Published Wednesday 4 October 2017 at 12:05
Following the large fire at the former V10 Polymer plastics mill in Blackburn, a clean-up operation has been launched.
Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council has been working with Lancashire Fire and Rescue and the Environment Agency to clean-up debris from the fire which has littered neighbouring properties.
The site has been re-secured by the owners and is being monitored on their behalf by a private security company.
The Council, Police and Fire Service have asked the local community to remain vigilant. The site remains hazardous and unsafe and people are being urged to stay away from the site.
As a result of the fire a small amount of asbestos cement board has spread into the area.
Specialist contractor LAR ltd www.larltd.com has been commissioned on behalf of the Council to carry out the clean-up operation.
Public Health and Environmental Protection experts have advised that risks to health remain low and there is unlikely to be any adverse exposure to asbestos following fires involving asbestos cement sheeting. However it is important any material is removed as a sensible precaution and as part of the wider clean-up of the site following the incident.
Specialist works are also underway to break-up the plastic piles and make the site less hazardous.
Cllr Jim Smith, Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council’s Executive Member for Environment, said:
I would like to reassure residents that this Council has been in constant contact with Fire and Rescue Service colleagues and partner agencies, such as the Environment Agency and Public Health England in terms of the need to monitor the situation carefully and provide information to the local residents.
Officers along with fire officers and Environmental Protection colleagues have been keeping residents and local businesses up-to-date, with further visits taking place today to give people information on the next steps.
Letters and a frequently asked questions fact sheet are also being hand-delivered to local residents and businesses. Fire officers and Environment Agency officers are also carrying out a door-knock in the area to keep people updated on the works being carried out.
The Council is working with Lancashire Fire and Rescue to support their investigation.
At the height of the blaze, over 70 firefighters were at the scene to tackle the fire.
An investigation has been launched by Lancashire Fire and Rescue to establish the cause.
We would urge the community to report any anti-social behavior or suspicious activity to the Police on 101 or the Fire Service on 01772 862545.
The Council’s Environmental Protection Team also are available to answer any questions or queries regarding the clean-up operation on: (01254) 267699