. Come along to the meeting and have your say.”

Join the debate on facebook– or to respond to the consultation in other ways, please, telephone on (01254) 588958 or write to Julia Simpson, Regeneration Department, Room 413, 4th Floor, Town Hall, King William Street, Blackburn, BB1 7DY.

An additional consultation leaflet can be downloaded here.