Blackburn with Darwen joins calls for vital crisis funding to be extended

Published Thursday 29 February 2024 at 14:47

The Council is lobbying the Government to extend the crucial Household Support Fund (HSF) for struggling families and households in the borough.

BwD is joining organisations including The Children’s Society, Trussell Trust, Barnardo’s, the Local Government Association, and other councils across the country, to call on the Government to extend the Household Support Fund, which is due to end in March.

A letter has been sent from the Leader of the Council, Cllr Phil Riley, to the Chancellor Jeremy Hunt to urge him to carry on the fund in the new financial year.

The fund, which started in 2021, was set up for Council’s to give support to people who are struggling with the current cost of living, including food and bills.

This includes families, pensioners, unpaid carers, care leavers and people with disabilities who are struggling at the moment. This could include help with your energy, water, broadband and phone bills, as well as other essentials such as food, clothing and hygiene products.

Other areas of help include boiler inspection and energy efficiency (if you are a homeowner), reduction of utility bills, white goods and children’s beds, support to reduce your outgoings and to increase your income and help to stay healthy and well.

In the last year Blackburn with Darwen has directly supported more than 4,000 households including families with children.

There has also been a wide range of support through schools, targeted support given to carers via The Carers Service and for older people through Age UK, and work with the most vulnerable in the community.

Without this funding there are concerns there will be a major gap in support which could severely affect the health and wellbeing of children, families and vulnerable adults.

Cllr Phil Riley, Leader of Blackburn with Darwen Council, said:

Continuing this funding is vital for our residents who are most vulnerable and have the lowest incomes.

I am especially worried about the impact of not extending it will have on our borough’s children. A core mission of this Council is to make sure every child has the opportunities to fulfil their potential.

But without this funding continuing, I have grave concerns there will be a major gap in support which could severely affect Blackburn with Darwen children’s health, wellbeing and life chances.”

Cllr Julie Gunn, Executive Member for Children, Young People and Education, said:

In BwD the Household Support Fund has helped families at a time of financial crisis after years of austerity and the news that it might end is very worrying.

We have used it to reach as many families as possible, and this has ranged from the introduction of the School Food Grant where schools and nurseries were able to offer increased delivery of free school meals to additional pupils, as well as introducing and maintaining breakfast and after school clubs with fresh food. We have also had open “Pantries” within schools with free ingredients for family cooking clubs and the Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) scheme which helps children in the school holidays.

In failing to extend the HSF, the government seems to think that the cost of living crisis is over but we know that with an additional 2 million children living in poverty since 2010, the need for this help will not end when the HSF ends in April.”

Mark Russell, Chief Executive of The Children’s Society, said:

The Household Support Fund has provided a vital safety net for so many families facing financial crisis and destitution. 

We have seen it provide a wide range of support such help when a family has a sudden job loss, bereavement or boiler breakdown.

We are asking the public to write to their MP to call on the Government to take action and extend the fund so families in crisis aren’t left without support.” 

You can join the campaign to keep the Household Support Fund here: