Published Monday 30 September 2019 at 13:49
Blackburn with Darwen Council has launched a new campaign to highlight its successful Healthy Relationship groups.
The Council was one of 12 local authorities chosen by the Department for Work and Pensions to pilot services to reduce parental conflict on a local level.
As part of its scheme, a free, seven-week Healthy Relationship group has been made available to parents – whether they’re living together or separated and co-parenting.
The programme aims to offer support by encouraging them to communicate better and understand how unresolved conflicts impacts on their child.
The new campaign aims to build on its success by promoting the groups right across the borough.
Councillor Maureen Bateson, the Council’s Executive Member for Children, Young People and Education, said:
We all know that arguing is a normal part of everyday life in relationships.
But, when it escalates and the conflict isn’t resolved, it can have a huge impact on children, young people and the whole family.
Here in Blackburn with Darwen we have fantastic support available for parents who may be facing difficulties in their relationships – whether they’re still together or co-parenting.
Research shows parental conflict can impact on a child’s long-term mental health and future life chances.
Cllr Bateson added:
The free Healthy Relationship groups run across all of our children’s centres in the borough and more than 100 couples have already accessed the scheme – with really good feedback from those who’ve attended.
This new campaign aims to promote it further and I’d encourage parents to contact us if they think it’s something they could benefit from.
Ultimately, our goal is to ensure better outcomes for the children and young people in our borough and, working closely with parents, we can help make a real difference.
Crèche facilities are provided at each of the Healthy Relationship groups.
One dad who recently took part, Vincent Charnely, described the programme as ‘life-changing.’
The 33-year-old from Blackburn, said:
The programme helped me reflect on myself as a dad and has had a really positive impact on my relationships with my children.
Communication right across the family has improved and I can honestly say I’m now a better dad.
I would highly recommend it.
A nationwide programme, based on the success of the local pilot areas, is now set to be launched by DwP.
For more information about the groups in Blackburn with Darwen, visit: http://bwdfamily.org.uk or ring: 01254 585000.