Christmas kindness for care leavers

Published Friday 23 December 2022 at 14:04

Care Leavers Christmas gifts are currently being distributed after generous donations from local businesses and partner agencies.

Almost 3,000 pounds was raised to purchase gifts for 200, 21-25 year olds leaving care from Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council.

The gifts were sent to a local Children’s Centre to be distributed nationally.

Although some of the children are still living in the borough, many are away at university, some work away, others have moved areas and are living independently in all walks of life.

The kindness and generosity of donors is invaluable to care leavers.

Cllr Julie Gunn, Executive Member for Children’s, Young People and Education, said:

We are extremely grateful for all the generous donations provided, it makes such a difference to our young people especially during these difficult times.

Strategic Director of Environment and Operations Martin Eden added:

Thank you so much to the Highways management team and to the Local Council Roads Innovation Group (LCRIG) for their efforts in raising almost £3,000 from a wide range of generous suppliers and contractors which work with the Council’s Highways service.