The team from The Festival of Making. On the left: Presenter Jodie Prenger, beside Sponsor Jane Shaw from University of Central Lancashire. Photo: Brian Slater.
Published Friday 9 November 2018 at 15:08
Blackburn came out a shining star in this year’s Lancashire Tourism Awards – picking up two prestigious awards for its National Festival of Making and its Cathedral as a cultural hub.
Cllr Phil Riley, Blackburn with Darwen Council’s Executive Member For Regeneration, said:
It is a great honour for our borough to be recognised with these highly regarded awards, once again shining the spotlight on all the creative work that goes on here.
We work very closely with our partners and key stakeholders to continue to develop a new creative offer to ensure that we grow and prosper as a borough and continue to move forward and attract people to live, work and visit here.
People from far and wide talk extremely positively about the town. This is down to ongoing regeneration, the commitment of our people, and without doubt the major events like the National Festival of Making that have attracted people from all over the country.
Blackburn’s National Festival of Making has also been recently shortlisted for two UK festival awards: https://www.festivalawards.com/shortlists-2018/
For the full story on the Lancashire Tourism Awards please see: https://www.lancashiretourismawards.com/2018/11/08/lancashire-tourism-awards-2018-the-winners-revealed/