Published Wednesday 6 July 2022 at 9:26
Blackburn with Darwen Children’s Services are running a recruitment and information event to help find the next cohort of Children’s Social Workers.
At the event you are welcome to have an informal chat or attend an interview on the day- the choice is yours.
Anyone interested is welcome to drop in on the day with priority for interviews going to those who have booked a slot in advance.
The event is taking place on Saturday 16th July between 09:00 and 13:30.
BwD’s Strategic Director will be giving a short presentation at 10:00 and 11.30 to introduce you to Blackburn with Darwen and talk about the excellent support and development opportunities on offer. Light refreshments and tours of the building will be available.
There are positions available for newly qualified staff undertaking their ASYE, as well as for more experienced Social Workers and Advanced Practitioners in a variety of teams (safeguarding, Children in our Care, fostering, to name but a few).
The Council offers excellent training and development opportunities, flexible working options, family friendly policies, access to the local government pension scheme as well as a well established and supportive ASYE programme with individually assigned mentors.
Julie Gunn, Executive Member for Children, Young People and Education at Blackburn with Darwen Council, said:
We are a small Unitary authority and that means that if you are successful in joining us you will be part of a caring and cared for Children’s Services family. Where dedication and commitment is valued and support for the workforce is a priority, because we believe that a cared for and supported workforce is crucial in supporting the needs, aspirations and ambitions of our children, young people and their families.
If you would like to be interviewed on the day, please bring relevant ID and evidence of your Social Work qualification. Entry to the building is via the staff entrance on Duke Street.
Blackburn with Darwen is a diverse and exciting borough that is on a journey of aspiration and ambition. We can’t wait to welcome you on our journey. Our young people are the future of our borough and we are committed to support them from birth and through their journey to becoming adults.
The event is free for anyone interested to pop down or you can book an interview slot online.
Filed under : recruitment; social worker; event