Published Friday 12 June 2020 at 17:00
Shops across Blackburn and Darwen are re—opening on Monday and welcoming people back in – but there will be some changes.
Following closures due to the coronavirus crisis, shops and retail can open their doors again from Monday, June 15th after closing in March.
Our shops are ready to welcome you back – but this must be done safely, and we all have our part to play to make sure we keep ourselves and others safe.
The Council is working with partners including Blackburn BID, The Mall and The Hive to make our boroughs as safe as possible.
Signs have been placed around Blackburn and Darwen shops and town centres to help you navigate the new system.
In Blackburn town centre there will be one-way systems, hand sanitiser stations and Safety Ambassadors to help keep you safe.
All visitors are urged to:
- Wash and sanitise your hands regularly
- Give other people space and make sure you socially distance
- Wear a mask or face covering if you can or if travelling in on public transport
- Stay home if you feel unwell
New guidance, signs and regulations will be in place to help shoppers and visitors move around safely and to keep a safe distance from others to help prevent the spread of the virus:
- Please be prepared to queue for longer than usual – this is due to social distancing
- Follow signs on the floor along with signs advising distancing.
- There will be additional signs to help people queue in busy areas
- Please go cashless if you can
- Only pick up things or try on items you are sure you are going to buy
- Messages advising on safety will be displayed on bus shelters and the screens in Blackburn town centre.
- Blackburn Bid Ambassadors will be in Blackburn town centre next week to help advise visitors
- The Council’s Public Protection and the BID have sent out support and guidance to business to help them open as safely as possible.
The Mall shopping centre will be operating a one-way system and only certain entrances will be open.
Blackburn and Darwen Markets will also be operating a one-way system. Access to Blackburn Market will be via Church Street and the exit will be via Ainsworth Street by the bus station. The usual seating will not be available so food stalls will be offering takeaway only.
In Darwen, there will be no parking on Market Street for safety reasons and the footway is therefore wider. This will help shoppers to queue on the footway and pedestrians to pass in the extended footway.
If visiting shops and town centres, please plan your journey ahead of time, and if you are using public transport make sure you have a face covering and the correct money to avoid unnecessary transactions.
Councillor Phil Riley, Executive Member for Growth and Development, said:
We are well prepared to start re-opening our town centres safely and gradually, but there are restrictions in place and this may stay that way for some time.
Our shops and town centres in Blackburn and Darwen, and others all over the country, are unlikely to go back to how they were before the coronavirus crisis. Retailers, workers, shoppers and visitors alike will need to adapt to this new environment. We ask for your continued patience as we all adapt to the new circumstances.
Everyone has been working incredibly hard at short notice to make this happen and keep things as safe as possible, but we will need your help too. If we all observe these new rules the we can stay as safe as possible.”
Filed under : Blackburn | coronavirus | Councillor | Darwen | High streets | Phil Riley | re-opening | shops | Town Centres