Campaign raises awareness of adult abuse

Published Friday 2 December 2016 at 11:43

As part of the Baiter Sehat project One Voice and the Adult Safeguarding Board have created a leaflet and poster specifically aimed at the South Asian community.

The materials were produced after consultation with the South Asian community in Blackburn and Darwen through workshops and focus groups.

Safeguarding and protecting adults includes highlighting a case if something is worrying you about how an adult is being cared for.

Abuse includes physical, psychological, sexual, financial and neglect.

Blackburn with Darwen has a Safeguarding Adults Board made up of representatives from the council, various health representatives, police and the voluntary community and faith sector.

One Voice have also created two community ambassadors who will be promoting the areas of Adult Abuse and Safeguarding.

Faz Patel MBE is one of the ambassadors. He said:

I am pleased to be supporting One Voice as an Adult Safeguarding Ambassador. We need to ensure that our community is aware of any adult abuse and know how to report it.

The leaflet will be distributed to South Asian households and in community centres. Promotional adverts will also be featured on bus shelters.

Dawn Walmsley, Lead for Adult Safeguarding will speak at schools and community groups about these issues. Dawn said:

Adult abuse can happen to anyone by anyone at any time, we want to raise awareness of what adult abuse is and how to seek support and/or advice. Safeguarding adults from abuse is everybody’s business.

Sadia Rafiq, Lead of the Baiter Sehat project said:

There is low awareness of adult abuse in the BME community and this poster is designed to reach out and help those that might be in need. All adults have the right to be safe and to live a life free from abuse. It is important that we raise awareness of the facilities available to help vulnerable people so they know they are not alone.