Calling all creatives to celebrate key workers!

Published Tuesday 14 July 2020 at 12:19

An exhibition that will put a spotlight on the efforts of key workers during the coronavirus pandemic will come to Blackburn next year.

Artists, photographers, writers and musicians are being called upon to help display their appreciation of the ‘Unsung heroes of COVID-19’ through their artwork.

The exhibition will capture the key workers who have worked tirelessly and often put their own lives on the line during the past few months.

The idea for the project came from 48-year-old local artist and cook, Michelle Clayton. She works for the Council as a key worker at the children’s centres and has worked throughout the pandemic providing meals to children.

Michelle is one of the many staff that are being celebrated through the Council’s Worker Bees campaign which launched on Friday, July 10.

She said:

 I had the idea while outside clapping for the NHS. I knew that there were other heroes we should be celebrating too – and I wanted to do more than just clap.

After seeing paintings featuring nurses in PPE on social media, I decided that I could capture the unsung heroes using all forms of art – a collection of all those who deserve to be recognised during these strange times.

I got in touch with my creative friends to join me in starting this exhibition to capture the human side of the Coronavirus pandemic, which will go down in history. All those who have been working through it need to be recognised and thanked.

Councillor Mohammed Khan, Leader of the Council, said:

Key workers have supported so many people during the Coronavirus pandemic.

From nurses and doctors, to supermarket staff and delivery drivers, they all have put themselves at risk to keep everyone safe.

I am happy that these workers will get the recognition they deserve through this exhibition.

The plans are for the exhibition to take place in Blackburn some time in May 2021, but that is yet to be decided. The collection should hopefully be ready to view sometime next year.

If you would like to get involved, take a look at the Unsung Heroes Facebook page where you find all the contact details.